Undergraduate Program for Specialty in Law
I.Educational Objectives
The program aims to trains qualified talents who have all-round development in morality, intelligence, physique, aesthetics and labor. The students will acquire solid foundation in legal specialty, a broad scope of knowledge, strong abilities, and spirit of innovation. They will be familiarized with conception of modern ruling of law, and will be qualified upon graduation as practical and versatile talents to meet the demand of the society. 二、培养要求及特色
II.Requirement and Specialty
Graduates will obtain the following qualities and abilities:
1. having good political accomplishment, moral integrity, and sense
of social responsibilities.
2. having deep understanding in jurisprudence, systematical legal
knowledge, rigorous thinking in law, and proficient legal techniques.
3. being familiarized with laws and rules related with legal work.
4. being familiarized with the latest research achievements and
developments in legal subject.
5. having comparatively strong abilities of to make judgment in law,
and being capable of analyzing and solving problems.
6. having systematical knowledge in computer science and computer
operation; having a good command of at least a foreign language in listening , speaking, reading and writing. 三、学制与学位
III.Length of Schooling and Degree 修业年限: 4年 Duration: 4 years
授予学位: 法学学位
Degrees conferred: Bachelor of Law 四、主干学科
IV.Major Disciplines 法学 Law 五、主要课程 V.Main Courses
法理学Jurisprudence、中国法制史Chinese Legal History、宪法学Constitutional Law、行政法与行政诉讼法学Administrative Law and Administrative Procedural Law、民法学Civil Law、商法学Commercial Law、知识产权法学Intellectual Property Law、经济法学Economic Law、刑法学Criminal Law、民事诉讼法学Civil Procedural Law、刑事诉讼法学Criminal Procedural Law、国际法学International Law、国际私法学International Private Law、国际经济法学International Economic Law
六、学时与学分 VI、Hours/Credits
Table of Hours and Credits
学 分 课程类别 Credit 学时/周数Courses Classified Period/Weeks 理 论 实 践 Theory Practice 通识课程平台 General Courses Platform 学科基础课程平台 Basic Courses Platform 专业课程平台 Major Courses Platform 小 计 Amount 实践教学平台 Practical Teaching Platform 学时比例 Proportion of Period 通 修 General Compulsory 通 选 General Elective 必 修 Compulsory 选 修 Elective 必 修 Compulsory 选 修 Elective 768/174+3W 40.5 9.5 28.7% 180 612 144 468 378 10 34 8 26 21 10.2.% 23.2% 5.4% 17.8% 14.4% 69.7%(必修Compulsory) 30.3%(选修Elective) 2550 必 修 Compulsory 选 修 Elective 139.5 174+38W 30.5(9.5+21) The Whole Practice Credit:30.5 5 (创新学分 Innovation Credit) 175学分 最低毕业学分 The Lowest Graduate Credit 践学分之和。
说明:实践教学平台学分计算为:表四中教学实践、教学实习与通识课程中实Note:Practice Teaching Platform Credits: the sum of Practice Credits, Teaching Practice Credits and General Courses Credits in Form IV.
Proportion of Practical Teaching Credits to Credits for Graduation
平台 学科基础课程平台 专业课程平台 实践教学平台 Platform Basic Courses Major Courses (含通修平台实践