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一、 单词拼写(词汇运用) (共25题;共119分)

1. (1分)根据首字母或汉语提示完成句子。 (1)--Whose books are these? --Oh,they are o .

(2)There are many beautiful________(领带)in the shop. (3)Students sit in r in the classroom in China.

(4)Look at the boys swimming in the p . How cool they are! 2. (1分)I have only started to learn French________.(近来) 3. (1分)Tom is a good friend of________(我的).

4. (1分)根据短文内容和所给中文提示,写出单词的正确形式。每空限填一词

Shanghai No. 8 Middle School began to use a new bell this term. It helps teachers ________ (记

起) it is break time. The new bell has three parts. The ________ (第一) part lasts 15 seconds. It is made up of ________ (可爱的) folk music. Next, there are 20 seconds of silence. The final 25-second bell is a fast-paced march(快节奏进行曲)that seems to tell each teacher, \ All the students welcome the new bell. Chen Yong, a student, said, \teachers before, but ________ (没有什么)worked. It's ________(更好)now. When the folk music is on, teachers know that class is going to be ________ (结束)in one minute.\

Shen Huimin, a teacher at No. 8 ________(赞成) that the new bell is ________ (创造性的). \the past, we usually wanted to add a few words after class. But we often ________ (忘记) the time,\Shen said. \now the new bell reminds(提醒) us ________ (两次). It's a small change, but it's really solving a big problem.\

5. (1分)All the children know the ________ (important)of keeping healthy. 6. (1分)This mountain is about four kilometers above the ________(海平面). 7. (1分)1.Robots can do many dangerous things for us. Do you ________(同意)me? 2.He went into the room, ________(脱掉)his coat and sat down in front of the computer. 3.Don't be angry with him. I think he will ________ (尽力)next time. 4.The letters USA ________(代表)the United States of America.

5.The sports center is ________ (离……遥远)here. You’d better take a taxi there. 8. (1分)I h________ to be a newspaper reporter one day. 9. (1分)I'm not ________(允许) to watch TV after lunch.

第 1 页 共 9 页

10. (1分)The little baby fell ________ (睡着) quickly.

11. (1分)As we grow up, we should be independent and depend on ________ (我们). 12. (1分)根据句意及所给的中文或首字母提示完成单词。 (1)—How can I get to Hainan island? —You can take a s________.

(2)Could you please take a photo for me? Here is my c________. (3)I don't like coffee. I would like a cup of tea i________. (4)My sister is a n________. She works in a big hospital in Nanning. (5)Cathy is h________ because she never tells lies(谎言) or cheats others. (6)Peter, could you please ________ (折叠) your clothes? (7)I'll go with you ________ (在任何……的时候) you like. (8)Oh, my god!The ________ (车轮) of the car has come off. (9)________ (突然) the door opened and a group of children came in.

(10)When we got to the top of the mountain , the sun was beginning to ________ (升起). 13. (1分)—Cindy, what kind of restaurants do you like?

—I p________ restaurants that can provide customers with free Wi-Fi.

14. (1分)Before travelling, my mother often ________(准备)everything well. 15. (10分)His father is ________ (四十) years old.

16. (10分)At last I found my keys in one of the p________of my coat. 17. (10分)根据句意、首字母或汉语提示写出正确形式的单词,每空限填一词。 (1)The tall boy with ________ (眼镜)is my brother.

(2)My mother made many chocolate ________ (小甜饼)for me on my birthday. (3)I enjoy running. It's my ________ (每天的)exercise.

(4)There're many kinds of ________ (模型)planes in this toy shop. (5)Nemo and Shrek are favourite cartoon ________ (英雄). (6)The poor villagers can't a________ to buy food for themselves. (7)Our team won the match, so our teacher was very p________ of us. (8)The earth and seven other p________ go around the sun.

(9)I've been a m________ of the school football team for two weeks.

第 2 页 共 9 页

(10)This excellent film has won the h________ of young people all over the world. 18. (10分)根据短文内容和所给中文提示,在空白处写出单词的正确形式。每空限填一词。

Have you ever heard of it? Does shopping with cash(现金)really help you lose weight? Some scientists have studied for years. The US scientists have________(发现) that customers who take debit cards(借记卡)to the shops and________(忘)their cash at home are more likely to take junk food from the________(架子). That is to say, they are easy to get fat.

There are two reasons leading to this ________(结果). First, people only think some kinds of food is delicious, but they don't consider whether it's healthy or not. ________(第二), cash payments are more painful than card payments for the customers, so this painful payment can stop them from buying________(无论什么)they want.

American scientists even think that one of the________(恰当的)reasons why westerners are generally getting fat is that they are paying________(用)debit cards most of time. In this case, it is easy for people to ________(变得)fat. You can find that cash is commonly used by the thin men, and debit cards are used by the fat men.

Maybe those fat men would say ________(自豪地)that they are rich and they can buy anything they need.

19. (10分)Remember to brush your teeth b________ going to bed. 20. (10分)根据句意和中文提示写出单词的正确形式。 Jim ________ (居住) with his uncle in Canada.

He has a________ (危险) but exciting job. He likes his job. Pandas are kind of shy, so please be________ (安静). The supermarket is on the________ (五) Avenue. Autumn is coming, the________ (叶子) turn yellow. Look! He's________ (游泳) at the pool.

On a ________ (多云的) afternoon in summer, I like to go to the beach. How's the movie? ________ (相当) good. Sandra likes________ (看) books.

There're many animals in the________ (动物园).

21. (9分)根据句意和汉语注释,在答题卡标有题号的横线上,写出单词的正确形式。 (1)When you are really thirsty, cold water is one of your best ________ (选择). (2)The school is ________ (专门地)open for those deaf or blind children . (3)There wasn't enough evidence to________ (证明)him guilty. (4)Now China has become the next hottest________ (亚洲的)market.

第 3 页 共 9 页



