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(单选题)1: But the first prerequisite for creating a new mammoth is at least within the realm of possibility: obtaining intact DNA, the genetic blueprint of the animal. A: 但是要制造一头新的猛犸所需的完整的DNA和他的基因蓝图还是有可能的。

B: 但是克隆一头猛犸的首要前提是在生物界可能的范围内获得完整的DNA和动物的基因蓝图。

C: 但是克隆一头猛犸的先决条件至少已经具备,那就是取得完整的DNA,即这种动物的基因蓝图。

D: 但是克隆一头猛犸的先决条件至少已经具备,那就是取得完整的DNA和这种动物的基因蓝图。


(单选题)2: 就英汉两种语言的语序而言,下列选项中正确的是( )。

A: 汉语有时态,可以通过动词的变化显出动作发生的先后顺序,而英语则不能 B: 汉语大量使用分词和从句,用法也灵活,可前可后

C: 英语句子注重突出重点,往往把重要的话放在突出的位置

D: 英语叙事多靠并列结构,且较多地依靠各成分之间的顺序,尤其是时间顺序和逻辑顺序 正确答案:

(单选题)3: She likes to be with him better than with others. A: 她喜欢和他在一起胜过和别人在一起。 B: 她喜欢和他相处胜过别人。 C: 她比别人更喜欢和他在一起。 D: 她最喜欢和他在一起。 正确答案:

(单选题)4: In the following phrase,______is a typical Chinglish. A: transform into B: make into C: in this world D: completely smash 正确答案:

(单选题)5: I have no opinion of that sort of man. A: 我不赞成那种人的意见。 B: 我对那样人毫无意见。 C: 我对那种人毫无好感。 D: 我没有那种人的观点。 正确答案:

(单选题)6: 《心目中的河流》写出了他对于小河流水的深情,这使我回忆起我所热爱的无边无际的大海。

A: “A River at Heart” wrote out his deep feelings towards the small flowing river,which reminded me of my love for the boundless.vast sea.

B: His deep feelings towards the small flowing river in “A River at Heart”reminded

me Of my love for the vast sea.

C: In“A River at Heart\he expressed his deep feelings towards the flowing water of a creek,which reminded me of my own love for the boundless,vast sea.

D: He expressed his deep feeling towards the flowing water of a creek in“A River at Heart” and reminded me of my own love for the boundless sea. 正确答案:

(单选题)7: Paraphrase----The True Road for the Translator was written by . A: John Dryden B: George Steiner C: Sol Adler

D: Charles R. Taber 正确答案:

(单选题)8: 中国政府已确定并正在努力实施科教兴农战略 ,力争逐步缩小中国与发达国家的差距。

A: The Chinese government has ensured and is trying to put the strategy for agricultural development by science and education into practice and endeavor to narrow the difference between China and the developed countries.

B: In order to narrow the gap between China and the developed countries, Chinese government is ensuring and trying to put into practice a strategy for agricultural development by science and education.

C: So as to narrow the distance between China and the developed countries, Chinese government has drawn up and trying to put into practice the strategy for agricultural development by science, technology and education.

D: The Chinese government has drawn up a strategy for agricultural development by relying on science, technology and education and is striving to put it into practice so as to narrow the gap between China and the developed countries. 正确答案:

(单选题)9: 评剧院里很多女演员学会了打毛衣,大都是我教她们的。

A: Many actresses in the Pingju Theatre learned to knit, in most cases I taught them. B: Many other actresses in the pingju Theatre learned to knit as well, mostly from me.

C: Many actress in the pingju Theatre learned to knit, mostly from me.

D: Many other actress in the Pingju Theatre learned to knit as well, and in most cases I taught them. 正确答案:

(单选题)10: 不知什么原因,这条消息没有见报。

A: For no reason, the news did find its way into the newspaper.

B: For one reason or another, the news did not find its way into the newspaper. C: For some reasons, the news found no way into the newspaper.

D: For a certain reason, the news did not find any way into the newspaper.


(判断题)11: 他侧耳细听。 He was all ears. A: 错误 B: 正确 正确答案:

(判断题)12: 我认为他不是凶手,对吗? I don’t think he was the murderer, wasn’t he? A: 错误 B: 正确 正确答案:

(判断题)13: 错误的结果必然得出错误的结论。 A wrong result is bound to come to a false conclusion. A: 错误 B: 正确 正确答案:

(判断题)14: He never opens his mouth but he tells a lie. 他一开口就说谎。 A: 错误 B: 正确 正确答案:

(判断题)15: 从一九二九年到一九四八年这二十年中间,我写得快,也写得多。 In the twenty years from 1929 to 1948, I wrote very quickly and wrote a great deal. A: 错误 B: 正确 正确答案:

(判断题)16: 他看上去比实际年龄要大。 He looks older than his age. A: 错误 B: 正确 正确答案:

(判断题)17: 五四运动是在当时世界革命号召之下,是在俄国革命号召之下,是在列宁号之下发生的。 The May 4th Movement came into being at the call of the world revolution, came into being at the call of the Russian Revolution and at the call of Lenin. A: 错误 B: 正确 正确答案:

(判断题)18: 我们觉得解决这个问题并不难。 We felt not difficult in solving this problem. A: 错误

B: 正确 正确答案:

(判断题)19: 白雪覆盖着大地. The ground is covered with snow. A: 错误 B: 正确 正确答案:

(判断题)20: 他已经结过婚了。 He has been married. A: 错误 B: 正确 正确答案:

(判断题)21: Although the recession has reached every corner of the planet, the impact is uneven. 尽管这场经济衰退波及全球的每个角落,但各地受到影响不尽相同。 A: 错误 B: 正确 正确答案:

(判断题)22: He is so arrogant that no one will keep company with him. 他很狂妄自大,谁也不愿意与他交往。 A: 错误 B: 正确 正确答案:

(判断题)23: 圣诞节玩得很痛快吧? Did you play very happily on Christmas? A: 错误 B: 正确 正确答案:

(判断题)24: 我现在所看到的,已完全变了样。 What I see now becomes completely different. A: 错误 B: 正确 正确答案:

(判断题)25: 中国的经济吸引着世界各国人民,中国的社会主义现代化建设,也得到了世界各国人民的关注和支持。 China’s economy is being watched by people all over the world. Similarly, our socialist modernization is attracting their interest and gaining their support. A: 错误 B: 正确 正确答案:

(判断题)26: 这些问题就是他提出的关于保护稀有动物的问题 。 These are his questions on the protection of rare animals. A: 错误 B: 正确 正确答案:

(判断题)27: 产品质量稳定可靠,深受用户欢迎。 Our product has a stable and reliable quality and is widely accepted by customers. A: 错误 B: 正确 正确答案:

(判断题)28: 你们在讨论什么? What are you discussing? A: 错误 B: 正确 正确答案:

(判断题)29: A truly extraordinary variety of alternatives to the chemical control of insects is available. 译文:在用化学方法控制昆虫方面,有各种各样非常奇妙的方法可以利用。 A: 错误 B: 正确 正确答案:

(判断题)30: 他们昨天睡得很晚。 They stayed up very late last night. A: 错误 B: 正确 正确答案:

(单选题)1: But the first prerequisite for creating a new mammoth is at least within the realm of possibility: obtaining intact DNA, the genetic blueprint of the animal. A: 但是要制造一头新的猛犸所需的完整的DNA和他的基因蓝图还是有可能的。

B: 但是克隆一头猛犸的首要前提是在生物界可能的范围内获得完整的DNA和动物的基因蓝图。

C: 但是克隆一头猛犸的先决条件至少已经具备,那就是取得完整的DNA,即这种动物的基因蓝图。

D: 但是克隆一头猛犸的先决条件至少已经具备,那就是取得完整的DNA和这种动物的基因蓝图。


(单选题)2: 就英汉两种语言的语序而言,下列选项中正确的是( )。

A: 汉语有时态,可以通过动词的变化显出动作发生的先后顺序,而英语则不能 B: 汉语大量使用分词和从句,用法也灵活,可前可后

C: 英语句子注重突出重点,往往把重要的话放在突出的位置

D: 英语叙事多靠并列结构,且较多地依靠各成分之间的顺序,尤其是时间顺序和逻辑顺序


(单选题)3: She likes to be with him better than with others. A: 她喜欢和他在一起胜过和别人在一起。 B: 她喜欢和他相处胜过别人。 C: 她比别人更喜欢和他在一起。 D: 她最喜欢和他在一起。 正确答案:

(单选题)4: In the following phrase,______is a typical Chinglish. A: transform into B: make into C: in this world D: completely smash 正确答案:

(单选题)5: I have no opinion of that sort of man. A: 我不赞成那种人的意见。 B: 我对那样人毫无意见。 C: 我对那种人毫无好感。 D: 我没有那种人的观点。 正确答案:

(单选题)6: 《心目中的河流》写出了他对于小河流水的深情,这使我回忆起我所热爱的无边无际的大海。 A: “A River at Heart” wrote out his deep feelings towards the small flowing river,which reminded me of my love for the boundless.vast sea.

B: His deep feelings towards the small flowing river in “A River at Heart”reminded me Of my love for the vast sea.

C: In“A River at Heart\.he expressed his deep feelings towards the flowing water of a creek,which reminded me of my own love for the boundless,vast sea.

D: He expressed his deep feeling towards the flowing water of a creek in“A River at Heart” and reminded me of my own love for the boundless sea. 正确答案:

(单选题)7: Paraphrase----The True Road for the Translator was written by . A: John Dryden B: George Steiner C: Sol Adler

D: Charles R. Taber 正确答案:

(单选题)8: 中国政府已确定并正在努力实施科教兴农战略 ,力争逐步缩小中国与发达国家的差距。

A: The Chinese government has ensured and is trying to put the strategy for agricultural development by science and education into practice and endeavor to narrow the difference between China and the developed countries.

B: In order to narrow the gap between China and the developed countries, Chinese government is ensuring and trying to put into practice a strategy for agricultural development by science and education.

C: So as to narrow the distance between China and the developed countries, Chinese government has drawn up and trying to put into practice the strategy for agricultural development by science, technology and education.

D: The Chinese government has drawn up a strategy for agricultural development by relying on science, technology and education and is striving to put it into practice so as to narrow the gap between China and the developed countries. 正确答案:

(单选题)9: 评剧院里很多女演员学会了打毛衣,大都是我教她们的。

A: Many actresses in the Pingju Theatre learned to knit, in most cases I taught them. B: Many other actresses in the pingju Theatre learned to knit as well, mostly from me.

C: Many actress in the pingju Theatre learned to knit, mostly from me.

D: Many other actress in the Pingju Theatre learned to knit as well, and in most cases I taught them. 正确答案:

(单选题)10: 不知什么原因,这条消息没有见报。

A: For no reason, the news did find its way into the newspaper.

B: For one reason or another, the news did not find its way into the newspaper. C: For some reasons, the news found no way into the newspaper.

D: For a certain reason, the news did not find any way into the newspaper. 正确答案:

(判断题)11: 他侧耳细听。 He was all ears. A: 错误 B: 正确 正确答案:

(判断题)12: 我认为他不是凶手,对吗? I don’t think he was the murderer, wasn’t he? A: 错误 B: 正确 正确答案:

(判断题)13: 错误的结果必然得出错误的结论。 A wrong result is bound to come to a false conclusion. A: 错误 B: 正确


(判断题)14: He never opens his mouth but he tells a lie. 他一开口就说谎。 A: 错误 B: 正确 正确答案:

(判断题)15: 从一九二九年到一九四八年这二十年中间,我写得快,也写得多。 In the twenty years from 1929 to 1948, I wrote very quickly and wrote a great deal. A: 错误 B: 正确 正确答案:

(判断题)16: 他看上去比实际年龄要大。 He looks older than his age. A: 错误 B: 正确 正确答案:

(判断题)17: 五四运动是在当时世界革命号召之下,是在俄国革命号召之下,是在列宁号之下发生的。 The May 4th Movement came into being at the call of the world revolution, came into being at the call of the Russian Revolution and at the call of Lenin. A: 错误 B: 正确 正确答案:

(判断题)18: 我们觉得解决这个问题并不难。 We felt not difficult in solving this problem. A: 错误 B: 正确 正确答案:

(判断题)19: 白雪覆盖着大地. The ground is covered with snow. A: 错误 B: 正确 正确答案:

(判断题)20: 他已经结过婚了。 He has been married. A: 错误 B: 正确 正确答案:

(判断题)21: Although the recession has reached every corner of the planet, the impact is uneven. 尽管这场经济衰退波及全球的每个角落,但各地受到影响不尽相同。 A: 错误

B: 正确 正确答案:

(判断题)22: He is so arrogant that no one will keep company with him. 他很狂妄自大,谁也不愿意与他交往。 A: 错误 B: 正确 正确答案:

(判断题)23: 圣诞节玩得很痛快吧? Did you play very happily on Christmas? A: 错误 B: 正确 正确答案:

(判断题)24: 我现在所看到的,已完全变了样。 What I see now becomes completely different. A: 错误 B: 正确 正确答案:

(判断题)25: 中国的经济吸引着世界各国人民,中国的社会主义现代化建设,也得到了世界各国人民的关注和支持。 China’s economy is being watched by people all over the world. Similarly, our socialist modernization is attracting their interest and gaining their support. A: 错误 B: 正确 正确答案:

(判断题)26: 这些问题就是他提出的关于保护稀有动物的问题 。 These are his questions on the protection of rare animals. A: 错误 B: 正确 正确答案:

(判断题)27: 产品质量稳定可靠,深受用户欢迎。 Our product has a stable and reliable quality and is widely accepted by customers. A: 错误 B: 正确 正确答案:

(判断题)28: 你们在讨论什么? What are you discussing? A: 错误 B: 正确 正确答案:

(判断题)29: A truly extraordinary variety of alternatives to the chemical control of insects is available. 译文:在用化学方法控制昆虫方面,有各种各样非常奇妙的方法可以利用。 A: 错误 B: 正确 正确答案:

(判断题)30: 他们昨天睡得很晚。 They stayed up very late last night. A: 错误 B: 正确 正确答案:



