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2008 National English Contest for College Students (Level C--- Preliminary)

Part I Listening Comprehension (25 minutes, 30 marks) Section A (5 marks)

In this section, you will hear five short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be read only once. After each question, there will be a pause. During the pause, read the three choices marked A, B and C, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

1. A. To buy a newspaper. B. To find a chemist. C. To post a letter. 2. A. Their billing system has been efficient. B. Their old billing system is outdated.

C. He’s unimpressed with the new billing system.

3. A. She’s been on vacation. B. She’s been at the grocery store. C. She’s been on a business trip.

4. A. To go to the market. B. To have coffee. C. To have a discussion. 5. A. Changing a flight reservation. B. Canceling a hotel reservation. C. Reserving an extra hotel room. Section B (10 marks)

In this section, you will hear two long conversations. Each conversation will be read only once. At the end of each conversation, there will be a one-minute pause. During the pause, read the five questions, each with three choices marked A, B and C, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Conversation one

6. What’s Tania’s phone number? A. 506-6178 B. 501-6678 C. 501-6687 7. Who is going shopping at Harrods? A. Tania. B. Karl. C. Karl’s mother. 8. How is Tania going to get to Harrods? A. On foot. B. By taxi. C. By tube. 9. Which street plan shows the way from the station? 10. What kind of wine does Karl want? A. Red Merlot. B. White Bordeaux. C. Rose Chianti. Conversation Two

11. Which drawing shows the position of the handle? 12. What other product features are included? A. A range of handle sizes. B. A variety of color combinations. C. A set of rings for different-sized tins. 13. What’s the purpose of the V-clip?

To hold the paint brush so it drips in the can.

To prevent paint from getting onto the painted surfaces. To prevent the brush drying out if the painter is interrupted. 精品文档


14. Who will probably use the can-holder? A. Artists. B. Decorators. C. Soldiers. 15. How much does the product cost? A. £4. B. £5. C. $4. Section C (5 marks)

In this section, you will hear five short news item. Each item will be read only once. After each item, there will be a pause. During the pause, read the question and the three choices marked A, B and C, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

16. What has prompted the new administration to review the Australia’s citizenship test? A. It’s out of date. B. Higher immigration rates. C. Many applicants failing it. 17. Which train provides the easiest way to see Mount Fuji? A. From Tokyo to Yokohama. B. From Osaka to Yokohama. C. From Tokyo to Osaka.

18. How many U.N. employees were killed in 2007? A. 17. B. 42. C. 59.

19. What have studies found out about severe pneumonia treatment? No medication works in developing countries.

It can be effectively treated at home with oral antibiotics.

It can only be treated in the hospital with injectable antibiotics. 20. What was the bar’s business like before the smoking ban? A. Almost empty every day. B. Usually crowded at midday. C. Empty on Wednesdays. Section D (10 marks)

In this section, you will hear a short passage. There are ten missing words or phrases. Fill in the blanks with the exact words you hear on the tape. Remember to write the answers on the Answer Sheet.

Crime isn’t rising because the laws are not strict enough, or because the (21) ________ are not tough enough, or simply because there aren’t enough policemen on the beat. It is rising because the agencies and individuals who can have a (22) _______ effect on crime are not pulling together or in the same (23) ______. The police are one of those agencies, of course. But crime prevention is also a matter for (24) ______ who are content to see mass (25) _______ turn into a way of life, for councils who prefer to shout yah-boo at the police, (26) _____ getting on with making life safer for local people, for architects who design exposed and indefensible buildings, for parents who don’t take enough interest in what their teenage children are getting up to and for (27) ______ who sit inside and moan (28) ______ do anything about the state of the neighborhood or the street. Crime prevention has been neglected for too many by too many. Over the last ten years it has been willfully neglected in defiance of mounting (29) _______ that it is the central hope of (30) ________ action against crime. Part II Vocabulary and Structures (10 minutes, 15 marks)

There are 15 incomplete sentences in this part. For each blank there are four choices, marked A, B C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence, then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

31. They are looking for _______ man with _______ long dark hair. He is armed and dangerous. 精品文档


A. a; a B. the; a C. a; / D. /; the 32. It was unfortunate, but she had no _____ but to act as she did. A. chance. B. opportunity C. option D. solution 33. The _____ driver thinks that accidents only happen to other people. A. general B. usual C. common D. average

34. How did they manage to steal the Van Gogh? It was right ____ the security guard’s nose. A. below B. before C. under D. beside

35. The student ______ continuing his studies when he had to return to his home country unexpectedly. A. is considering B. was considering C. should consider D. has considered

36. My friends and I enjoy doing many of the same things. In that respect, we have a lot _______. A. in similar B. in particular C. in common D. in accordance

37. Our planned visit to the United States _______ because we were unable to get the visas. A. fell over B. fell down C. fell through D. fell on 38. Lest anyone _____ it strange, let me assure you that it is quite true. A. thought B. should think C. had thought D. thinking

39. When Sally ______ the criminal ______ her house, she screamed at the top of her voice because she didn’t want ______. A. saw; enter; killed B. saw; enter; to be killed C. sees; entering; be killed D. sees; enter; killing

40. Tina’s children, _____ all live nearby, organized a big party for her eightieth birthday. A. who B. that C. which D. as 41. Sometimes it is necessary to be careful _______ the right date to sit for a test. A. when choosing B. when you will choose C. when you have chosen D. when you chose

42. Einstein’s theory of relativity seemed hard to believe at the time _______. A. when he first introduced B. that he first introduced it C. he first introduced D. which he first introduced it 43. ________ really. I like both public transport and driving. A. On second thoughts B. I could go either way C. I will never learn to drive D. But then again 44. _____ I’m getting married! A. Can you keep a secret? B. Well I never! C. Many happy returns. D. Congratulations! 45. --- So, do you know where you’d like to go?

--- Actually, I’ve heard that it’s very expensive and it’s cold all the time. A. I beg your pardon? B. Yeah, but it’s not very good. C. Do you know any good hotels? D. Do you have any suggestions? Part III Reading Comprehension (20 minutes, 40 marks) Section A (4 marks)

There is one passage in this section with 4 questions. For each question, there are four choices marked A, B C and D. You should decide on the best choice, then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Questions 46-49 are based on the following passage. 精品文档


Most sore throats are caused by an infection which treatment with antibiotics cannot cure. But with simple remedies the patient normally gets better in 4 or 5 days.

Tonsillitis, however, usually starts with a sore throat which causes pain on swallowing. With children and some adults there may be a fever and the patient is obviously not feeling well. It may be possible to see white spots on the back of the throat. The neck may also swell, both of which are the normal response to infection.

Sometimes a sore throat may occur with the common cold, and with influenza there may be dryness of the throat, pain on coughing and loss of voice. TREATMENT

Aspirin: To help relieve the pain on swallowing and (if there is one) the fever, use aspirin tablets dissolved in water, so that the patient can gargle before swallowing. Repeat the treatment every 4 hours.

Drink: Encourage the patient to drink plenty of liquids.

Food: Food should not be forced on a patient who does not want to eat.

Steam: If there is pain in the throat on coughing, breathing in steam may help. CHILDREN

Young children, who may not be able to gargle, should be given aspirin dissolved in water every 4 hours at the right dose for their age. At one year: a single junior aspirin. At five years: half an adult aspirin.

At eight years: one whole adult aspirin. WHEN TO SEE THE DOCTOR

If the sore throat is still getting worse after 2 days. If the patient complains of earache. If the patient or parent is very worried.

46. According to the passage, it would appear that most sore throats _________. require an immediate visit to a doctor

respond quickly to treatment with an antibiotic rarely turn out to be symptoms of serious illness result in tonsillitis even when treated

47. In order to treat a sore throat one should ________. prevent the patient from eating too much

give the patient up to 4 aspirin tablets every day advise the patient to drink large amounts of liquids make the patient gargle with hot liquids

48. You should call the doctor in if _________. swelling occurs in the region of the ears the patient’s condition worsens after 2 days the patient’s throat is still sore after a week

the disease spreads to another member of the family

49. What difference is there in the way adults and young children should be treated with aspirin? Young children should not be allowed to gargle with it. Adults should be given tablets to swallow whole.

Young children should be given aspirin more often than adults. 精品文档


Adults should be given larger doses of aspirin than children. Section B (14 marks)

There is one passage in this section with 10 questions. Go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on the Answer Sheet. For questions 50-55, mark

Y (for YES) if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage; N (for NO) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage; NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage.

For questions 56-59, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage.

In 1945 leaders from 51 countries met in San Francisco, California, and organized the United Nations (often called the UN). World War II had just ended. Millions of people had died, and there was destruction everywhere. People hoped they could build a future of world peace through this new organization.

The United Nations has four main goals and purposes:

To work together for international peace and to solve international problems; To develop friendly relations among nations;

To work together for human rights for everyone of all races, religions, and of both sexes; To build a center where nations can work together for these goals.

Today almost every country in the world is a member of the UN. Each country has signed an agreement that says: 1. All members are equal.

2. All members promise to solve international problems in a peaceful way. 3. No member will use force against another member. 4. All members will help the UN in its actions.

5.The UN will not try to solve problems within countries except to enforce international peace. Obviously, the United Nations has not been completely successful in its goals. There have been several wars since 1945. However, the organization has helped bring peace to some countries that were at war. It has helped people who left their countries because of wars. It has helped bring independence to colonies.

The main United Nations organization is in New York City, but the UN has a “family” of other related organizations all over the world. These organizations try to provide a better life for everyone. One example is UNICEF, an organization that provides food, medical care, and many other services for poor children wherever they live. Another example is the World Health Organization, which develops medical programs all over the world.

There are thousands of UN workers in developing countries. They work as planners to increase production in farming and industry. They provide medical services, improve education programs, and spread scientific information. They develop programs that provide jobs and better living conditions. They help countries control their population growth.

The United Nations also holds large international conferences, where people meet to discuss important world issues. One conference was about the uses and ownership of oceans. Another was about women. There are also International Years. In these special years, people work together to improve situations and solve problems. One year was the International Year of the Child.

For centuries countries have fought each other, and powerful countries have taken control of 精品文档



