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One-Step Realization of SWAP Gate with Superconducting Quantum-Interference Devices and At

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One-Step Realization of SWAP Gate with Superconducting Quantum-Interference Devices

and Atoms in Cavity QED

ZHAN Zhi-Ming

¡¾ÆÚ¿¯Ãû³Æ¡¿¡¶ÀíÂÛÎïÀíͨѶ£¨Ó¢Îİ棩¡· ¡¾Äê(¾í),ÆÚ¡¿2008(049)006

¡¾ÕªÒª¡¿We put forward a simple scheme for one-step realization of a two-qubit SWAP gate with SQUIDs (super-conducting quantum-interference devices) in cavity QED via Raman transition. In this scheme, the cavity field is only virtually excited and thus the cavity decay is suppressed. The SWAP gate is realized by using only two lower flux states of the SQUID system and the excited state would not be excited. Therefore, the effect of decoherence caused from the levels of the SQUID system is possibly minimized. The scheme can also be used to implement the SWAP gate with atoms. ¡¾×ÜÒ³Êý¡¿4Ò³(1603-1606) ¡¾¹Ø¼ü´Ê¡¿

¡¾×÷Õß¡¿ZHAN Zhi-Ming

¡¾×÷Õßµ¥Î»¡¿School of Physics and Information Engineering, Jianghan University, Wuhan 430056, Chins ¡¾ÕýÎÄÓïÖÖ¡¿ÖÐÎÄ ¡¾ÖÐͼ·ÖÀà¡¿


