挖墙脚 undermine the foundation of sth. cut the ground from under sb's feet
外部环境 external environment 外部投入资本 outside venture capital 歪才 talent for intrigue or deviousness 外层空间 outer space 外地职务 field post
歪风邪气 unhealthy practices and evil phenomena 外港 outer harbor
外国人居留证 residence permit for foreigners 外汇比价 exchange ratio
外汇波动 foreign-exchange fluctuation
外汇储备 foreign exchange reserve (forex reserve) 外汇管理局 Administration of Exchange Control 外汇管制 foreign exchange control 外汇利润 exchange profit
外汇平衡 balance of foreign exchange 外汇外流 outflow of foreign exchange
外国专家局 bureau of foreign experts affairs( BFEA) 外交庇护 diplomatic asylum
__ Ministry of Foreign Affairs(MFA)
外交辞令 diplomatic language; diplomatic parlance 外交惯例 diplomatic practice 外交豁免权 diplomatic immunity 外交斡旋 diplomatic offices 外来语 borrowed word 外联网(计算机) extra 外卖 take-out
外卖店 take-out restaurant 外贸单证员 vouching clerk
外贸津贴 assignment allowance for foreign trade;allowance for foreign trade
外贸自营权 right to engage in foreign trade
外派 send somebody to units or organizations in other areas or to a foreign country 外企 foreign pany 外勤工作 field operation
外商直接投资 foreign direct investment 外税局 foreign-related tax bureau 外滩(上海) The Bund 外逃资本 flight capital 外围环节 external connections
外为中用 make foreign things serve China
外向型经济 export-oriented economy
外销公寓 apartments leased to foreigners only 外销员 export sales staff
外星人 extraterrestrial being (ET) 外需 overseas market demand 外债 foreign debt; external debt 外资流入 foreign capital inflow 外接硬盘 external hard drive
外资企业 foreign-capital enterprise; wholly foreign-owed e