———————————————————————————————— 作者: ———————————————————————————————— 日期:
1. Which word means “勇敢”? A. bravery
B. basin
C. base D. brave
2. Which of the following is not the meaning of “instant”? A. 瞬间
B. 立即的
C. 立刻的
D. 不断的
3. What’s the meaning of the word “admirable”? A. 承认
B. 羡慕
C. 值得赞扬的 D. 风俗
4 What’s the meaning of the word “conflict”? A. 确定
B. 矛盾;冲突 C. 通货
D. 风俗
5. Which is the meaning of the phrase “put forward”? A. 放下
B. 收起
C. 结束
D. 提出
6. What’s the meaning of the word “announce”? A. 通知
B. 命令
C. 宣布
D. 讲述
7. Which word has the meaning of “暂时的,临时的”? A. contemporary B. temporary
C. ceremony D. complex
8. What’s the meaning of the word “imitate”? A. 模仿
B. 重建
C. 吞下
D. 再利用
9. What’s the meaning of the word “delight” ? A. 快乐的
B. (使)高兴
C. 传递
D. 需要
10. What’s the meaning of the word “convenience”? A. 方便的
B. 方便;便利
C. 传统
D. 货币
11. What’s the meaning of the word “royal”? A. 快乐的
B. 辉煌的
C. 王室的
D. 一致
12. What’s the meaning of the word “acquire”? A. 谴责
B. 获得
C. 控告 D. 指责
13. Which is not the meaning of the word “recycle”? A. 回收利用
B. 再利用
C. 重复利用
D. 初次使用;
14. Which word means “绷带”? A. band
B. brand
C. bandage D. baggage
15. Which is not the meaning of the word “absorb”? A. 理解 B. 吸收
C. 使专心 D. 治愈
16. What does the word “cautious” mean? A. 谨慎的
B. 好奇的
D. 积极的
17. Which word has the meaning of “最重要的;不可缺少的;本质的”? A. essential
B. electric C. convenience
D. barrier
18. Which is the meaning of the word “exhausted”? A. 困倦的
B. 筋疲力尽的
C. 贪吃的
D. 早先的;
19. What’s the meaning of the word “demand”?
A. 要求 B. 管理;行政部门 C. 赞美 D. 允许 20. What’s the meaning of the word “alike”? A. 争吵
B. 罗马的
C. 类似的
D. 导航
21. What’s the meaning of the word “currency”? A. 目前的
B. 好奇心 C. 货币;通货 D. 习惯
22. What’s the meaning of the word “publish”? A. 公共的
B. 出版
C. 惩罚
D. 一致
23. Which is not the meaning of the word “pour”? A. 倒 B. 灌
C. 吸
D. 注
24. Which word has the meaning of “水泡”?
A. scar B. blister C. ballet D. watery 25. Which of the following is not the meaning of “attend”? A. 出席
B. 照顾
C. 注意
D. 趋向
1. I am ____________(乐观的) about the outlook of our country. 2. __________(折叠) other clothes as flat as possible.
3. I began to ______________(怀疑) they were trying to get rid of me. 4. There’s no need for too much (礼节) between friends.
5. In a cold winter, many wild animals can die from _______________(缺乏) of food.
6. They often _________(争吵) with each other.
7. The author of the guidebook is an architect by ____________(职业). 8. Climate and weather affect every ________________(方面) of our lives. 9. The bank will put (压力) on you if you don’t pay. 10. They were always very ____________(严格的) with their children. 11. His behavior is______________(一致的) with his teaching. 12. This______________(版本) of the dictionary is sold out. 13. I felt___________(内疚) after breaking my promise.
14. If you are too______________(贪心的), you may lose everything. 15. A cold, fever and headache are the usual (症状) of a flu.
16. Having been ______________(暴露) to the wind for a long time, the meat has become dry.
17. Her gentleness has given me a deep ___________________(印象). 18. I’m _________(感到高兴) at your success.
19. They believe that the house was__________(故意地) set fire to. 20. The room was ___________(配备好装备的) in warm reds and browns. 21. The school cannot___________________(容忍) cheating on exams. 22. These clothes are not dry yet; they are still (潮湿的).
23. No one could have _______________(预料) that things would turn out this way.
24. With a careful investigation, the police reached a ________________(结论) finally.
25. I wish to turn on the light, and where is the _______________(开关)? 26. Did you have a chance to do any__________(观光)? 27. I’m rather____________(怀疑的) about what he said. 28. People like to live a life full of (多样化). 29. TB is a serious illness, but it can be ______________(治愈).
30. After (挤出) the water out of the shirt, she hung it in the sun.