2019 年武汉大学考博英语试题
科目名称:英语 科目名林:葵语
Γι∏ I RCtdi&g CDtaPrChCαsio<ι( 2?I(H4? 分)
Directions: In IhIS Part far the rw∕, there WItf bt 5 PaSMgei for you to read EaCh
PUSSagr H JblIi)Wed by 4 qucj>tions Or Ur^iniShed Jtatfmrnir and each
UlOn Ur UnfiniShCfi SUIfemCrtJ IS
the AySHrEil 5Jfft, K
by JMΛ, ^OiCeX narked A, E*
C Ond D. )?>u are /o decide On ∕? best choice by blac^ning tht CGrTeSPonding Ietler CW
PaMa¢( 1
The ChengiElg ProfllC Of a Cjty in Ihe LinilCd StateS is apparent in the Shifiing deRniiiotis
USCd by the Uniled SiatCS BUlcaU OfthCCCnSUS- Tn 1870 the CCnSUS Officially distinguished tbc ∏4U10nts HUrbiwr from ils FWar PoPUlBltinn for the first time Utrrtlan POpUiation” Wa? defined as PCrSonS living in IOWnS o『8,000 inhabitants M- EOre. BUt aftα ∣9Q0 it ∏∣e?ni PerWMU IIVirg in incorporated PbCC3 hAviπg 2^500 Or more InhablIanlS-
ThCrL >n 1950 the CCnSlLS BUreaU radically changed i∣a EKb SMSA WDUld COfltain Ul least OW CttIlraI dt}, With 50ToOO inhabitants Or IncTC QT two CItJeS h?ving Sharad boundaries aad consututm& for g?nenl CCOnCmiC UId SMial purposes, a SifI^e COmEEUnity WIth a COlDbLned POPUIalion Of aι IeaSt 50,tXX>, IbE SmaIiCr Of WIUCh must have a PaPUation Of al least ! 5,000. SUd) an arw indud?l the CoUlItry in which the CentrBI city is IWated, and adjacent Cr)UntheS that are IbUnd to be IfiCtrCPOlitalI In character and ?COnamkajIy and socially UItCgraied Wth the CoUnlJy EJf Ihe Cmtral City By 1970, about h*o-ttιirds Of the POPUiatinn Of the IInited StfUeS was IiVing In th?t UTbwizMl aπ≡1 and o∏hfit figure more than half Were Living OuISidf the Central CitiCSI Whik the CenSllS BUreaLL InKi tbc UiUlCd SiateS KGVenUlIffnt USCd the term SMSA {by J969 there Were 233 Of Iheni)T soCiAl scientists Were also IlSine tcπns 如 describe the elusive, VagUCly defined areas reaching OUt from What USCd to be SimP4ε ?*town,1 and %ities∕' A host Of terms Cime into use: “metroPOliIan rcgiw?'' PoPUIaHOn groups,* \ ____ _ _________ _ 2019 年武汉大学考博英语试题 L Whal does the PaSUgc mainly discuss? A) HoW CitiCS in IhC UniIed SLlIieS be?Hn Jind developed. B) SolUtioaS to OVerCrOWding in ChiCS- C) The Changing definition Of an urban area. D) HOW the Utljted Stales Ceisus BUniaU GoIIdUCtS a census. 2. PriOT io 190OI how many inhabitants WOUld a town has to have before being defined as urban? A) 2FSoO B) 8.000. C) l5t000. D) 50(Oo0, 3. ACCOrding TO IhC PaSSaget Why did the Census BUreau revise the definition Of UrbajI tn 【950? I A- Cib borders had become ICSS distinct B- CiIieS Iud UndCTgOne radical XfCiaI ChftngC 【C- F-ICCted OfliCialS CoUId not agree On an *cceptab}e 4. Whkh Of the Cbllowuig is NOT ITUe Of an SMSA? A IthaSa population Of *1 ICaSt 50,000, U It CdC hcludc a city's OUiiying regκ>ns. C. Il Can include UmIlCOrPOraICd regions, D- it Con≤LS43 Cf St IeaSt two CitieS Pasa>se2 ThC CQllGCPt Of OhtaUUng f?sh water from icebergs that are towed Io PoPuhtCd areas and arid IrgionS Of the WQrId WBS υncc treated as a joke more appropriate to CaHOOnS Ihan real life. BUt now it is being COnSidered qmte seriously by many rutionκl, especially since 3cienti3ls have WIinled that the human race WiH OirtgroU- its fresh WNer supply faslCT thin it runs OUt Of food. Glaciers are a POSSibIe source Of fresh WrPLer that has been overlooked UntiI recently. Three-quarters Of the Earth's fresh WalCr SUPPiy is Still tied UP m glacial icef a reservo在 Gf UnLePPed fresh Water SO immense t?at it COUl(J SlIStain All the rivers Of Ihe WUrki for LoOO years. FlOating On the OCCanS CVCry year we 7,659 trillion InetnC tons Of ice encased in IoTOoO icebergs Ihar break ιway from the POIar ice cap‰ more than ninety pen:Cnt Of Ihan from Antarcucs, HUge glaciers Ihat SfrCfCh QVcr Ihe ShalIOW ConIinetlUl ShCIf give birth to icebergs throughout the j?ar. ICebCTgA are net IikC Sea ice* Whidl is formed When the SCa itself freezes; rather, they arc Ibrmed EntireIy On Iand- breaking Off When glaciers SPredd OveT the sea~ AS Ihgy dτi(? away firtxn the POL?r region, icc?j?w SOrnetinwS move 科同名秤:英话 , 2019 年武汉大学考博英语试题 5. WTUt is Ihe main IoPIC Cf Ihe PIlSSagCQ Λ The InOYWiWTH Of glaciers. B ICebCrgS as a SOUrCe Of fresh water. C. FUIUre WatCr ShortagCS- ∏. ThC fuιurc Of the WorkIt rivers 6. Iiaw Are iceberg? fi>πτrtdo A They break Off from glaciers. B. Sea?-ater freezes. C- RiVerSfrCttfi D- Srnan pieces Of IlOadng jcc COnVal¢¢. 7 * ith WtIiCh Ofthr following ideas WmIl(I Lhe author be IikelJ to agree? A. 7?wing icebergs to dry an?as is economically possible. B. De&alirudon Of WatCr is the best WBy tt> ObUin dπnkir>g water. Cr Using w?ter ftom icebergs is a Ycry ShOrt tSOlLltion u> water sb□rUιges. D- ICeIKrgS COUld JlOI be towed Very far before they WDuJd melt, 科Jl塔 InySleriOUSly In a direction OpPoSite 10 称, the Willdl PUUed by SUbaUHaee CUrreIltS BttaUSC they TneIt