报 价 单 Quotation 供应商名称Supplier Name:: (印章)(Seal) 表单编号:FIN-PUR-001有效期Period From: 年Year 月Month 日Day至To 月Month 日Day 规格Specification 单位Unit 报价Quote 物品Goods 物品名称Item Name 第 1 页 共 2 页
注:1、请按指定日期将报价投入报价箱或放在密封信封内,不得交与酒店非指定人员; Note: 1, quoted by the specified date will be put into boxes or placed in sealed envelopes offer ,Shall not be offered with the hotel non-designated staff; 2、请仔细核对物品名称及规格,报价一经采用,不予变更,否则所产生的差价从投标保证金中扣除。 2, carefully check the item name and specifications, pricing, once adopted, will not change, otherwise the resulting difference is deducted from the bid bond. 开标人Bid Opening Officer: 财务负责人Finance Leader: 成本主管Cost Head: 采购主管Procurement Head:
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