technology innovation, new products development,
commercialization and the marketing. We have established Center of Research, Center of Information, Center of Testing, Special Engineering Company and a production base of quite large scale. In recent years, we have made significant progress in R&D and marketing.
The main products and techniques are as follows:Prestressed Column-slab Structure System, the Sets of the Box-structure Multi-storied Residential Building System, Prestressed Construction, the full Sets of Techniques for Large Sized Equipment Lifting, Full Sets of Techniques and Equipment for Steel Welding Joint and Mechanical Joint, the Construction Gypsum products and Techniques, Concrete Additive, Building Boundary Adhesives, Building Waterproof Materials, Building Coatings, Thermal Insulation Materials and Techniques for Saving Energy, Energy Efficiency Test Techniques .etc. In the rapid progress of the market economy, guided by the principle that Science and Technology is the prime productive force, our institute will determine to develop high-tech industry and speed up the commercialization of science research result. We are committed to making great contribution to the realization of the stratagem of national revitalizing through
science and education.
地址:中国北京南苑新华路一号 邮编:100076
电话:(010)67992220;67991725 传真:(010)67991356
电子邮件 负责人:杨世浩 院长
Add: No.1, Xinhao Road Nanyuan Beijing, P.R.China Postcode: 100076
Tel:(010) 67992220; 67991725 Fax:(010) 67991356
E-mail: Director: Mr.Yang Shihao
附件2.贵州磷酸盐厂基本概况 贵州磷酸盐厂是一个老的的磷化工生产企业,生产、开发物质条件均较好,全厂占地近400亩,目前已开发使用近一半,还有一半土地待开发利用,两条35KV输电线路已到厂区,供电可靠,现有供水系统能力为600m3/h,富余量大,完全可满足该项目水、电供应。 贵州磷酸盐厂隶属于贵州宏福实业总公司,是一个具有独立法人的中型磷化工企业,厂区占地近400,已经办理国有土地使用证,厂址在贵阳市乌当区洛弯,属贵阳规划化工小区。
附件3.SUF微细粉技术的鉴定书 鉴定意见
3、根据SUF微细粉表面活性原理,经反复试验研究探索出粉体生产磨细工艺及在磨细过程中加入特殊的添加剂,技术先进可靠。 4、本项目利用工业电炉磷渣,生产出应用价值很高的SUF微细粉,为我国积存多年的磷渣再利用开辟了一条新的途径,具有很好的环保效益和经济效益,符合国家可持续发展的战略。
程应用试点工作,具有良好的推广应用前景,在磷渣微细粉的研究与应用方面达到国际先进水平。 6、建议
进一步开展SUF微细粉的应用研究,扩大应用领域;加快推进SUF微细粉的产业化进程,使其尽快服务于我国建筑行业。 鉴定委员会主任:谢译 副主任:韩立群,苏素珍
附件4:SUF微细粉中试生产工艺过程和质量控制 中试生产工艺过程流程: 添加剂 添加剂 磷渣 配合 粉磨 分级 表面改性 SUF微细粉体 辅料 粗颗粒 原材料的质量要求:
渣等,其化学成分应在以下范围: CaO SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 P2O3 43-49 35-41 2-8 0.5-3 <=1.2 且入磨时的含水率不得大于1%. 产品质量控制 质量控制手段分为:
原料的检验,化学成分,杂质含量和含水量等 细度的控制:勃氏比表面积法,按GB/T8074-1987进行 产品的分散性能和活性指数检验:按SUF微细粉质量标准进行 中建一局商品混凝土搅拌站在实际工程中对SUF微细粉进行了应用,分别用于长春大厦,鸿安大厦和三露厂综合房等工程,均取得了良好的工程效果。