Comparative analysis of C-type lectin domain proteins in the ghost moth, Thitarodes xiaoji
Comparative analysis of C-type lectin domain proteins in the ghost moth, Thitarodes xiaojinensis
(Lepidoptera: Hepialidae)
Qian Meng;Ji-Hong Zhang;Huan Zhang;Gui-Ling Zhou;Ruo-Yao Ni;Yan-Ni Zhao;Qi-Lian Qin;Zhen Zou
【期刊名称】《中国昆虫科学:英文版》 【年(卷),期】2019(026)003
【摘要】Insects have a large family of C-type lectins involved in cell adhesion,pathogen recognition and activation of immune responses.In this study,32 transcripts encoding C-type lectin domain proteins (CTLDPs)
transcriptome.According to their domain structures,six CTLDPs with one carbohydrate-recognition domain (CRD) were classified into the CTL-S subfamily.The other 23 CTLDPs with two CRDs were grouped into the immulectin (IML) subfamily.The remaining three with extra regulatory domains were sorted into the CTL-X subfamily.Phylogenetic analysis showed that CTL-S and CTL-X members from different insects could form orthologous groups.In contrast,no T.xiaojinensis IML orthologues were found in other insects.Remarkable lineage-specific expansion in this subfamily was observed reflecting that these CTLDPs,as important receptors,have evolved diversified members in response to a variety of microbes.Prediction of binding ligands revealed that T.xiaojinensis,a
Comparative analysis of C-type lectin domain proteins in the ghost moth, Thitarodes xiaoji