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第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)




The Code of Visiting Yellowstone National Park

The following regulations have been sorted for your convenience. Emergency Phone: Dial 911

Yellowstone is a wilderness filled with natural wonders that also have potential dangers.There is no guarantee of your safety.Regulations are strictly enforced to protect you and the park's resources.


Do not approach wildlife, no matter how calm they appear.Always obey instructions from park staff on the scene.You must stay at least 100 yards away from bears and wolves and at least 25 yards away from other large animals—bison, elk, bighorn sheep, deer, moose, and coyotes.Do not feed any animal.It harms them and it is illegal.

Geothermal (地热的) Dangers

Boardwalks and trails protect you.You must stay on boardwalks and designated (指定的) trails.Pools may be near or above the boiling temperatures and can cause severe, possibly even deadly burns.

●Keep your children close to you at all times; make sure they understand the danger.

●Pets are prohibited in thermal areas.

●Swimming or bathing in thermal pools or streams is prohibited.Where swimming is allowed, swim at your own risk.

●Poisonous gases may exist at dangerous levels.If you feel sick, leave immediately.


Yellowstone's weather can change quickly and bring cold temperatures, high winds, rain and falling snow.

●Be prepared for changing temperatures, storms, and emergencies. ●Carry adequate clothing. Driving

●Unless otherwise posted, the top speed throughout the park is 45 mph. ●If you see wildlife while driving, do not stop or pause in the roadway. 1.What do we know about Yellowstone National Park? A.It allows visitors to feed some animals.

B.It gives visitors a free ride in the park.

C.It will punish visitors if they bring their pets.

D.It not only offers visitors pleasure but also there may be dangers. 2.When visiting Yellowstone, what are you advised to do? A.Swim in the designated places. B.Tap those calm animals gently. C.Pull up to take photos of animals.

D.Bring some cloths to avoid poisonous gases. 3.Why is the text written?

A.To explain the facilities of the park. B.To introduce the features of the park. C.To offer some guidance to visit the park. D.To attract more people to visit the park.



Imagine a small group of people with a shared passion for the same craft.They all have different skills and approaches, but they come together to share skills, share stories, and share in the joy of making something.

Modern maker culture is filling headlines and lab spaces all over the world.The way makers communicate with each other has changed over time.In the past, skills mainly came from personal sit-downs with members of the group.But sometimes a teacher wasn't available, or the one available didn't know how to do the skill others wanted to learn.

Today a teacher doesn't even have to be in the same country or occupy the same decade as the students.Thanks to the work of people who take the time to break down and share the details of their craft, an interested individual can learn anything.Guides may range from videos to diagrams and text.Regardless of the media, maker resources are meant to be shared.

One of the features of the maker movement is the crossover between different interests.Perhaps a passion for cars and for leathercraft can result in a truly custom interior (定制的内饰).Perhaps a love of knitting (编织) and robotics will result in a tiny—but very mobile—robotic furry cat.

And once you have started your creation, finding a community to share with is no longer limited to the people nearby.Modern makers have been sharing videos of their progress online for years, contributing greatly to the rapid spread of the maker movement.As different as the participants might be, they share enthusiasm, support, and a willingness to try.

Imagine making a ping-pong table together with your makers' team.One group builds the basic frame.Another group takes on the responsibility of painting.You knit the net.There is joy in just giving it a try.It will remind you of childhood creations.Whether you are an experienced programmer or just picking up a hammer for the first time, it is never a bad time to come up with an idea, try something, and share the results.

4.How did makers communicate with each other in the past? A.By meeting face to face.

B.By asking personal questions. C.By visiting a teacher together. D.By sitting together in a classroom.

5.What does the underlined word “crossover” in Paragraph 4 mean? A.Exchange. B.Difference. C.Combination. D.Independence.

6.What greatly speeds up the spread of modern maker culture? A.The sharing of videos on the Internet. B.The development of education.

C.The increasing willingness to share. D.The increasing number of participants.

7.Why does the author mention making a ping-pong table in the last paragraph? A.To advise us to start small. B.To inspire some creative ideas.

C.To stress the importance of childhood creations. D.To encourage us to join in the maker movement.



Holding hands, people jumped into the water, and floated around in Boston's Charles River recently.That is something that would not have been possible years ago because the river was so polluted.In the 1960s, the music group The Standells even sang about the river in their popular song—“Dirty Water”.

The swimmers were getting their once-a-year chance to cool off from the summer heat in the Charles River.It is called “City Splash”.For a few days each year, the state of Massachusetts allows public swimming on Boston's part of the nearly 130-kilometer Charles River.

The event is in its fifth year.It is a chance for the nonprofit Charles River Conservancy to show its efforts to build a “swim park”.Their idea is to build floating docks where swimmers can jump safely into the river—without touching the risky bottom.These docks would be in areas where the water quality would be tested repeatedly.

Boston is one of the cities hoping to follow the model of Copenhagen, Denmark.That city opened the first of its three floating harbor baths in the early 2000s.On sunny days, people swim in the harbor baths surrounded by tall buildings and cars on the highways.At night, the area is filled with people enjoying music and food.

Just recently Paris opened public swimming in a once-polluted canal.New York, London, Berlin and other cities are planning similar features for their waterways.

In Boston, the Charles River Conservancy still needs to raise several million dollars.It also needs to get approvals from city, state and federal agencies.The groups spokeswoman S.J.Port, said the__biggest__problem has already been taken care of: The Charles is now one of the cleanest city rivers in America.

The U.S.Environmental Protection Agency announced this month that the river

earned a “B” grade for water quality last year—an “A” being the best grade.It means the Charles River met the requirement for swimming 55 percent of the time.

8.What is the function of floating docks? A.They are places for swimmers to rest.

B.They let swimmers get into the river safely.

C.They surround swimmers in a safe area of the river. D.They are used to test the water quality repeatedly.

9.Which of the following has set a good example for others in offering floating harbor baths?

A.Paris. B.Boston.

C.Copenhagen. D.Berlin.

10.What does the underlined part “the biggest problem” refer to? A.The pollution of Charles River. B.Lack of money to treat pollution. C.Getting approvals from governments. D.Meeting the requirement of “A” grade. 11.What can be inferred from the text?

A.The water in Charles River reaches drinking standard. B.People can swim in Charles River at any time. C.This summer is the hottest in Boston. D.Charles River flows through Boston.



Angel Garcia Crespo is a computer engineer at Carlos Ⅲ University of Madrid in Spain.His group has invented a new way for deaf-blind people to “watch” TV.The idea for the technology grew out of previous work by his group.The team had already worked on making audiovisual (视听的) materials accessible to people with either vision or hearing disabilities.But the group wanted to help people with both challenges.So they asked some deaf-blind people what would help.

In addition to relying on their sense of touch to communicate, deaf-blind people can also get and send information with a Braille line.The Braille system uses patterns of raised dots to stand for letters and numbers.A Braille line is an electronic machine with a changeable Braille display.Dots rise up or drop down based on the information sent to the machine.

Now the new system changes TV signals to data a Braille line can use.“The key to the system is the possibility of using subtitles (字幕) to collect TV information,” Garcia Crespo explains.“Subtitles travel with the image (影像) and the audio in electromagnetic waves we don't see.But an electronic system can keep those waves.”

First,a computer program,or app,pulls out the subtitles and visual descriptions from the broadcast signal.The system then combines the information and changes both into data for Braille.

Now another app gets to work, which sends the data out to people's Braille lines

on demand.“This is done in real time,in less than a second,” Garcia Crespo says.This lets a deaf-blind person “watch” TV as it's broadcast.The system will work with various Braille lines,as long as there's a bluetooth connection available.Now,the system is only used in Europe,and it should soon be available in the US.

12.What inspired Garcia Crespo's group to work on the new technology? A.Deaf-blind people's poor life. B.Their pity on the disabled people. C.The challenges they face in work. D.Their group's previous research.

13.Why can the electronic system collect TV information? A.It can combine all kinds of broadcast signals. B.It can keep the waves with subtitles travelling. C.It can work together with a variety of Braille lines. D.It can pull out the subtitles and visual descriptions.

14.What does the author think of the future of the new technology? A.Challenging. B.Bright. C.Rewarding. D.Hopeless.

15.What should be a suitable title for the text?

A.New Technology Is Improving Deaf-blind People's Life B.A New Braille Line Is Applied to Disabled People's Life C.A Spanish Group Makes TV Accessible to Blind People D.New Technology Helps Deaf-blind People “Watch” TV 第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)



Given the high price of housing, many of us are living in smaller spaces than we'd like.However, living in small spaces is not that bad; it has some advantages.

They're cheaper to decorate.It can take thousands of dollars worth of decoration simply to make a large space look inviting.__16__ Instead of many pieces of large, expensive furniture, you only need a few to make your style sing.You'll have plenty of money left for other things.

They're easier to clean.This must be one of your favorite things about living in a small space.The bigger the space, the longer it takes to organize and tidy up.__17__ That's why small spaces are welcomed by those who like being surrounded by order and cleanliness and don't want to spend a ton of time and energy in keeping them that way.

__18__ It takes a lot to pay for heating, cooling and electricity, which can also cost much energy.When you compare the electricity bill of someone living in 500 square feet with that of someone living in 3,000 square feet,the difference can be great.We use less energy and produce less waste when we live in small spaces.__19__

They're easier to personalize.Ever have you walked into a large home that feels more like a museum than the small home of someone you know? It's usually not the most familiar or welcoming atmosphere.__20__ It is much easier to decorate a small home


