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Vb Airiy: HL Tonyr what's happening with ttie Engish project? - -Tony: Well Jane is supposed to tet me know* --What e£»s&

could Amy ask to ØοÉtch up on things?

¹ã ¹ã

What's the English project about?

What are you doing with the English project?

€2¡¢]ane: Amy was going tc meet with ]ess

want you tc w^rk on. -What else could John say ta change the subject? n the 'uV3/. r Aslsaid-

r To ger back to the meeting.

1. What is the most probable relationship between T°×I? and Nick? C A soccer player and a journalist. C A movie star mnd his fan.

¹ã ¹ã

A basketball player and his dietician, A Journalist and her boyfriend.

2? Nick is telling Talia about _______________ ,

c his meeting with someone from a sports shoe company*


a conversation he had with his teammatCj Dean

C his career on the national ÔÆ¿ÚØÎØÎer team,

C a conversation he had with his old friend, Jackie., 3- Where did Nick and Jackie first meet?


In the lobby.

C At Jackie's office. r At a football match.

At a juice bar.

Nick is tiling Talia about ____________ .

r his meeting with someone from a sports shoe company. c a conversation he had with his old friend, Jackie. c his career on the national socØÎÍö¡¸team.

r a conversation he had with his teammate£» Dean,

What is the most probable relationship between Talia smd Nick? ¹ã A movie star and his fan. c A soccer player and a journalist. r A basketball player and his dietician.


A journalist and her boyfriend?

Where did Nick and Jackie first meet? At a football match. C At B juice bar.


At Jackie's office.

r In the lobby.

1. T^l A is I'^lking tn her mortipr on the ÚàWhrtr does she tell her?

¹ã ShÍö s wcrking on a story about a soccer team.

³§ She s going to attend the natloral soccer match with Nick crafwfond.

³§ Sht s working on a story about a soccer star,

she s Til^nn na a stcrv a be JC the nation a soccer beam's best matches.

5 Nick tells Taha a lot of details about his meeung because ____________

¹ã he wants Talia lu believe that he was tdling the truth.

<'he y/ants Taha to include a lot ot informatior.

¹ã he wants to help ^alia figure out haw he was tricked. ¹ã he is good at a story.

3- Jackie dhktd Mck L

¹ã He had to vvear the shoes when he pla/s and tel the company use his name Tor advenistrbg,

r He had to ask HE team to wear the whoÍöE and act n se/eral commercials.

¹ã He had to work for the shoe company.

¹ã H* hfld to design a np^ kind of sports shoe and th?* shoe whfln h*? plnys.

4. what does lick tell Tana now tliat he's never meiKiorted before?

C H? has to wear Kck* shoes wfien he pld>b SOCLBT,

³§ The ØÎompany kmntÅÌ him to !zie in a commeroal. ¹ã He

asked to endorse Ä¿ pair of sport shoes

¹ã The company will use hus nomr in ads.

5. whnt doPR mirk¡ºrill T^IIH ibnur his mrprmg wh Jackie?

C They met in her office, went out (o dinner, and shor a video for a commercial. C The> met in the IcbbVj went out tndinner anc£º neturned to her office.


They met in the lobbv- went out to lunch- and dbciis&ed a business deal.

c They met in a rcstnurLintP rliiicussed a commercialr nnd returned to her office.

7 1. lackir h

¹ã ³§ ¹ã

Nick sits on a tench at the soccer fi?M and puts on his shoes. Nick plays in a socctr match and a large crowd cheers for him,

Wick p ays soccer wi^h a »ÃG

*2 According to Jackie, when .vill K

r Dudrig next game.


Probably somotimc next vear.

r Right 3.

what is Nickrs reaction to the Idea of a conirneraal?

ϯ He likjts Llie ide^.

r He is against the idea

.-Ht uidiits riioie InforiTidlkjn Frst.


He is not sure rf it's a good idea, 5 6

v'\4- What do^s T¡»J mink Jackie did At kiixh mealing?

r she ttimks Jad? recorded another man's voice ard made mm sound Ike MEC '¡ö She tti nk> Jackie r.as if Dus obauL 12ie busin=5^ dtdl.

6 She thinks dmckie recorded ther converttjcnr and then edited it ba saiund like Piick. was accepting a bribe.

C She thinks lacks- ¿ÚFfered Nidk a bnbep and Hide acEEpted rt?

V 1¡± From Jackie s style of talking in the restaurant, can guess that she ____________


warts Nick to take his time to think about the deal warts to d scu&s all cf the details of the dea with Mck


7 2. Nick's last ine in the commercial i…Î\ .

f*''These sh-cies are so cool Chat the/ couldn't te anyrh¡ºg but Kicks.\ 'Du you have dny mortt qutrsLiuns for nie?d,

you wis^ you had a pair or Kicks?\

y/ 3, when Nick saysH \that s n£»?' he probably feels ______ ,

C angry because ht ihinks Jackie is asking him to dj too much µÆ surprised because he thcught Jackie wou d want him to de more ¹ã conFused because lie can\s saying

7 ¶·.

After Nick describes the convei-sationr Talia is excited because she ________ .


can t wait to see the commercial

finally has proof that Jackie had enough monev to bribe Mick

? rtdl ztfF thdl tlit Lapt L^ed paj is of L'lls con talion


Iai4£º Hflirigi Ñô

a second. You never se?d anythiing about a oammcrcHl I vraÅþ t? hear more 3tx?ut ttum. Don't Ò²Çú

¡õut any del^iilE. This coiLld be important.

Nict: OK. Sc, ¿ÚverIII lunch she desedbes the ѪÁÒ Ò» ladder So, ^ouii ·Ô´ò

our sh-ses rthen 8 ou p


Niclk: a ex i¡¸J ¼× q uc d .Ôú-^ this vwll be 5a~ne Ó† EE next yEar? Jadde: iuhr ^£º¡ìh. mat's nghr. wt Ôän Ôutr k out rtie °×µçÔ‘ÕÐ later tor thisr CDLIT prabatily wan: you :o ßµÉë ______________ in

a commercial- Nick£» JÚ¨

JdtideE 1E ___ ? 1W1 mrklng on AH Idea for a ØÎEjinniercial right now. g you warn, to h^ar ÐÍcut itT Nick! Sure.

OK,ÐÀ¼¢1 ³Ô

Nkk! Sij _____ hj ____ Niclr! Uh huhu

Ѫ& You're Siillngi In a ¢èÒä Or A MnchH rtJs ³ö bwutb^l ´´¡°ßµ Mr.


Jdc.Wi¡ê£» CHIC A young kd 11 Çúr Li _____ te ^nd ¸ÊѾ¼Í\I Aftnl yoy Ntek C^Fard, Uh? EiCKur s£»tar?\Millie£º Md you Ry¡¸Tbð­Æñ me/ Of qÖ·*?áÝ

HIIIE£» Right.

Ãó .

JdcWo: And thin the tod „‚ó¾\And yw ¡öºô Kicks, W¼Ó ʬÏÕ ¿óNicks So> aJL


71* What do they do when they get together?

( hey go out for lunch or go shopping.


They go to the theater or go shopping. They go out for lunch or just talk.


2. How does she feel about this friendship?

u Happy bÍöØÎause this friendship is very easy to keep.

r Anxious because they are far away from each other now. r Tired because they've been friends for a long time.

7 3. How does she feel about her fnÒÑnd's family?

C She doesn't like her sister very much.

(* She feels very close to her family,


She does n't really know her family,

7 4. How did they meet each other the first time?

r They were in the same class together. r They were in the same grade^

They were on the same show together.


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