一、英文考试做题顺序 军虎老师建议的做题顺序: 第一步,阅读
第二步,写作,小作文和大作文 第三步,翻译
顺序原因:一切围绕考分重点,即阅读和写作来投精力。完形填空作为时间的替补。 二、英文小作文通用要求和注意事项
3,虎头豹尾:作文的开头、结尾都要用事先准备好的句,不可出错。前三句即决定成绩。 4,避免明错:作文要用保险的方法,不要出明显差错,如时态,单复数,虚拟语气等。 备注:
1, 老师阅卷是将试卷扫描成电子版,在电子版上阅卷,所以不能写出界,否则扫描不上 2, 小作文和大作文可以有重复的句子出现。因小作文和大作文是不同老师流水线改卷。 三、小作文种类 1,作文通用要求
A节:小作文,10分,种类:A1,应用文:书信,备忘录,报告,通知,便笺 字数要求100字,一定要大于100字 B节:大作文:15分,三类:
B2,图表情景作文:考试年份:06,07,10,本年备考重点 B3,图画情景作文:考试年份:98,99,2008,2010, 2,十种书信
2.1 书信通用要求:标准格式,142阵形
书信格式:要求采用缩进式,缩进可以4或8个字母 书信结构:
1, 称呼顶格:个人:Dear Sir/Madam/Judy/Jack,(用逗号)
机构:Dear Sir or Madam, /To whom it may concern, / To those concerned, 专业:Dear Mr. Wang, / Dear Professor Wang, / Dear Editor Wang, 2, 正文缩进4字.通常分三段,句子数量:1,4,2,或1,5,2容为: 首段:写信目的1句
中段:写信详情4或5句,通常1句总述,3到4句分述 尾段:收尾2句,S1:感看信,S2:期待回信 3, 落款在右边:
Yours truly, / Yours faithfully,/ Yours sincerely, NAME
2.2求职信、申请信application letter/cover letter & Applying letter 1,outline:
P1【写信目的求职】P2【我有资质.教育背景.工作经验.自身素质】P3【感激面试.期待回应】 Para1, S1, writing the letter, purpose, applying for a position Para2,S1,my qualifications, meet your requirements
S2,In the first place, major, in line with this job
S2,In the second, previous work experience, help lay a solid foundation
word 资料
S3,Inaddition, a good team player, self-motivated and eager to learn S4,refer to my resume attached, for more details. Para3,S1,would appreciate it a lot, schedule an interview
S2,Looking forward, to your reply, at your earliest con-ven-ien-ce. 3, Example 1:application letter
Dear Sir or Madam,
I’m writing this letter for the purpose of applying for the position [as posted in the newspaper].
My qualifications, I believe, just amply meet your requirements. In the first place, my major, English, is perfectly in line with this job. In the second, my previous work experience [as a middle-school English teacher] has helped lay a solid foundation for the work here. In addition, I am a good team player, self-motivated and eager to learn. Please refer to my resume attached for more details.
I would appreciate it a lot if you could schedule an interview for me. Looking forward to your reply at your earliest convenience.
Yours truly, Li Ming Key words:
Application 申请;Apply 申请;Position 职位;Post 职位;Qualifications资质; Background: bachelor Master Doctor; work experience: solid foundation(良好的基础);team player, self-motivated, eager to learn(渴望学习)
4, Example 2: applying letter
To whom it may concern,
I’m writing the letter for the purpose of applying to be a volunteer for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.
My qualifications, I believe, just amply meet your requirements. In the first place, my specialty, English, is perfectly in agreement with the job. In the second, my previous work experiences as a social volunteer has helped lay a solid foundation for the work here. Moreover, I am a good team player, self-motivated, eager to learn. I would appreciate it a lot if you could schedule an interview for me. Looking forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience.
Yours truly, Li Ming 2.3推荐信recommendation letter 1, outline
P1【写信目的推荐.在找工作】P2【符合要求.有经验.有素质.值得考虑】P3【感.期待回应】 Para1,S1,recommend to you
S2, seek employment as a sales manager Para2,s1,amply meet your requirements
S2, rich experiences, help lay a solid foundation
S3,good team player, self-motivated and eager to learn S4, certain, deserve your consideration
Para3,s1, pay due attention, s2, look forward, your reply, at your earliest con-ven-ien-ce
word 资料
2, example Dear Judy,
I’m writing the letter for the purpose of recommending to your Li Ming, one of my best collages. He is seeking employment as a sales manager in your company.
As far as I know, his qualifications amply meet your requirements. In the first place, his rich experiences as a sales manager has helped lay a solid foundation for the work here. In the second, he is a good team player, self-motivated and eager to learn. Accordingly, I’m certain that he deserves your consideration.
Thanks a lot for paying due attention to the letter. I’m looking forward to your reply at your earliest convenience.
Yours truly, Li Ming 2.4辞职信resignation letter 1, Outline:
P1【写信目的辞职】P2【不合适.没挑战.低工资.要辞职】P3【机会.感sorry】 Para1, S1, resign from my current position
Para2,S1,After several months of work, find it in-appro-priate, take the position,following
S2,expected the job to, be both challenging and rewards, turn out to be the opposite S3,salary, has proved to be a lot lower, you originally promised S4, As a result, make up my mind, to quit, after much de-libera-tion
Para3,S1,having offered me, the golden oppor-tunity to work, with the outstanding staff here S2,I am sorry, for any in-con-ven-ience caused. 2, Example:
Dear Mr. Jack,
I’m writing the letter for the purpose of resigning from my current position. After several months of work, I find it inappropriate for me to take the position [as an editor] for the following reasons. In the first place, I ever expected the job to be both challenging and rewards which has turned out to be the opposite. In the second, the salary has proved to be a lot lower than you originally promised and I have a large family to support. As a result, I’ve made up my mind to quit the job after much deliberation.
Thanks a lot for having offered me the golden opportunity to work with the outstanding staff here. I sincerely hope you will approve of my resignation. I am genuinely sorry for any inconvenience caused.
Yours truly, Li Ming Key words:
Resignation 辞职,position 职位, inappropriate 不适合的; challenging 挑战的; offer 提供; golden opportunity 绝佳机会. After much deliberation 深思熟虑 2.5建议信suggestion letter/advice letter 1, outline:
P1【写信目的建议】P2【情况危急.必须行动.公众意识.相关部门.大众媒体】P3【感.期待】 Para1, S1, convey my deepest concern,
Para2,S1, must be pointed out, current situation, is going from bad to worse. S2, accordingly, it’s urgent, take effective measures.
word 资料
S3,enhance the public’s awareness of gravity of it.
S4, appeal to, relevant department, set up stick regulations, against it S5, mass media, help devise ways, easing the bad trend Para3,S1,pay due attention
S2, looking forward, see some new changes 2, Example 1: 宏观大建议 To whom it may concern, I am writing the letter for the purpose of conveying my deepest concern about the “White paper”. It must be pointed out that the current situation is going from bad to worse. Accordingly, it’s urgent for us to take effective measures. In the first place, we should enhance the public’s awareness of the gravity of it. In the second, we should appeal to the relevant department to set up strict regulations against it. [For example, changing more on the plastic bags]. In addition, mass media should help devise ways of easing the bad trend.
Thanks a lot for paying due attention to the letter. Looking forward to seeing some new changes in the society soon.
Yours truly, Li Ming Key words:
Deepest concern 最深切的关注;convey 表达;suggestion 建议; going bad to worse 变得更坏;
effective measure 有效手段; enhance 加强; awareness 意识; help devise ways 想方设法; deteriorating 恶化
3, Example 2: 具体事件小建议 To Sir or Madam,
I’m a student from the Department of Foreign Languages and I am writing the letter for the purpose of making some suggestions about the library’s service.
It must be pointed out that the present situation is going from bad to worse. Accordingly, it’s imperative for us to take effective measures. To begin with, why not set up an inquiry desk at the circulation hall? In addition, the students should have access to the latest issues of foreign magazines. Finally, you’d better maintain strict order in the reading room.
Thanks a lot for pay due attention to the letter. Looking forward to seeing some new changes in our library room.
Yours truly, Li Ming. 2.6感信thanks letter[2010 年真题,今年不太可能再考] 1, Outline
Para1, S1, 写信目的:感,thanks
Para2,S1,原因1:友好热情 S2,原因2:慷慨帮助 S3,原因3:友谊 S4,容:感方式 Para3,S1,再次感 S2,祝福 Key words:Generous 慷慨的; 2, Example Dear Judy,
I’m writing the letter for the purpose of conveying my thanks for your warm reception [during my recent visit to your country].
word 资料
Your friendly warmth made it possible that I have a pleasant time in America. And it was your generous help that allowed me the chance to know the American culture better. In addition, I consider in an honor for me to make a friends of you. I hope that you would visit our country in due course so that I could enjoy the opportunity to repay your kindness and refresh our friendship.
Please accept my sincere thanks. Wish you all the best.
Yours truly, Li Ming 2.7祝贺信congratulation letter 1, Outline:
P1【写信目的祝贺】P2【得来不易.激动.值得.鼓励.骄傲】P3【祝贺.期待】 Para1,S1,convey my sincere con-gratu-lations
Para2,S1,how hard you’ve worked, to attain this goal. S2,imagine your excitement, realize such an ambition. S3, more deserving than you
S4, real encouragement, to see your pains rewarded. Para3,S1, accept my sincere congratulations. S2, wish you still further success Key words:
Excitement 激动; attain 取得; ambition 追求; deserve 值得 2, example Dear Judy,
I’m writing the letter for the purpose of expressing my sincere congratulations on [your promotion to general manager of the company].
I know how hard you’ve worked to attain this goal. Therefore, I can imagine your excitement when you realized such an ambition. Indeed, no one could have been more deserving than you. On the other hand, for me, it would be a real encouragement to see your pains rewarded. [ In short, I take great pride in your achievements].
Please accept my sincere congratulations. I wish you still further success. Yours truly, Li Ming 2.8道歉信apology letter 1, outline
P1【写信目的道歉】P2【道歉原因.道歉.解释,补救】P3【道歉.请求原谅】 Para1,S1,make a sincere apology, for my carelessness Para2,s1,
S2, fell awfully sorry
S3, try my best , as soon as possible Para3,s1, accept my heartfelt apology,
S2, hope you can forgive, for my carelessness 2, example Dear Judy,
I’m writing the letter for the purpose of making a sincere apology to you for my carelessness.
word 资料