摘 要
福克纳是享誉世界的美国现代小说家 他博采众长 完美地综合 19 世纪的
传统写作手法和20 世纪初的现代写作手法而发展形成了自己独特的风格 小说
喧哗与骚动 以生动的创作主题和独特的艺术手法代表了他创作的最高成就
喧哗与骚动 是他的第一部最富创造性的小说 第一部为他赢得世界声誉的杰
作 同时也是他本人最喜爱的作品 今天这部小说被公认是福克纳最杰出的成就
而且也是现代美国文学最杰出的代表作之一 小说以时空变换 多角度叙述 象
征 内心独白等多种艺术手法写出了种植园主康普生家族几十年间的兴衰与沉
浮 并以此展示南方社会的腐败与解体 这部作品的倍受推崇既在于它成功
多种现代派的表现手法实现了艺术形式上的创新 又在于它以严肃 冷峻的笔调
探讨人类的命运和现代人的 精神出路 达到了思想内容上的深化 更在于内容
与形式的完美结合赋予了作品以永恒 广泛的神话意义 本文尝试从艺术手法
时间 基督教原型 性别和种族等多视角来揭示了这一永恒的神话的广泛性
关键词 喧哗与骚动 多视角 广泛性 神话 福克纳
Faulkner is one of the American modern novelists who have gained a worldwide
reputation. He has inherited a lot from others and adds his own individual
contributions to the tradition of the 19th- and early 20th-century fiction. The Sound and
the Fury, among his greatest achievements presents a lively theme and unique
narrative techniques. It is his first most creative work and his favorite which first
made him world-famous. Today it is generally recognized as Faulkner’s greatest
success and one of America’s greatest works of literature. Faulkner uses modern
literary techniques, such as chronological juxtaposition, multiple point of view and
monologue, to depict the ups and downs of the Compsons, to reveal the
and disintegration of Old South. The esteem of the great work is to a large extent due
to his creative employment and development of these modern literary techniques, as
well as his profound theme which discusses the human fate in general and the spiritual
destination of the modern man in particular. Undoubtedly, the perfect combination of
content and form endows the work with a universal myth. This paper attempts to
reveal the universality of the myth by multiple perspectives, such as artistic
perspective, temporal perspective, Christian archetypal perspective, gender