Modified by JEEP on December 26th, 2020.
2015年全国大学生电子设计竞赛 双向 DC-DC 变换器(A题)
目 录
摘 要
本系统介绍了一种双向DC-DC变换器的基本原理和实现方法。由SG3525芯片产生的PWM波经三极管传入到电路中,驱动MOSFET管,使其关断或导通,使电压升高或降低。同时,可由单片机监测相应信号经判断后控制继电器选择放电或充电的模式使电路保持在一直正常情况下运行。当充电电压超出限幅值时,单片机可自动断开主电路,以保护系统安全。此外,本系统在设计时注重了高精度的要求,使输出电流步进可控,且步进值小于。而系统中各元件的选择以低损耗为标准,提高了系统的低功耗特性,使系统的效率达到最高。本系统经过多次模拟与实验,基本完成各项要求。 关键字:DC-DC变换;低损耗;自动;可控;充电
This system introduces the basic principle and realization method of a kind of bidirectional DC-DC converter. The PWM wave generated by the SG3525 chip is introduced into the circuit by the transistor, driving the MOSFET tube, making it shut off or on, so that the voltage is raised or lowered. At the same time, the signal can be monitored by a single chip microcomputer to control the relay selection discharge or charging mode to keep the circuit under normal circumstances. When the charging voltage exceeds the limit, the single chip microcomputer can automatically disconnect the main circuit to protect the system security. In addition, the system is designed with high accuracy requirements, so that the output current is controlled, and the step value is less than . In the system, the selection of the components of the system is the standard, which improves the system's low power consumption characteristics, so that the system's efficiency is the highest. The system has been simulated and the experiment, the basic completion of the requirements.
Keyword: DC-DC transform; Low loss; Automatic; Controllable; Charge
双向 DC-DC 变换器(A题)
第一章 方案论证
论证比较 实验方案选择
D1iLT1C2RR1C1V2+-LD2+-V1T2图1-1 双向半桥DC-DC变换器