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牛津英语译林版七年级下册阅读训练 --7下英语读本 Chapter 9 - 教师版

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Chapter 9 诵读

Over the rainbow 飞越彩虹

Somewhere over the rainbow Way up high

There’s a land that I’ve heard of Once in a lullaby

在彩虹之上某个地方 高高地

我听说过一个地方 一次在摇篮曲里

Somewhere over the rainbow Skies are blue

And the dreams that you dare to dream Really do come true 在彩虹之上 天空是蓝色的

以及你敢于梦想的梦想 真的实现了

Some day I’ll wish upon a star

And wake up where the clouds are far behind me Where troubles melt like lemon drops Away above the chimney tops That’s where you’ll find me 总有一天我会对着星星许愿

醒来之时,朵朵白云被远远地抛在身后 在那里,烦恼像柠檬汁一样融化 在烟囱的上方


Somewhere over the rainbow bluebirds fly Birds fly over the rainbow Why then, oh, why can’t I?

在彩虹上方的某个地方,蓝鸟在飞翔 鸟儿飞过彩虹


If happy little bluebirds fly beyond the rainbow

Why, oh, why can’t I?

如果快乐的小蓝鸟飞过彩虹 为什么,哦,为什么我不能?


Legend of the Bermuda Triangle


Never go in a boat on the water near the islands of Bermuda (百慕大).Do not fly through their skies in a plane. Many boats go there and never return. Many planes that fly there are never seen again. So, do not go near Bermuda!

千万不要在百慕大群岛附近的水域乘船。不要乘坐飞机飞越它们的天空。许多船去了那里,再也没有回来。许多在那里飞行的飞机再也没有出现过。所以,不要靠近百慕大群岛! Some people say they have seen strange lights in the Bermuda Triangle. Others say that nothing there is right. But nobody can find out the truth. They never return. They are never seen again.

有些人说他们在百慕大三角看到了奇怪的光。其他人则认为没有什么是对的。但是没有人能找出真相。他们从来没有返回。他们再也没有出现过。 Some people say the city of Atlantis is under the water. They think that the boats go down into the city. Other people think that UFOs abduct the planes and the people on them. Maybe they go to a past time.

有人说亚特兰蒂斯城在水下。他们认为船沉到城里去了。另一些人认为不明飞行物绑架了飞机和飞机上的人。也许他们回到了过去。 How many ships and planes have disappeared? Too many to count! How many people have lost their lives? Nobody knows. But we do know one thing: never go through the Bermuda Triangle if you want to return.

有多少船只和飞机消失了? 数不清! 有多少人失去了生命? 没有人知道。但我们知道一件事:如果你想回来,千万不要穿过百慕大三角。

Reading Comprehension I. Read quickly for the topic.

( A )This passage is mainly about______. A. the Bermuda Triangle B. the city of Atlantis C. stories of UFOs

II. Read quickly for the information you want.

( D )1.______ can find out the truth about the Bermuda Triangle. A. Scientists B. Pilots C. Fishermen D. Nobody ( A )2. The writer tells A. not to enter the Bermuda Triangle B. to see UFOs in the Bermuda Triangle C. to visit the Bermuda Triangle D. to go near the Bermuda Triangle by air III. Read carefully for more information.

( C )1. What does the underlined word “abduct” probably mean? A.邀请 B.烧毁 C.劫持 D.吸引

( B )2. People tell legends about the Bermuda Triangle because_______. A. there are many people living there B. planes and boats go there but never return C. it is a beautiful island D. it is one of the greatest places of interest

( D )3. Which of the following is true according to the passage? A. The Bermuda Triangle is a very beautiful island. B. Some people have heard strange sound in the Bermuda Triangle. C. The missing boats have gone to the city of Atlantis. D. The missing people may go to a past time.

Reading-Writing Connection

IV. Read again and prepare for writing. Fill in the blanks according to the passage. Bermuda is the name of an (1)i________. Many planes and (2)b________go there but are never(3) b________ again. Strange lights are seen by some people. Nobody knows the (4)t________. Some people even think that the lost planes and the people on them are(5)a________by UFOs. To keep ourselves safe, we’d better never go to the Bermuda Triangle.

1.{ island } 2.{ boats } 3.{ back } 4.{ truth } 5.{ abducted }


Northern Lights


This is a diary written by someone on a spaceship. 这是某人在宇宙飞船上写的日记。 Today we were orbiting the Earth. As we came close to the North Pole, I saw a light. It was green and very large. I was surprised. It was very beautiful. I took a photo.


牛津英语译林版七年级下册阅读训练 --7下英语读本 Chapter 9 - 教师版


