Unit 3 I’m more outgoing than my sister.
Section A Grammar Focus
十堰市东风第五中学 罗菁颖
2.学生根据班级的真实情况,通过任务和抽号游戏,培养学生的自信心,发现生活的美。 二、学情分析
通过前面2个课时的学习,学生已经掌握了如何描述人物,用适当的形容词描述人物之间的对比,本课时对前面所学知识进行总结运用,同时达到价值观的升华。 三、教学重、难点
1. Teaching important points(教学重点): 比较级结构的句子描述。
2. Teaching difficult points(教学难点):
能够综合运用所学知识来对两个事物或人物进行对比,注意比较级在使用过程中应该遵循的规则和特殊用法。 四、教学过程
活动1. 【导入】城市之声节目导入,呼吁发现生活中的美。
As a radio host, a stranger named sad and fourteen sent me a message. he is unhappy, because his friends are better than him. 【设计亮点】:通过电台主持人收到匿名微信,发现本班一个自卑的学生,激发学生兴趣。
活动2. 【引入】视频展示,捕捉信息。
Show why this student is not confident (compare his 4 friends with him) 【设计亮点】: 视频展示教学法是呈现知识最简单有效的方法之一,学生通过视频,能够更直观的理解比较级句型。
活动3. 【讲授】 探索任务,逐步深入。
After watching the VCR ask the students to guess who he is and why he is not confident. Ask students to help him by finishing 3 tasks which are behind 3 boxes. Every time they finished, they can get a word on the box. Finally, they can get a big surprise.
Task 1: find the differences between his friends and Wang. (Cue word: you) Task 2: find the advantages/beauty of Wang. (Cue word: are)
Task 3: find the beauty of “bad” students. (Cue word: beautiful)
【设计亮点】:根据任务探索来复述比较级结构的句子描述①朋友和王同学的差异,②王同学的优点,帮助王同学找回自信。③后进生的美(每完成一个任务,得到一个提示词,连起来就是you are beautiful)
活动4. 【游戏】互猜朋友,合作学习。
Use a machine to choose a student from Number 1 to 56. If he is a boy, Teacher will show a photo of his classmate. Then he should say his advantage and yes or no. his team members guess who is in the photo by using comparatives in 1 minute (eg:
Is he smarter than you?), but the student can’t speak out the name of his friend! The girls follow the rules above. 【设计亮点】: 通过抽号游戏,了解学生及好朋友的优点,活跃课堂气氛,再次巩固比较级的句式,发现周围的美。
活动5. 【讲授】写作实践,巩固提高。
After finishing the 3 tasks, students can get a surprise that is “you are beautiful” in the shape of eye. Ask students to think of two years ago write about a passage about good changes and how you are different now. 【设计亮点】:完成三个任务后,在眼睛的图案中呈现“你们在我眼中最美”,引起学生的共鸣,比较两年前和现在自己好的变化,使所有学生都积极参与到写作中来。
Ask the students to write a passage about the similarities and differences between them and their best friends.
1.电台主持人的导入,引出“自卑”这一现象”,倡导发现生活中的美。 2.通过班上一自卑孩子的微信及视频,相继引出了三个任务:每完成一个任务得到一个提示词,最后在眼睛的图案中呈现“you are beautiful”在比较朋友的美,自卑学生的美,后进生的美中巩固比较级,既帮助了自卑的孩子,又为每个孩子树立了自信心。
3.抽号游戏环节的导入,充分调动了学生的积极性,使学生在比较自己和两年前的改变写作中思维更加活跃。 七.教学反思
Unit 3 I’m more outgoing than my sister教学设计