Multi-linear Variable Separation Approach to Solve a (1+1)-Dimensional Coupled Integrable
Multi-linear Variable Separation Approach to Solve
a (1+1)-Dimensional Coupled Integrable
Dispersionless System
【期刊名称】《理论物理通讯(英文版)》 【年(卷),期】2005(044)011
【摘要】The multi-linear variable separation approach (MLVSA ) is very useful to solve (2+ 1)-dimensional integrable systems. In this letter, we extend this method to solve a (1+1)-dimensional coupled integrable dispersion-less system.Namely, by using a Backlund transformation and the MLVSA, we find a new general solution and define a new \formula%universal formula can be found by selecting corresponding functions appropriately. Specially, in some conditions, bell soliton and kink soliton can transform each other, which are illustrated graphically. 【总页数】4页(779-782)
【关键词】variable separation approach, (1+1)-dimensional coupled integrable dispersion-less system, coherent structure 【作者】佚名
【作者单位】Department of Mathematics, Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou 310014, china 【正文语种】中文
Multi-linear Variable Separation Approach to Solve a (1+1)-Dimensional Coupled Integrable