总分复查人 座位号 2013年全国外贸业务员考试
(考试时间:2013年5月19日 上午9:00—11:00)
题 号 得 分 一 二 三 四 五 总 分 阅卷组长
得 分 评卷人 复查人 一、单项选择题(请将答案填涂在答题卡上,
B.DDP D.DAP B.一切险 D.战争险
1.根据《INCOTERMS? 2010》的规定,卖方必须投保的贸易术语是( )。
A.CPT C.CIP A.平安险 C.水渍险 A.进口关税 B.进口环节增值税
4.根据《UCP600》的规定,若信用证没有规定单据需签字,出单人必须签字的单据是( )。
A.商业发票 C.尺码单 方式。
B.装箱单 D.保险单
2.根据我国海洋货物运输保险条款的规定,承保范围最小的基本险是( )。
3.根据我国海关法规定,进口环节消费税的完税价格是指( )。
5.“发货人工厂→装港堆场→卸港堆场→拆箱点→收货人工厂”是指( )的货物交接
6.从2012年8月1日开始,我国流通型外贸企业申报出口退税时,无需提供的凭证是( )。
7.采用以下哪种信用证作为支付方式时,受益人必须出具远期汇票?( ) A.即期付款信用证 C.议付信用证 A.装运前T/T、L/C C.装运前T/T、D/P A.不可转让
C.经发货人背书后可转让 通关单。 A.A C.O A.贸促会 C.制造商 A.UL
C.GS A.1年 C.3年 A.装运港船舷 C.目的港船舷 A.L/C
B.B D.x
B.出入境检验检疫局 D.出口商 B.CCC D.PSE B.2年 D.4年 B.运输终端 D.目的港船上 B.UCP D.ISBP
B.延期付款信用证 D.承兑信用证
B.装运前T/T、凭提单传真前T/T D.后T/T、D/A B.不背书就可转让
8.采用以下哪些支付方式出口货物时,为了防止风险,最好投保出口信用保险?( )
9.如果海运提单的收货人栏记载“TO ORDER”,则意味着该海运提单是( )。
10.如果出口货物的监管证件代码是( ),外贸企业出口报关时,必须要提供出境货物
11.我国普惠制原产地证书的发证机构是( )。
12.以下属于德国安全认证标志的英文缩写是( )。
13.在我国,进口许可证的有效期是( )。
14.根据《INCOTERMS? 2010》的规定,DAT贸易术语下,买卖双方风险的分界点是( )。
15.审核D/P项下单据的主要依据是( )。
16.对出口商而言,以下支付方式风险从小到大的排列顺序是( )。
A.L/C<D/P<D/A<装运前T/T<后T/T<装运后凭提单传真件T/T B.L/C<前T/T<D/P<装运后凭提单传真件T/T<D/A<后T/T C.前T/T<装运后凭提单传真件T/T<L/C<D/P<D/A<后T/T D.前T/T<L/C<装运后凭提单传真件T/T<D/P<D/A<后T/T
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17.以下哪种保险单据被称为“大保单”?( )
A.保险单 C.预约保险单
B.保险凭证 D.保险批单
箱毛重为38千克,如果班轮运费计收规范为W/M,每运费吨为50美元,则A公司需支付多少运费?( ) A.30美元 C.195美元
19.L/C项下汇票的受票人必须是( )。
A.开证申请人 C.开证行 A.发改委 C.海关
D.开证行或其指定银行 B.银行
D.商务厅(委) B.95美元 D.300美元
20.我国加工贸易合同审批的主管部门是( )。
21.The following are the basic functions of a bill of lading except to act as( ).
A.a receipt for the goods from the shipping company to the exporter
B.a certificate of origin, which certifies that the goods were produced in a particular country C.a document of title to goods being shipped overseas D.a quasi negotiable document
22.The following statements are how to use the INCOTERMS? 2010 rules. Which one is correct?
( )
A.Incorporate the INCOTERMS? 2010 rules into yourcontract of sale.
B.Choose the appropriate INCOTERMS rule and specify your place or port as precisely as
C.Remember that INCOTERMS rules do not give you acomplete contract of sale D.all of the above
23.In INCOTERMS? 2010, two new Incoterms rules — DAT and DAP—have replaced the
INCOTERMS 2000 rules( ). A.DAF,DES, DEQ and DDU C.FAS, DEQ, DAF and DDU
24.Unless otherwise stipulated in the credit, the minimum amount for which the insurance
document must indicate the insurance cover to have been effected is the CIF value of the goods plus( ), but only when the CIF value can be determined from the documents on their face. A.5% C.20%
B.10% D.30% 3 / 12
25.The risk of shortage is considered to be the ( ).
A.Free of Particular Average C.General additional risks
B.With Average D.Special additional risks
26.According toINCOTERMS? 2010, WHICH term means that the seller delivers when the goods
are placed at the disposal of the buyer onthe arriving means of transport ready for unloading at the named place of destination. The seller bears allrisks involved in bringing the goods to the named place?( ) A.DAP C.DAT
27.If the goods are consigned to collecting bank, after the importer satisfies the collections
conditions, the collecting bank( )the bills of lading to the importer. A.endorses C.transmits A.open account C.documentary credit an air waybill. A.shipper C.consignee
invoices in foreign currency?( ) A.documentary credit C.D/A
B.open account D.none of the above B.underwriter D.guarantor
B.delivers D.carriers
B.documentary collection D.public bonds
28.Foreign trade can be conducted on the following terms except for( ).
29.The exporter or his agent is normally the person named as ( ) on a bill of lading or on
30.Which of the following payment terms eliminates the exchange risk, assuming the exporter
Questions from 31 to 35 are based on the following passage:
Once upon a time, innovation at Procter & Gamble flowed one way: from the United States outward. While the large Cincinnati-based Corporation was no stranger to foreign markets, it usually sold them products that were already familiar to most Americans. Many Japanese families, for instance, swaddle their babies in Pampers diapers and lots of Venezuelans brush their teeth with Crest. And of course (company executives assumed) Americans at home wanted these same familiar, red white and blue brands. We might buy foreign made cars, or chocolates or cameras but household cleaners and detergents.
Recently, however, P&G broke with this long-standing tradition. Ariel, a P&G laundry detergent, was born overseas, and is familiar sight on store shelves in Europe and Latin America. Now bilingual packages of Ariel Ultra, a super concentrated cleaner, are appearing on supermarket shelves in Los Angeles.
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Ariel’s appearance in the United States reflects demographic changes making Hispanics the nation’s fastest growing ethnic group. Ariel is a hit with this population. In fact, many Mexican immigrants living in Southern California have been “importing” Ariel from TijuanaMexico. “Hispanics knew this product and wanted it” says P&G spokeswoman Marie Salvador, “We realized that we couldn’t convince them to buy our other laundry detergents”. P&G hopes that non Hispanic consumers will give Ariel a try too.
Ariel’s already strong presence in Europe may provide a springboard for the company to expand into other markets as well. Recently P&G bought Rakona, Czechoslovakia’s top detergent maker. Ariel, currently a top seller in Germany, is likely to be one of the first new brands to appear in Czech supermarkets. And Ariel is not the only foreign idea that the company hopes to transplant back to its home territory. Cinch, an all purpose spray cleaner similar to popular European products, is currently being test marketed in California and Arizona. Traditionally Americans have used separated cleaners for different types of surfaces, but market research shows that American preferences are becoming more like those in other countries.
Insiders note that this new reverse flow of Innovation reflects more sweeping changes at Procter & Gamble. The firm has hired many new Japanese, German, and Mexican managers who view P&G’s business not as a one way flow of American ideas, but a two way exchange with other markets. Says Bonita Austin of the investment firm Wertheim Schroeder “When you met with P&G’s top managers years ago, you wouldn’t have seen a single foreign face.” Today, “they could even be in the majority”.
As Procter & Gamble has found, the United States is no longer an isolated market. Americans are more open than ever before to buying foreign made products and to selling US made products overseas.
31.According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?( )
A.The brands of Pampers, Crest, Ariel, and Cinch reflect the one-way flow tradition of
Procter & Gamble.
B.In spite of market changes, Procter & Gamble still sticks to its long standing tradition of
one way flow innovation.
C.Procter & Gamble has to change its one way flow tradition because of the increased
number of its foreign managers.
D.Today one may meet more foreign faces in Procter & Gamble than years ago. 32.It can be learned from the passage that Ariel( ).
A.is the best seller in Czechoslovakia
B.is a laundry detergent product of Procter & Gamble C.was born in the United States D.already enjoys popularity in America
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