1. - YOUr garden is Very beautiful.
A. Thank you B. Con gratulati OnS C. Yes, it is D. Noz it isn't
2. - It,s rather COld in here? DO you mind if I ClOSe the window? A. Yes, PleaSe? B. Nof PleaSe? C. Sure, PleaSe? D. I don,t Iike it.
3. - What day is today? A. It,s MarCh 6. B. It,s a fine day today. C. It,s March.
D. It,s Monday. 答宰:D 4. - HOW tall is your sister? A. She is not Very WelL B. She is 28 years old. C. She is Very nice.
D. She is as tall as I am. 答案:D 5. - How,s your family? A. Thanks all the same. B. Thanks for CaIling. C. Not too bad. D. Don,t mention it.
答宰:C 网络教育大学英计算机应用基础,最新全套整版题库,精心整理!中英文全真翻译,视频讲解,一次性通过!索取请加QQ 269 041 716 二阅读理解
Dear PrOfeSSOr Liuz
PIeaSe accept my greeting from NeW YOrk? I am just beginning my graduate (研究 院)StUdieS here at this UniVerSity. It is the third Week Of ClaSSeS now. My roommate, Torn, is also a graduate StUdent Iike me. He is StUdying biology (生物学)? He is from HOUStOn. We are now On good terms.
OUr dormitory (学生宿舍)is Well equipped (配备)? There are all kinds Of electric home appliances (电器)? BUt We don't have a TV set. I am going to buy One this afternOOn. The VieW On the WindOW is PIeaSantJ and the Weather is hot in the SUmmer right now. It is about 38 degrees OUtSide the room? BUt We have air COnditiOning in the room, SO I feel OK.
HOW are you getting on? Are you StiIl WOrking On your PaPer now?
PleaSe Say ,,Hellon to those WhO have taught me? I miss all Of you Very much.
Wang HUi
6. Wang HUi is Wnting to her former teacher. A. T B. F
7. From the PaSSageZ We know that Wang HUi is a new graduate StUdent in NeW YOrk? A. T B. F
&TOm is from HOUStOrL A. T B. F
9. Wang HUi thinks her dormitory is too big. A. T B. F
10. Wang HUi is going to move to another room?
A. T B. F 答宰:B
OnCe JameS ThOrnhill, a famous EngliSh painter, WaS asked to Paint SOme PiCtUreS On the WallS Of the king's PalaCe in England.
Then WOrkerS Were Sent for and a big PIa廿Orm (台子)WaS made?
With the help Of a WOrkerr ThOrnhiIl Started Painting On the PlatfOrm. They WOrked for a WhOle year and at IaSt the PiCtUreS Were ready?
ThOrnhill WaS happy When he IOOked at the pictures, for they Were really beautiful. He IOOked at them for a IOng time, and then took One SteP back and looked again. NOW the PiCtUreS Were even more beautiful. He took another step, then another. Finally he WaS at the Very edge Of the PlatfOrTn, but he didn't know it because he WaS thinking Of his pictures.
The WOrker SaW everything. ,,What ShOUlCl I do?H he thought. \the platform. If I Cry OUtJ he Will take another StePr fall Off it and SUrely be killed?\quickly took SOme Paint (;黍)and threw it at the pictures.
What are you CiOing?H Cried the Painterr running quickly forward to his pictures.
IIJameS ThOrnhill WaS an EngliSh ___________ ? A. worker B. artist C. king D. writer
12.He WaS Ordered to ________ ?
A. paint the WaIl Of the king's PalaCe in England B. paint SOme PiCtUreS On the WaIl Of the PaIaCe C. build a big PIa廿Orrn in front Of the PalaCe
D. put UP SOme new PiCtUreS On the OId WaIl 答宰:B 13.lt took them _________ to finish the pictures. A. a month B. a Week C. twelve months D. half a month
14JameS ThOrnhill felt that the _____________he WaS from the pictures, the ______________ they were.
A. nearer... more beautiful B. farther... more Ugly C. farther... more beautiful
D. higher above..? more good-looking
15. The WOrker threw SOme Paint at the PiCtUreS in Order to _____________ ? A. save James, Iife B. destroy the PiCtUre
C. make the PiCtUre more beautiful D. make the king angry
答宰:A 三、词汇与语法
16. Fish CarYt IiVe __ water. A. with B. without C. in D. on
17. _ you know, DaVid has been WeIl Iately. A. Which B. As C. What D. When
18. The manager WilI not ______ US to USe his car. A. have B. let C. agree D. allow
19.She WOnders _ Will happen to her PriVate Iife in the future? A. that B. it C. this D. what
20.SUnday is the day ___ PeOPle USUaIly don't go to WOrk? A. whe n B. which C. in WhiCh D. that 答案:A
A IittIe boy Wanted to meet GOdf SO he Started his trip With SOme CakeS and Orange juice? 7
On his
Way he SaW an OId WOman —21— in the park. The boy Sat down next to her. The OId Iady IOOked —22_r SO he Offered her a Cake? She accepted it thankfully and SmiIed at him. Her Smile WaS SO Pretty that the boy Wanted to See it again, SO he gave her a bottle Of Orange juice? OnCe again She SmiIed at him. The boy WaS Very happy! They Sat there all after noon eating and smiling, but they never Say a WOrd ? AS it grew dark; the boy got UP to IeaVe? —23— he IeftJ he gave her a kiss? She gave him her biggest SmiIe ever.
When the boy —24— homez his mother SaW the IOOk Of joy On his face. She asked him∕zwhat made you SO happy?\replied∕zI had IUnCh With GOd? ShelS got the most beautiful Smile Γve ever Seen!\Old WOman also returned to her home _25—. Her SOn asked, rzMotherr Why are you SO happy?\She answered/! ate CakeS in the Park With God? YOU know, he's much younger than I expected/7 21. A. hungry B. got C. sitting D. happily E. Before 答宰:C 22. A. hungry B. got C. sitting D. happily E. Before 答宰:A 23. A. hungry B. got C. sitti ng D. happily E. Before
24. A. hungry B. got C. sitting D. happily E. Before
25. A. hungry B. got C. sitti ng D. happily E. Before
答宰:D 五、 英译汉
26. We CannOt tell When an earthquake (地震)is COming?
27. We all Iike her because she,s Very helpful.
2&Fred WaS SUCh a hardworking StUdent that he SOOn Came OUt first in the class.
29. The StUdentS are enCOUraged to do more IiStening reading and Wnting by their teacher.
30. Are you fond Of music?
31. This new COUntry hopes to establish friendly relations With all its neighbours.
答案:这个新成立的国家希望和所有邻国建立友好关系。 六、 写作
32 .写作
:L回忆值得记忆的一天; 2.说明为什么值得记忆。 A Day to Remember