2.2.2 特殊句式(主谓一致there be 句型等)
Hi Linda, it's Li Hua. Congratulations on your pass all the exams successfully. Our whole class are delighted you made great progress in your several year of study in China. We are proud of you and we both appreciate your help for our English. It's a pity that you have to go back soon, but a farewell party for you will be holding in the Sun Club at 6:00 p.m. this Saturday. We sincere hope you will come and I'm sure we will have a better time together. By the way, you may take Bus No. 332 in the front of your house, which will take you directly to the club. 答案:
Hi Linda, it's Li Hua. Congratulations on your
all the exams
successfully. Our whole class are delighted you have made great progress in your yearboth
several of study in China. We are proud of you and we appreciate your yearsallforbut
help our English. It's a pity that you have to go back soon, a farewell
withsoparty for you will be
in the Sun Club at 6:00 p.m. this Saturday. We held
hope you will come and I'm sure we will have a time together. By
sincerelygoodthe way, you may take Bus No. 332 in the\ front of your house, which will take you directly to the club.
High school is regarded as best time of my life. Beside classes and homework, there's something more that I especial treasure. To leave school without regrets, I'll make the best of my limiting time to go over the lessons I've learned from. At the same time, I'd like to show my thanks to all the teacher who have given me so many help in the past three years. For the purpose of improving me, I'll ask my classmates for some advice, that may be of great value to me. Last but not least, doing some good deeds for my classmates are also my plan. With these things being
done, I will have no regrets in my high school life. 答案:
High school is regarded as the best time of my life. classes and
Besideshomework, there's something more that I
treasure. To leave school
without regrets, I'll make the best of my time to go over the lessons I've
learned from\. At the same time, I'd like to show my thanks to all the who teachersmany
have given me so help in the past three years. For the purpose of improving muchmethat
, I'll ask my classmates for some advice, may be of great value to me. myselfwhichare
Last but not least, doing some good deeds for my classmates also my plan. With
isthese things being done, I will have no regrets in my high school life.
Attention, swimmer! Please listen carefully to the followed information. All guests must sign out and leave a photo ID at the front desk. It is required which all swimmers should shower with soap before entering the pool. In addition to, all swimmers must wear proper bathing suits. If our staffs determined that your clothes are not appropriate, you will be forbidden to enter the pool. If you are sick and have signs of illness, don't use the pool. Please remind your children to use the bathroom. If they have “accidents”, report them to the gym staff immediate. Children under 10 years old must be accompanied by a adult at all times. Remind children that spitting not allowed. 答案:
Attention, ! Please listen carefully to the information. swimmersfollowingout
All guests must sign and leave a photo ID at the front desk. It is required
all swimmers should shower with soap before entering the pool. In addition that
\,to all swimmers must wear proper bathing suits. If our staffs that your
determineclothes are not appropriate, you will be forbidden to enter the pool. If you are
sick have signs of illness, don't use the pool. Please remind your children to
oruse the bathroom. If they have “accidents”, report them to the gym staff immediatea
. Children under 10 years old must be accompanied by adult at all times.
Remind children that spitting is not allowed.
A few years before, my family went to a seafood festival in Florida.The food was delicious, the weather was lovely, but the boat ride was great. The last thing was to go on helicopter ride. My little sister was so young to go by herself, so I volunteered to accompany with her on the ride. When I got into the helicopter,I attempt to close the door. Airplanes have doors. So do a helicopter.Wrong! The pilot told me that there was no door as they went skywards 100,000 feet into the air. I had never been more frightening in my life. It's a good thing which the ride lasted for only 15 minutes. No more air rides for me, I swear! 答案:
A few years , my family went to a seafood festival in Florida.The food
was delicious, the weather was lovely, the boat ride was great. The last thing
was to go on a helicopter ride. My little sister was young to go by herself,
tooso I volunteered to accompany with\ her on the ride. When I got into the helicopter,attemptdoI to close the door. Airplanes have doors. So a helicopter.Wrong! attempteddoestheyThe pilot told me that there was no door as went skywards 100,000 feet into
the air. I had never been more in my life. It's a good thing the frightenedthatride lasted for only 15 minutes. No more air rides for me, I swear!