关键词:资本 集聚 人力资源
protection design of tall buildings GB50045-95 the construction interior trim design fire protection standard GB50222-95 6, building curtain wall design code for lightning protection lightning protection standard building GB50057-94 7, building curtain wall technical
standards for lighting architectural lighting design standard GB/T50033-2001 optical properties of glass curtain wall GB/ T18091-2000 8, physical inspection and technical standards of architectural curtain wall construction performance testing method for in-plane deformation of curtain wall GB/T18250-2000 classification GB/T15225-94 wind pressure of building curtain wall building curtain wall physical properties deformation performance test method GB/T15227-94 curtain GB/T15226-94 curtain air permeability test methods rainwater seepage performance test methods GB/T15228-94 9, Windows testing technical standards of architectural curtain wall House Windows airtight, watertight and wind resistance performance test method JG/T211-2007 House Windows lighting performance graduation and test method for GB/T11976-2002 wind pressure
resistance performance of building exterior Windows graduation and test method for GB/T7106-2002 House Windows sound
《资本论》中认为“把剩余价值当作资本使用,或者说,把剩余价值再转化为资本叫做资本积累。”只有这样才能促进经济又好又快持续的发展。资本积累的提高有助于综合国力的提升。国家通过提高资本积累,把社会生产的剩余价值,用于扩大生产规模,采用更先进的生产技术和更好的设备,提高资本的有机构成,节约可变资本,提高劳动生产率,调整产业结构,加快经济发展,不断地提高国家竞争力。经济的发展是资本积累的条件。如果经济发展速度快,就意味着在相同的时间里可以创造出跟多的财富,即使积累的比率不变,在总数上也是增加的。经济发展,带来经济结构的调整,对资本积累中物质、社会以及人力资本的方式就会发生变化,但总体上说,还是增加了资本积累。 protection design of tall buildings GB50045-95 the construction interior trim design fire protection standard GB50222-95 6, building curtain wall design code for lightning protection lightning protection standard building GB50057-94 7,
building curtain wall technical standards for lighting architectural lighting design standard GB/T50033-2001 optical properties of glass curtain wall GB/ T18091-2000 8, physical inspection and technical standards of architectural curtain wall construction performance testing method for in-plane deformation of curtain wall GB/T18250-2000 classification GB/T15225-94 wind pressure of building curtain wall building curtain wall physical properties deformation performance test method GB/T15227-94 curtain GB/T15226-94 curtain air permeability test methods rainwater seepage performance test methods GB/T15228-94 9, Windows testing technical standards of architectural curtain wall House Windows airtight, watertight and wind resistance performance test method JG/T211-2007 House Windows lighting performance graduation and test method for GB/T11976-2002 wind pressure resistance performance of building exterior Windows graduation and test method for GB/T7106-2002 House Windows sound