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wr:wrist wrinkle wrap wreath write mb:thumb lamb bomb comb crumb numb

第六天:bl fl pl cl gl br cr gr pr fr tr dr bl:blue black blouse bloom bleach blanket blonde hair fl: flat flu fly flame flute floor flag flower pl:plane play plus planet platform plum plate plant cl:clock cloud clean clay climb close clap clown gl:glove globe glass glue glasses glider

br:bright brook brim bride brown bread brick brother cr:crown crab cream crow crayon crocodile cry croissant gr:gray green grass grapes ground grow grandma pr:prixe price prawn press prince princess pray

fr:frog frost Friday French fries fruit front friend frame tr:tractor truck train tray tree triangle trunk trolley dr:dream drum dry drop draw drive dress drink 第七天:sm sn sl sw sp st sc sk all ew y sm:smile small smell smoke smooth

sn:snowman snow snore snake snail sneakers sneakers snack sl:slow slap sleep slide slope sled

sw:switch swallow swan swim sweet swing sweater sweat sp:spider spaceship spinach spoon spell

st:stockings store star stamp storm stick student stand



sc:scarf scooter scanner scarecrow scale scorpion scoop sk:skunk skis skirt skates all:call tall fall ball wall

ew:dew few view hew new nephew newspaper

Yy: sky fly dry spy type shy cry my Yy :Miny sunny puppy dizzy dirty pony happy baby

自然拼音强化练习:Tongue twister

1.A big black bear sat on a big black bug.

2.A big black bug bit a big black dog on his big black nose! 3.Cat, Cat, catch that fat rat. 4.A fat cat catches a mad rat.

5.Blue glue gun, green glue gun. 6.Black background, brown background. 7.A noisy noise annoys an oyster.

8.A good cook can cook good cookies.

9.At noon I took a good book,and sat by the pool in the wood.I soon took off my boot.And put my foot in the pool.Oh! How cool, how cool. 10.The hunter and his huge horse hide behind in house.

11. Betty better butter Brad's bread.



12.Two tiny tigers take two taxis to town.

13.The first is the first.The third is the third.The third can be the first, The first can be the third.

14.Sir, this girl wearing a dirty skirt is not the first, but the third. 15.A flea and a fly flew up in a flue. Said the flea, \fly, \

16. I wish you were a fish in my dish.

17.Jean's three sheep are near the green jeep.

18.There are thirty -three thousand three hundred and thirty-three feathers on that bird's throat.

19.Neither father nor mother likes this weather.

20.It’s a goat,sitting in a boat,wearing a coat and writing a note.It’s a bear,sitting on a chair,holding a pear and combing its hair.It’s a cock,sitting on a rock,wearing a sock and looking at a clock.It’s a fly,wearing a tie,holding a pie and waving good bye.






