1102 剑桥国际少儿英语1 第一单元文本
Unit 1 Hello!
1. Listen and point.
Mrs Star: Hello. I’m Mrs Star. Mr Star: Hello. I’m Mr Star.
Stella: Hello. I’m Stella Star. This is Marie.
Simon: Hello. I’m Simon Star. This is Maskman. Suzy: Hello. I’m Suzy Star. This is Monty. Suzy, Stella and Simon: Goodbye.
Monty: Hello. I’m Monty. What’s your name? 2. Listen, point and repeat.
Mrs star Mr Star Stella Simon Suzy 3. Listen and do the actions.
Toys in the toy box.玩具在玩具盒里。 Come alive.活跃起来
Walk and talk.走路和说话 On the count of five,数到五 One, two, three, four, five.
Marie: Hello. I’m Marie. What’s your name? Maskman: Maskman. What’s your name? Monty:Monty. All:Goodbye.
4. Say the chant. One, two, three, four, five, Six, seven, eight, nine and ten. 5. Listen and point. Stella: Hello. Meera.
Meera: Hello, Stella. Hello. What’s your name? Suzy: Suzy.
Meera: How old are you? Suzy: I’m three.
Simon:How old are you, Meera? Meera: I’m eight, and you? Simon:I’m six.
6. Listen, point and repeat. Simon:Hello. I’m Simon. I’m six. Meera: Hello. I’m Marie. I’m eight. Suzy:Hello. I’m Suzy. I’m three. Stella: Hello. I’m Stella. I’m seven. 7. Sing the song.份
Red and yellow and pink and green, Orange and purple and blue.
I can sing a rainbow. 我可以唱彩虹。 Sing a rainbow,
Sing a rainbow to you.
8. Listen and say the colour.
Six, three, five, one, seven, 9. Say it with Monty. Monty: Sid snake希德的蛇 Monty, boy and girl: Sid snake Monty: Stella, Suzy, Simon, Star
Monty, boy and girl: Stella, Suzy, Simon, Star 10. Ask the questions. What’s your name? I’m …(姓名)
How old are you? I’m …(年龄)
11. Listen to the story.
four, two
Toys in the toy box. Come alive. Walk and talk.
On the count of five,
One, two, three, four, five. Maskman: Hello, Marie.
Marie: Hello, Maskman. Close the door, please. Sit down here. Maskman:Listen to my chant听我唱, Marie. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 and 10.
Marie:Very good, Maskman. Maskman:Yes, good.
Maskman:Listen! Look! What …? Aaaagghh! A blue monster! Marie: No, Maskman. It’s a …
Maskman: Eeeek! A blue monster! Goodbye, Marie.
Marie: Goodbye, Maskman. Close the door, please, Maskman. Thank you.
Monty:Hello, Marie. Marie: Hello, Monty.
Monty:Look, a blue pencil. Marie: Yes, a blue pencil.
12. Listen and say the number.
Maskman: Listen to my chant, Marie. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 and 10. Monty: Look, a blue pencil. Marie:Yes, a blue pencil.
Maskman:Eeeek! A blue monster! Goodbye, Marie.
Maskman:Listen! Look! What …? Aaaagghh! A blue monster! Marie: No, Maskman. It’s a …
Marie: Close the door, please, Maskman. Thank you.
1104 剑桥国际少儿英语1 第二单元文本
Unit 2 My school 1. Listen and point.
Suzy: Oooohh! Simon, is that your bag? Simon: Yes, it is. Suzy: It’s yellow.
Simon: Yes, it is, and my pencil’s red. Suzy: Is your eraser red too? Simon: No, it isn’t. It’s green. Suzy: And what colour’s your pen? Simon: It’s blue, Suzy. Suzy: Oh , and…?
Simon: Here, Suzy! Look at this. It’s my Maskman book! Suzy: Wow! Thanks, Simon. 2. Listen, point and repeat.
Table, book, chair, eraser, pen, pencil 3. Say the chant. A pencil, a book, An eraser, a pen, A table, a chair, Say it again.
4. Listen, and correct. .1.Four purple chairs .2.Three blue tables .3.Six red pens