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82. D 根据第二段所说,购物时尽可能不用或少用包装,这样做可以通过从财政上支持环境技术来减少所丢垃圾的数量,购物者可因此挣得日常生活所需的环保积分。

83. D 根据第三段内容可知,女主人公得到生育许可后,立即收到可以让她怀孕的小包裹;按照说明操作,她立即感觉到怀孕的结果(effects)。选项D中的“consequences”的意思是“effects”,即:“结果”。

84. B 根据第四段和第五段内容,女主人公在等待了37年后终于可以怀孕生子了,在感到优越感的同时又感到悲伤:It is saddening,however,…因为严格的人口控制,她所孕育的新生命将取代一个年老的生命。

85. A 根据全文可得知,这篇文章所讲的不是真实故事(选项B);不是一则新闻(选项C):不是科技报道(选项D),更像科幻的未来世界情节(选项A)。scenario的意思是“科幻小说的特定情节”。 Passage Six


86. C 根据第一段、第二段、第三段所说,以抽取彩票为例,一项佛罗里达所做的研究显示,受过更好教育的人在抽取彩票时表现出他们自己感觉更理性。

87. C 事实上,受过更好教育的人在抽取彩票时选择随机方法的中奖率并不比选择生日、护照,当时看到的车牌号等更高。他们的随机抽取表明他们对随机方法理解的偏差。 88. D 根据第六段所说,毒理学家因为各种原因,如因为年轻、女性、在学术界而不是企业工作等等,对于在动物身上可致癌的化学物质是否在人身上致癌会持不同意见。可见,他们的理性也难免受主观的影响。

89. C 根据第四,五,六段所述:受过更高教育,不见得就是更理性的;科学家的判断对于微妙主观的影响也并不具有免疫力;毒理学家们的表现足以说明。

90. B 题目要反映全文大意。文章通过佛罗里达一项问卷调查发现受过较高教育的人会随机选择彩票号码,而且感觉这样比较理性。作者通过这样的发现和关于毒理学家的例子试图说明受过较高教育的人不见得会做出比较理性的判断。排除其他选项,选项B符合原文大意。

Paper Two

Part Ⅴ Writing Model Summary

Are fruits dispensable?

Fruits contain minerals which human body needs and can't be synthesized by itself,

anti-cell-aging vitamins with antioxidant effects, and cholesterol-lowing soluble fibers. So fruits are beneficial to human health. According to related research, fruits can help to prevent kinds of diseases, such as lung cancer, apoplexy and coronary heart disease, which is applied in practice by more and more people.

Further research about relationship between death caused by lung cancer and use of vitamin preparations shows that synthetic vitamins can' t replace preventive effects of fruits on lung cancer. Nutritional immunologist explains that vitamins in natural plants can't play a single role, but work together with other vitamins and nutrients. What' s more, there are still some physiologically active substances in vegetables and fruits which haven' t been recognized. As antioxidant effects of natural plants have become an important research domain. Research has showed that some vegetables and 5-uits have strong antioxidant effects, such as garlic, carrots, tomatoes, oranges and kiwifruits, and effects of postponing ageing process by increasing the activity of SOD of the body.

In conclusion, as an important part of daily diets, fruits are not dispensable. Vitamin

preparations can't replace fruits and vegetables in daily diets. Using too much vitamin preparation will lead to some side effects, some of which are evenvery serious. (214 words) 解析:

本题要求用英语总结这篇1000多字的中文文章,考查了考生的语言概括能力和表达能力,相对于命题作文要略微简单。由于中文文章结构分明,英语摘要的结构可以参考原文,共分为三个段落:第一段,总结水果的诸多作用;第二段,总结水果发生作用的原因,其一是含有不能单独起作用的维生素,其二是有抗氧化作用;第三段,总结水果的必要性,呼应前文,并提出在日常生活中的应用。为了保证字数要求,一般情况下,原文中所举例子可以忽略或者简述,对某一实验结论的解释性文字可以忽略,总的原则是择其精华而述之。此外,此类文章总结难免会碰到生僻单词,多可以按其字面翻译,比如生理活性物质,可译为physiologically active substance。 文海拾贝:

抗氧化作用antioxidant effect 防止细胞衰老anti-cell-aging 胆固醇 cholesterol 可溶性纤维 soluble fiber 中风 apoplexy

冠心病 coronary heart disease 维生素制剂vitamin preparation 人工合成 synthetic

营养免疫学家nutritional immunologist 每日膳食 daily diet


Paper One

Part Ⅰ Listening Comprehension (30%) Section A

Directions: In this section you will hear fifteen short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, you will hear a question about what is said. The question will be read only once. After you hear the question, read the four possible answers marked A, B, C and D, Choose the best answer and mark the letter of your choice on the ANSWER SHEET. Listen to the following example. You will hear:

Woman: I feel faint.

Man: No wonder. You haven't had a bite all day. Question: What's the matter with the woman? You will read: A. She is sick.

B. She was bitten by an ant. C. She is hungry.

D. She spilled her paint.

Here C is the right answer.

Sample Answer A B C D Now let's begin with question Number 1. 1. A. She's looking for a girl. B. She needs a new purse. C. She's going to give a birthday party. D. She wants to go shopping with her morn. 2. A. She bears noises in her ears day and night. B. She has been overworking for a long time.

C. Her tight ear, hurt in an accident, is troubling her. D. Her ear tings are giving her trouble day and night.

3. A. He'll go to see Mr. White at 10:30. B. He'd like to make an earlier appointment C. He'd like to cancel the appointment. D. He'd like to see another dentist. 4. A. 8:00 B. 8:15 C. 8:40 D. 8:45 5. A. In a hotel. B. At a fast food bar.

C. In the supermarket. D. In the department store. 6. A. To resign tight away.

B. To work one more day as chairman.

C. To think twice before he makes the decision. D. To receive further training upon his resignation.

7. A. S he didn't do anything in particular. B. She send a wounded person to the ER. C. She had to work in the ER. D. She went t skiing. 8. A. A customs officer. B. The man's mother. C. A school headmaster. D. An immigration officer. 9. A. It feels as if the room is going around. B. It feels like a kind of unsteadiness C. It feels as if she is falling down. D. It feels as if she is going around. 10. A. John has hidden something in the tree. B. John himself should be blamed C. John has a dog that barks a lot. D. John is unlucky.

11. A. The chemistry homework is difficult, B. The chemistry homework is fun. C. The math homework is difficult. D. The math homework is fun. 12. A. His backache. B. His broken leg, C. His skin problem. D. His eye condition. 13. A. Whooping cough, smallpox and measles. B. Whooping cough, chickenpox and measles.

C. Whooping cough, smallpox and German measles. D. Whooping cough, chickenpox and German measles 14. A. Saturday morning, B. Saturday night. C. Sunday afternoon. D. Next weekend. 15. A. He's lost his notebook. B. His handwriting is messy. C. He'll miss class later this week. D. He cannot make it for his appointment. Section B

Direction: In this section you will hear one conversation and two passages, after each of which, you will hear five questions. After each question, read the four possible answers marked A, B, C and D, Choose the best answer and mark the letter of your choice on the ANSWER SHEET. Conversation

16. A. He is having a physical checkup. B. He has just undergone an operation. C. He has just recovered from an illness.

D. He will be discharged from the hospital this afternoon. 17. A. He got an infection in the lungs. B. He had his gallbladder inflamed. C. He was suffering from influenza. D. He had developed a big kidney stone. 18. A. A lot better. B. Terribly awful.

C. Couldn't be better. D. Okay, but a bit weak. 19. A. To be confined to a wheelchair.

B. To stay indoors for a complete recovery. C. To stay in bed and drink a lot of water. D. To move about and enjoy the sunshine. 20. A. From 4 pm to 6 pm. B. From 5 pm to 7 pm. C. From 6 pm to 8 pm. D. From 7 pm to 9 pm. Passage One

21. A. The link between weight loss and sleep deprivation. B. The link between weight gain and sleep deprivation. C. The link between weight loss and physical exercise. D. The link between weight gain and physical exercise. 22. A. More than 68, 000. B. More than 60, 800. C. More than 60, 080, D. More than 60, 008.

23. A. Seven-hour sleeper gained more weight over time than 5-hour ones. B. Five-hour sleepers gained more weight over time than 7-hour ones. C. Short-sleepers were 15% more likely to become obese. D. Short-steepers consume fewer calories than long sleepers: 24. A. Overeating among the sleep-deprived. B. Little exercise among the sleep-deprived.

C. Lower metabolic rate resulting from less sleep. D. Higher metabolic rate resulting from less sleep. 25. A. Exercise every day. B. Take diet pills. C. Go on a diet. D. Sleep more. Passage Two

26. A. She is too hard on me. B. She asks too many questions.

C. She is always considerate of my feelings.

D. She is the meanest mother in the neighborhood. 27. A. A university instructor B. A teaching assistant. C. A Ph. D. student. D. A psychiatrist. 28. A. They usually say no. B. They usually say yes. C. They usually wait and see. D. They usually refuse to say anything. 29. A. They are overconfident. B. Their brains grow too fast.

C. They are psychologically dependent. D. Their brains are still immature in some areas. 30. A. Be easy on your teen. B. Try to be mean to your teen. C. Say no to your teen when necessary. D. Don't care about your teen's feelings.

Part Ⅱ Vocabulary (10%) Section A

Directions: In this section all the statements are incomplete, beneath each of which are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Choose the word or phrase that can best complete thestatement and mark the letter of your choice on the ANSWER SHEET.

31. A number of black youths have complained of being________ by the police. A. harassed B. distracted C. sentenced D. released \ 32. He rapidly became________ with his own power in the team. A. irrigated B. irradiated C. inoculated D. intoxicated 33. Throughout his political career he has always been in the ________ . A. twilight B. spotlight C. streetlight D. torchlight

34. We ________ that diet is related to most types of cancer but we don't have definite proof. A. suspend B. supervene C. supervise D. suspect

35. A patient who is dying of incurable cancer of the throat is in terrible pain, which can no longer be satisfactorily ________ . A. alleviated B. abolished C. demolished D. diminished

36. The television station is supported by ________ from foundations and other sources. A. donations B. pensions C. advertisements D. accounts

37. More legislation is needed to protect the ________ properly fights of the patent. A. integrative B. intellectual C. intelligent D. intelligible

38. Officials are supposed to ________ themselves to the welfare and health of the general public.

A. adapt B. confine C. commit D. assess 39. You should stop ________ your condition and do something about it. . A. drawing on B. touching on C. leaning on D. dwelling on

40. The author of the book has shown his remarkably keen ________ into human nature. A. perspective B. dimension C. insight D. reflection Section B

Directions: In this section each of the following statements has a word or phrase underlined, beneath which are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Choose the word or phrase which can best keep the meaning of the original sentence if it is substituted for the underlined part. Then mark the letter of your choice on the ANSWER SHEET.

41. The chemical was found to be detrimental to human health. A. toxic B. immune C. sensitive D. allergic 42. It will be a devastating blow for the patient, if the clinic closes. A. permanent B. desperate C. destructive D. sudden 43. He kept telling us about his operation in the most graphic detail. A. verifiable B. explicit C. precise D. ambiguous 44. The difficult case tested the ingenuity of even the most skillful physician. A. credibility B. commitment C; honesty D. talent 45. He left immediately on the pretext that hah ad to catch a train. A. claim B. clue C. excuse D. circumstance 46. The nurse was filled with remorse for not believing her. A. anguish B. regret C. apology D. grief



