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Unit 1 Old friends, different choices

Vocabulary Task


A It’s been 10 years since I saw you last. I was able to travel and see the world. And I never got stuck being a housewife!

B Things are going great for me these days. I finally settled down and got a real job. Now I work 9 to 5 at a neighborhood store.

C Life has sure treated me well. I put myself through school. I was able to work my way up in a company. And then I started my own business.

Listening Task

First Listening


1. He went overseas for graduate school and is working at a high-tech company. 2. She was in a few beauty contests, but she never won. She now has two children.

3. He works at the neighborhood post office and has two children. 4. She’s the branch manager at the local grocery store.

2)second listening Answer

1. He missed his home.

2. She hopes her daughter will become a model. 3. He loves his family.

4. She’s proud of her new job. Script

1. A: Jim, I can’t believe it-wow! I haven’t seen you since we graduated from high school! What have you been doing?

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B: Well, after I went overseas for graduate school, and I had a great time. But finally I had to come home and get a real job in a high-teach company. B: Yeah,I remember you always wanted an international lifestyle.

A: Oh, I had a great time overseas, but I got home-stick, too. 2. A: Carol, is that you? B: Yes, it’s me!

A: Oh, it’s so good to see you! You know, Carol, I remember you always wanted to be a famous model and travel around the world. Did it happen?

B: Well, no. I was in a few beauty contests, but I never won, and nobody ever offered me a modeling contract. A: Oh, that’s too bad.

B: Yeah, but now I guess I’m too old, and I have two young kids, a boy and a girl. You know, maybe my daughter will get to do it some day. 3. A: What have you been up to over the years, Ed?

B: Well, I have two beautiful children now and work 9-5 at the neighborhood post office.

A: Hmm, I remember you always wanted to be a professional race car driver—What happened?

B: The closest I’ve come to that is driving a Porsche over 100 mph on the Autobahn. No, my greatest achievement is my family. 4.A: So, Nora, how have you been?

B: Remember when we were in high school, I worked part-time job there. I’ve been there ever since. B: Yeah?

A: So when I graduated it seemed natural to get a And I’ve been working my way up. Now I’m the branch manager. I’m making more money than some people who have college degrees!

Real World Listening

1. Predict Answers

travel, old boyfriends, family, career 2. Get the main idea Answers

F - Sharon and Karen haven't seen each other for 30 years. T - Sharon planned to get married to Jim after high school. T - Sharon started her own advertising agency.

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