What Is a Dream?
For centuries, people have wondered about the strange things that they dream about. Some psychologists say that this nighttime activity of the mind has no special meaning. Others,however, think that dreams are an important part of our lives. In fact, many experts believe that dreams can tell us about a person?s mind and emotions.
Before modern times, many people thought that dreams contained messages from God. It was only in the twentieth century that people started to study dreams in a scientific way.
The Austrian psychologist, Sigmund Freud1,was probably the first person to study dreams scientifically. In his famous book, The interpretation of Dreams (1900), Freud wrote that dreams are an expression of a person?s wishes. He believed that dreams allow people to express the feelings, thoughts, and fears that they are afraid to express in real life.
The Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung2 was once a student of Freud?s. Jung,however,had a different idea about dreams. Jung believed that the purpose of a dream was to communicate a message to the dreamer. He thought people could learn more about themselves by thinking about their dreams. For example, people who dream about falling may learn that they have too high an opinion of themselves. On the other hand, people who dream about being heroes may learn that they think too little of themselves.
Modern-day psychologists continue to develop theories about dreams. For example, psychologist William Domhoff from the University of California, Santa Cruz,believes that dreams are tightly linked to a person?s daily life, thoughts, and behavior. A criminal, for example, might dream about crime.
Domhoff believes that there is a connection between dreams and age. His research shows that children do not dream as much as adults. According to Domhoff, dreaming is a mental skill that needs time to develop.
He has also found a link between dreams and gender. His studies show that the dreams of men and women are different. For example, the people in men?s dreams are often other men, and the dreams often involve fighting. This is not true of women?s dreams.3 Domhoff found this gender difference in the dreams of people from 11 cultures around the world, including both modern and traditional ones.
Can dreams help us understand ourselves? Psychologists continue to try to answer this question in different ways. However, one thing they agree on this: If you dream that something terrible is going to occur, you shouldn?t panic. The dream may have meaning, but it does not mean that some terrible event will actually take place. It?s important to remember that the world of dreams is not the real world.
psychologist / sa??k?l?d??st / n.心理学家 psychiatrist /sai' kai?tr?st/ n.精神病学家(医生) 注释:
Austrian / ??str??n / adj.奥地利的
gender / ?d?end? / n.性别
1.Sigmund Freud西格蒙德?弗洛伊德(1856—1939),犹太人,奥地利精神病医生及精神分析学家。精神分析学派的创始人。他认为被压抑的欲望绝大部分是属于性的,性的扰乱是精神病的根本原因。著有《性学三论》《梦的释义》《图腾与禁忌》《日常生活的心理病理学》《精神分析引论》《精神分析引论新编》等。
2.Carl Jung:卡尔?荣格,瑞士著名精神分析专家,分析心理学的创始人。
3.For example, the people in men?s dreams are often other men, and the dreams often involve fighting. This is not true of women?s dreams.例如,男人做梦会梦到男人,并且常与打斗有关;女人做梦与男人则不同。 练习:
1.Not everyone agrees that dreams are meaningful.
A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned 2.According to Freud, people dream about things that they cannot talk about.
A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned 3.Jung believed that dreams did not help one to understand oneself.
A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned 4.In the past, people believed that dreams involved emotions.
A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned 5.According to Domhoff, babies do not have the same ability to dream as adults do.
A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned 6.Men and women dream about different things.
A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned 7.Scientists agree that dreams predict the future.
A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned
1.A 这句话恰好表达了本文第一段的意思。即有些心理学家认为,人脑睡眠中的活动没有特别意义;而有些人则认为,梦可以揭示人的思维和情感。
2.A 第三段的最后一句讲的是弗洛伊德认为梦反映了人们在现实情况下害怕表达的情感、想法或恐惧。此句与本叙述一致。 3.B 第四段的第二句和第三句:Jung believed that the purpose of a dream was to communicate a message to the dreamer.(荣格认为梦的用途是向做梦者传递一个信息)He thought people could learn more about themselves by thinking about their dreams.(他认为人们通过思考所做的梦能够更好地了解自己)。他给出了两个例子来说明他的论点。 4.C 文中没有提及。
5.A 依据第六段,Domhoff研究得出:婴儿不像成人做那么多的梦,做梦是一种需要时间提高的技能。这就说明了婴儿不具备成人做梦的能力。
6.A 本文第七段讲述了做梦与性别的关系。第二句更指出男人和女人做的梦是不同的。 7.B 最后一段的倒数第二句讲的是:梦可能会有意义,但并不表示一些恐怖事情就一定会发生。因而不能预测未来。
Stage Fright1
Fall down as you come onstage. That?s an odd trick. Not recommended. But it saved the pianist Vladimir Feltsman when he was a teenager back in Moscow. The veteran cellist Mstislav Rostropovich tripped him purposely to cure him of pre-performance panic,2 Mr. Feltsman said, “ All
my fright was gone. I already fell. What else could happen?”
Today, music schools are addressing the problem of anxiety in classes that deal with performance techniques and career preparation. There are a variety of strategies that musicians can learn to fight stage fright and its symptoms: icy fingers, shaky limbs, racing heart, blank mind.3
Teachers and psychologists offer wide-ranging advice, from basics like learning pieces inside out,4 to mental discipline, such as visualizing a performance and taking steps to relax. Don?t deny that you?re jittery,they urge; some excitement is natural, even necessary for dynamic playing. And play in public often, simply for the experience.
Psychotherapist Diane Nichols suggests some strategies for the moments before performance, “Take two deep abdominal breaths, open up your shoulders, then smile,?? she says. “And not one of these ?please don?t kill me? smiles. Then choose three friendly faces in the audience, people you would communicate with and make music to, and make eye contact with them.” She doesn?t want performers to think of the audience as a judge.
Extreme demands by mentors or parents are often at the root of stage fright,says Dorothy Delay, a well-known violin teacher. She tells other teachers to demand only what their students are able to achieve.
When Lynn Harrell was 20,he became the principal cellist of the Cleverland Orchestra, and he suffered extreme stage fright. “There were times when I got so nervous I was sure the audience could see my chest responding to the throbbing. It was just total panic. I came to a point where I thought,? If I have to go through this to play music, I think I?m going to look for another job.”5 Recovery, he said, involved developing humility-recognizing that whatever his talent, he was fallible,and that an imperfect concert was not a disaster.6
It is not only young artists who suffer, of course. The legendary pianist Vladimir Horowitz?s nerves were famous. The great tenor Franco Corelli is another example. “They had to push him on stage,” Soprano Renata Scotto recalled.
Actually,success can make things worse. “In the beginning of your career, when you?re scared to death, nobody knows who you are, and they don?t have any expectations,” Soprano June Anderson said. “There?s less to lose. Later on, when you?re known, people are coming to see you, and they have certain expectations. You have a lot to lose.”
Anderson added,“I never stop being nervous until I?ve sung my last note.” 词汇: veteran / ?vet?r?n / adj.经验丰富的 jittery / ?d??t?ri / adj.紧张不安的 mentor / ?men?t?: / n.指导者 soprano / s??prprɑ:n?? / n.女高音;女高音歌
cellist/ ?t?el?st / n.大提琴演奏家 abdominal / ?b?d?m?n?l / adj.腹部的 fallible/ ?f?l?b?l / adj.易犯错误的 tenor /'ten?/ n.男高音
1.Stage Fright:舞台恐惧
2.The veteran cellist Mstislav Rostropovich tripped him purposely to cure him of pre-performance panic…资深大提琴家Mstislav Rostropovich故意把Vladimir Feltsman绊倒,因而治愈了他的上台前的恐惧症。cure somebody of something (illness, problem):医治好病(解决问题) 3.… its symptoms:icy fingers, shaky limbs, racing heart, blank mind:舞台恐惧的症状有手冰凉、身体颤抖、心跳加快和大脑一片空白。
4.Teachers and psychologists offer wide-ranging advice, from basics like learning pieces inside
out :老师和心理学家提出了方方面面的建议,一些基础知识,比如将演奏曲目烂熟于心…… inside out: in great detail详细地,从里到外地 5.I came to a point where I thought,“If I have to go through this to play music, I think I?m going to look for another job. ”我曾经一度认为,如果搞音乐就必须经过克服舞台恐惧这一关的话,这项工作不能做。
6.Recovery, he said, involved developing humility-recognizing that whatever his talent, he was fallible, and that an imperfect concert was not a disaster.不舞台恐惧意味着提高谦卑感,即认识到不管你多有才,你也会出错,一个有瑕疵的音乐会也绝对不是世界末日。 练习:
1.Falling down onstage was not a good way for Vladimir Feltsman to deal with his stage fright.
A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned 2.There are many signs of stage fright.
A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned 3.Teachers and psychologists cannot help people with extreme -stage fright.
A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned 4.To perform well on stage, you need to have some feelings of excitement.
A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned 5.If you have stage fright, it's helpful to have friendly audience.
A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned 6.Often people have stage fright because parents or teachers expect too much of them.
A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned 7.Famous musicians never suffer from stage fright.
A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned 答案与题解:
1.B 本文第一段讲的是钢琴家Vladimir Feltsman被Mstislav Rostropovich绊倒后,他的舞台恐惧被治愈了的故事。
2.A 第二段的最后一句点出舞台恐惧的诸多症状为手冰凉、身体颤抖、心跳加快和大脑一片空白。
3.B 本文的第三、四、五、六段都在讲老师和心理学家为舞台恐惧者提供全方位的建议。 4.A 依据第三段的倒数第二句:some excitement is natural, even necessary for dynamic playing.(表演中激情是自然甚至是必要的)
5.C 第四段提到克服舞台恐惧的方法之一是:在观众中选择三位友好的面孔,与他们用眼光交流。所以克服舞台恐惧要靠自己而不是指望所有的观众都友好。
6.A 第五段讲了舞台恐惧的根源在于指导者或父母对表演者要求太高。extreme demands就是expect too much of them的意思。 7.B 第七段讲的是:不只年轻艺术家有舞台恐惧症,钢琴家Vladimir Horowitz和男高音Franco Corelli亦不能幸免。Never一词不恰当。
第十四篇 Azeri Hills Hold Secret of Long Life
You can see for kilometers from the mountains where Allahverdi Ibadov herds his small flock of sheep amid a sea of yellow, red, and purple wildflowers. The view from Amburdere in southern Azerbaijan toward the Iranian border is spectacular, but Mr. Ibadov barely gives it a second glance.
Why should he? He?s been coming here nearly every day for 100 years.
According to his carefully preserved passport, Mr. Ibadov, whose birth was not registered until he was a toddler, is at least 105 years old. His wife, who died two years ago, was even older. They are among the dozens of people in this beautiful, isolated region who live extraordinarily long lives.
Mr. Ibadov?s eldest son has just turned 70. He lost count long ago of how many grandchildren he has.1 “I?m an old man now I look after the sheep, and I prepare the wood for winter. I still have something to do. “
A lifetime of toil, it seems, takes very few people to an early grave in this region. Scientists admit there appears to be something in the Azeri mountains that gives local people a longer, healthier life than most.
Miri Ismailov?s family in the tiny village of Tatoni are convinced that they know what it is. Mr. Ismailov is 110, his great-great-grandson is four. They share one proud boast: Neither has been to a doctor. “There are hundreds of herbs on the mountain, and we use them all in our cooking and for medicines”; explained Mr. Ismailov?s daughter, Elmira. “We know exactly what they can do. We are our own doctors.,?
There is one herb for high blood pressure,another for kidney stones,and a third for a hacking cough. They are carefully collected from the slopes surrounding the village. Experts from the Azerbaijan Academy of Science believe the herbs may be part of the answer. They have been studying longevity in this region for years. It began as a rare joint Soviet-American project in the 1980s,but these studies are not being funded any more.
Azeri scientists have isolated a type of saffron unique to the southern mountains as one thing that seems to increase longevity. Another plant, made into a paste, dramatically increases the amount of milk that animals are able to produce. “Now we have to examine these plants clinically to find out which substances have this effect,” said Chingiz Gassimov, a scientist at the academy.
The theory that local people have also developed a genetic predisposition to long life has been strengthened by the study of a group of Russian emigres whose ancestors were exiled to the Caucasus 200 years ago.2 The Russians? life span is much shorter than that of the indigenous mountain folk — though it is appreciably longer than that of their ancestors left behind in the Russian heartland.
“Over the decades,I believe local conditions have begun to have a positive effect on the new arrivals” , Professor Gassimov said. “It?s been slowly transferred down the generations.”
But Mr. Ismailov, gripping his stout wooden cane, has been around for too long to get overexcited. “There?s no secret,” he shrugged dismissively. “I look after the cattle and I eat well. Life goes on.”
herd / h?:d / vt.放牧
boast / b?ust / vt.以有??而自豪 longevity / l?n?d?eviti / n.长寿 Caucasus /丨?k?:k?s?s / n.高加索 Dismissively /dis'misivli/ adv.轻蔑地
spectacular / spek?t?kjul? / adj.壮观的 hacking cough干咳 saffron / ?s?fr?n / n.藏红花 indigenous / ?n?d?d??n?s / adj.本土的
1.He lost count long ago of how many grandchildren he has.他很久以前就数不清他有多少个孙辈孩子。lost count:弄不清楚,数不清
2.The theory that local people have also developed a genetic predisposition to long life has been strengthened by the study of a group of Russian emigres whose ancestors were exiled to the Caucasus 200 years ago.当地人已经具备长寿的遗传素质,一组关于俄罗斯移民的研究证实