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14 Our neighborhoods are bathed in high-intensity light; we do not want to afford ourselves even so much a luxury as a shadow.
我们的居住区处在强光源的照射下;我们连哪怕像阴影这样小小的享受也不想给自己。 15 Businessmen, in increasing numbers, are purchasing new machines that hook up to the telephone and analyze a caller's voice. The machines are supposed to tell the businessman, with a small margin of error, whether his friend or client is telling lies. 越来越多的商人正购置连接在电话机上、能剖析来电者声音的新机器。据说那种机器能让商人知道他的朋友或客户是否在撒谎,其出错概率很小。
16 All this is being done in the name of \that is what we tell ourselves. We are fearful, and so we devise ways to lock the fear out, and that, we decide, is what security means. 所有这一切都是以“安全”的名义实施的:我们是这么跟自己说的。我们害怕,于是我们设法把害怕锁在外面,我们认定,那就是安全的意义。
17 But no; with all this \civilized man. What better word to describe the way in which we have been forced to live? What sadder reflection on all that we have become in this new and puzzling time? 其实不然;我们虽然有了这一切安全措施,但我们或许是人类文明史上最不安全的国民。还有什么更好的字眼能用来描述我们被迫选择的生活方式呢?还有什么更为可悲地表明我们在这个令人困惑的新时代所感受到的惶恐之情呢?
18 We trust no one. Suburban housewives wear rape whistles on their station wagon key chains. We have become so smart about self-protection that, in the end, we have all outsmarted ourselves. We may have locked the evils out, but in so doing we have locked ourselves in. 我们不信任任何人。郊区的家庭主妇在客货两用车钥匙链上挂着防强暴口哨。我们在自我防卫方面变得如此聪明,最终聪明反被聪明误。我们或许是把邪恶锁在了门外,但在这么做的同时我们把自己锁在里边了。
19 That may be the legacy we remember best when we look back on this age: In dealing with the unseen horrors among us, we became prisoners of ourselves. All of us prisoners, in this time of our troubles.
Unit3 Text B Why I Bought A Gun我为什么买枪
Gail Buchalter盖尔?巴卡尔特
1 I was raised in one of Manhattan's more desirable neighborhoods. My upper-middle-class background never
involved guns. If my parents felt threatened, they simply put another lock on the door. 我在曼哈顿一个相当不错的社区长大。我的中上阶级的社会背景从来与枪支无涉。我的父母要是觉
2 By high school, I had traded in my cashmere sweaters for a black arm band. I marched for Civil Rights,
shunned Civil Defense drills and protested the Vietnam war. It was easy being 18 and a peacenik. I wasn't raising an 11-year-old child then.
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南战争。作为妙龄18 的少女当一名反战分子真是轻松自在。那时我还没有一个11 岁的孩子要抚养。
3 (1) Today, I am typical of the women whom gun manufactures have been aiming at as potential buyers --
and one of the millions who have taken the plunge.
4 I began questioning my pacifist beliefs one Halloween night in Phoenix, where I had moved when I married.
I was almost home when another car nearly hit mine head-on. With the speed of a New York cabbie, I rolled down
my window and screamed curses as the driver passed. He instantly made a U-turn, almost climbing on my back
bumper. By now, he and his two friends were hanging out of the car windows, yelling that they were going to rape, cut and kill me.
当即掉转车头",几乎撞上我的车后保险杠。这时",他和两个同伴从车窗伸出头来嚷嚷着要强奸我砍我 杀了我。
5 I already had turned into our driveway when I realized my husband wasn't home. I was trapped. The car had
pulled in behind me. I drove up to the back porch and got into the kitchen, where our dogs stood waiting for me.
The three men spilled out of their car and into our yard. 我开进车道才想起丈夫不在家。这下我进退两 难。那辆车尾随着跟了进来。我把车开到后门廊停下冲进厨房我家的那两条狗站在那儿等我。那三个
6 My heart was pumping. I grabbed the collars of Jack, our 200-pound Irish wolfhound, and his 140-pound
malamute buddy, Slush. Then I kicked open the back door -- I was so scared that I became aggressive -- and
actually dared the three creeps to keep coming. With the dogs, the odds had changed in my favor, and the men ran
back to the safety of their car, yelling that they'd be back the next day to blow me away. Fortunately, they never returned.
我的心怦怦直跳。我抓起杰克和斯露西的颈圈――一条是200 磅重的爱尔兰狼狗另一条是
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伴140 磅重的北极犬。随后我一脚踢开后门――我吓坏了变得暴躁好斗――事实上我要激那三人过来。
有狗相助局势变得对我有利他们退回安全的车里嚷嚷着说要明天来宰了我。总算幸运",他们没再露 面。
7 A few years and one divorce later, I headed for Los Angeles with my 3-year-old son, Jordan (the dogs had
since departed). When I put him in preschool a few weeks later, the headmistress noted that I was a single parent
and immediately warned me that there was a rapist in my new neighborhood. 几年后我离了婚带着3 岁的儿子乔丹前往洛杉矶",那两条狗也死了。几个星期后我送他去幼
8 I called the police, who confirmed this fact. The rapist followed no particular pattern. Sometimes he would
be waiting in his victim's house; other times he would break in while the person was asleep. Although it was
summer, I would carefully lock my windows at night and then lie there and sweat in fear. Thankfully, the rapist
was caught, but not before he had attacked two more women. 我给警察局打了个电话",他们证实了这一情况。那个强奸犯没有什么特别的作案规律。有时他在受
吓得浑身是汗。谢天谢地那个强奸犯被逮捕了可那是在他又强暴了两名女子之后。 9 Soon the papers were telling yet another tale of senseless horror. Richard Bamirez, who became known as
\alleged crimes were so
brutal, his desire to inflict pain so intense, that I began to question my beliefs about not taking human life under
any circumstances. The thought of taking a human life disgusts me, but the idea of being someone's victim is
worse. And how, I began to ask myself, do you talk pacifism to a murderer or a rapist? 不久报纸上又报道起另一个丧心病狂的恐怖人物的事来。此人名叫理查德?巴米里人称“入室
受害者的念头更可怕。我开始问自己你怎么跟一个杀人犯或强奸犯来谈论和平呢 10 Finally, I decided that I would defend myself, even if it meant killing another person. (3) I realized that the
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one-sided pacifism I once so strongly had advocated could backfire on me and worse, on my son. Reluctantly, I
concluded that I had to insure the best option for our survival. My choices: to count on a cop or to own a pistol.
11 I called a man I had met a while ago who, I remembered, owned several guns. He told me he had a Smith
& Wesson 38 Special for sale and recommended it, since it was small enough for me to handle yet had the
necessary stopping power.
我给不久前认识的一个人打电话",我记得他有好几支枪。他告诉我他有一支史密斯韦森0.38 口
12 I bought the gun. That same day, I got six rounds of special ammunition with plastic tips that explode on
impact. These are not for target practice; these are for protection.
我买下了枪。在同一天我弄到了6 发包着塑料头、一撞击就崩碎的特别的子弹。这些子弹不是打
13 For about $50, I also picked up a metal safety box. Its push-button lock opens with a touch if you know the
proper combination, possibly taking only a second or two longer than it does to reach into a night-table drawer.
Now I knew that my son, Jordan, couldn't get his hands on it while I still could.
花了大约50 美元我还买了个金属安全盒。如果知道正确的暗码",它的按钮式锁一碰就开",大概
比伸手去床头柜抽屉取他只慢一两秒钟。我知道儿子乔丹拿不到它但我拿得到。 14 When I brought the gun home, Jordan was fascinated by it. He kept picking it up, while I nervously
watched. But knowledge, I believe, is still our greatest defense. And since I'm in favor of education for sex, AIDS
and learning to drive, I couldn't draw the line at teaching my son about guns. 我把枪拿回家乔丹兴奋得不得了。他不停地拿起来看我紧张地瞧着。但我相信知识仍是我们
15 Next, I took the pistol and my son to the target range. I rented a 22-caliber pistol for Jordan. (A .38 was too
much gun for him to handle.) I was relieved when he put it down after 10 minutes -- he
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didn't like the feel of it.
随后我携枪带儿子去射击场。我给乔丹租了一支0.22 口径的手枪。0.38 口径的他摆弄不了。10
16 But that didn't prevent him from asking me if he should use the gun if someone broke into our house while
I wasn't home. I shouted \broke in, he's young and
agile enough to leap out the window and run for his life.
17 Today he couldn't care less about the gun. Every so often, when were watching television in my room, I
practice opening the safety box, and Jordan times me. I'm down to three seconds. I'll ask him what's the first thing
you do when you handle a gun, and he looks at me like I'm stupid, saying: %unloaded. But I'm not to
touch it or tell my friends about it.\如今他对那支枪早没了兴趣。两人在我的卧室一起看电视时",我常常练习开启安全盒乔丹替我计 时。我已经快到只需要3 秒钟了。我会问他拿枪时第一件要做的事是什么他像看傻瓜似的看着我说",
18 I, on the other hand, look forward to Mondays -- \-- when I get to shoot
for free. I buy a box of bullets and some targets from the guy behind the counter, put on the protective eye and ear
coverings and walk through the double doors to the firing lines.
19 Once there, I load my gun, look down the sights of the barrel and adjust my aim. I fire six rounds into the
chest of a life-sized target hanging 25 feet away. As each bullet rips a hole through the figure drawn there, I realize
I'm getting used to owning a gun and no longer feeling faint when I pick it up. The weight of it has become
comfortable in my hand. And I am keeping my promise to practice. Too many people are killed by their own guns
because they don't know how to use them.
到了那儿我把子弹装上膛看着枪管上的瞄准器调整瞄准方向。我对着25 英尺开外的真



