院 - 系: 专 业: 电气工程及其自动化 年 级: 学生姓名: 学 号: 导师及职称:
Electrical planning of the hospital three B
Major: Electrical engineering and automation Grade:
Student’s Name: Student No.: Tutor:
摘 要
With China's strength enhancing, medical and health services in certain period to obtain the considerable development, as our medical engineering design personnel, it has to be constantly learning the latest medical equipment both at home and abroad to learn the new specifications.
According to our country hospital construction planning, comprehensive hospital beds can be divided by 300, 400 and 500, 600, 800 and 1,000 beds.
According to hospital level can be divided into three, two, one class hospital, at present the general as secondary often involves more hospital. In these within the scope of the hospital is concerned, there is a type of electricity load load, and parts of class load and three load.
Hospital according to functional division, the outpatient department, are generally classified into medical department, nurses, administration department, logistics, etc. At present the layout of the comprehensive hospitals have distributed, centralized and semi-central. At present in the architectural design of energy conservation and use convenient, consider using semi-central more.
Key words: Electrical planning;Electrical safety;Power load; Lightningproof grounding;energy-saving。
目 录
1 ··························· 第一章 绪论 1.1 何为三级乙等医院 ····················· 1 第二章 建筑设计·························· 2
2.1 医院科室比例划分 ····················· 2 2.2 医院建筑划分 ······················· 2 2.3 本章小结 ························· 7 第三章 医院负荷分析与计算····················· 8
3.1 医院负荷性质及类型分析 ·················· 8 3.2 负荷计算 ························ 11 3.3 中央空调负荷分析 ···················· 19 3.4 其他重要设备负荷分析与计算 ··············· 21 第四章 供配电系统设计······················ 24
4.1 变压器的选择 ······················ 24 4.2 变电站设计(附加) ··················· 26 4.3 高低压配电系统 ····················· 26 4.4 自备柴油发电机组 ···················· 28 4.5 UPS不间断电源系统 ··················· 29 4.6 EPS供电系统 ······················ 32 第五章 医院的电气安全及电力系统保护方式············· 34
5.1 变压器保护 ······················· 34 5.2 防雷设计 ························ 35 5.3 接地系统 ························ 38 5.4 等电位联结 ······················· 42 第六章 医院节能························· 47
6.1 系统电能使用效率低的原因及解决方法 ·········· 47 6.2 电空调与非电空调分析比较 ················ 47 6.3 医院空调负荷经济性分析 ················· 51 第七章 总结与展望························ 55