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杨岂深《英国文学选读Book 3》考研真题及典型题详解(一~三)【圣才出品】

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I. Fill in the blanks

圣才电子书 十万种考研考证电子书、题库视频学习平台 杨岂深《英国文学选读Book 3》考研真题及典型题详解(一)

1. The reputation of ______ rests largely on two of his novels: Animal Farm and ______.(大连外国语学院2008研)

【答案】George Orwell; Nineteen Eighty-four


2. Through the military life experience of Guy, and disillusionment of his dream of elimination of the evils through just wars, Evelyn Waugh explores in his work, ______, the nature of war.

【答案】Unconditional Surrender

【解析】伊夫林·沃在小说《无条件投降》(Unconditional Surrender)写到,盖伊希望通过战争消除罪恶的梦想最终破灭,从而以此来探索自己对战争本质的认识。

3. Author ______. Title ______.(南京大学2008研)

Viciously, with full intention, he hurled his spear at Ralph. The point tore the skin and flesh over Ralph’s ribs, then sheared off and fell in the water. Ralph stumbled, feeling no pain but panic, and the tribe, screaming now like the Chief, began to advance.

【答案】Author: William Golding Title: Lord of the Flies

【解析】题目节选自William Golding的 Lord of the Flies (《蝇王》)。《蝇王》是威廉·戈

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圣才电子书 十万种考研考证电子书、题库视频学习平台 尔丁的代表作,是一本重要的哲理小说,借小孩的天真来探讨人性的恶这一严肃主题。

4. The Golden Notebook is considered to be ______ ‘s masterpiece, taken as a milestone work in Feminist Literature. 【答案】Doris Lessing

【解析】《金色笔记》是多丽丝·莱辛(Doris Lessing)的代表作,是一部女权主义作品,莱辛描写了所谓的“自由女性”在男权社会里面对的问题,在女权主义文学中具有里程碑意义。

5. Kingsley Amis’s ______ was considered to be the earliest representative work of the “angry youth” in the 1950s in Britain. 【答案】Lucky Jim 【解析】金斯莱·艾米斯的《幸运的杰姆》是50年代英国“愤怒的青年”的最早代表作品。作者以诙谐的笔触,对文化教育界虚伪、浮夸的风气进行了辛辣的讽刺和抨击。

II. Multiple Choice

1. During the 1950s,there appeared a group of young writers in Britain who were fiercely critical of the established order. They were called ______.(四川大学2011 研)

A. Angry Young Fellows B. Critical Young Writers C. Angry Young Men

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www.100xuexi.com D. Cynical Young Writers 【答案】C

圣才电子书 十万种考研考证电子书、题库视频学习平台 【解析】“Angry Young Men”来自于John Osborne的戏剧Look Back in Anger,属于这一群体的还有Kingsley Amis, John Wain, John Braine, Alan Sillitoe. 他们大多来自工人或低中等阶层,作品主要显示了生活的艰辛和黑暗,揭露了上层阶级的虚伪。

2. William Golding’s Lord of the Flies deals with the conflict between the forces of reason and those of irrationality represented by ______. A. Jack B. Ralph C. Piggy D. Simon 【答案】A

【解析】在威廉·杰拉尔德·戈尔丁(William Golding)的小说《蝇王》中,拉尔夫(Ralph)代表了社会秩序和文明,他的朋友,戴着眼镜被大家称作“小猪”(Piggy)的胖男孩代表了理性和逻辑思维,而杰克(Jack)则代表了与之相对的野性。

3. Like Evelyn Waugh ______ is much interested in the actual doctrines of Catholicism. A. Samuel Beckett B. Aldous Huxley C. Graham Greene

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www.100xuexi.com D. George Orwell 【答案】C

圣才电子书 十万种考研考证电子书、题库视频学习平台 【解析】同伊夫林·沃相似,格雷厄姆·格林对天主教极为虔诚,宗教主题是他最擅长的创作主题。他最著名的四部以天主教为主题的小说是《布莱顿硬糖》(Brighton Rock)、《权利与荣耀》(The Power and the Glory)、《问题的核心》(The Heart of the Matter)以及《事后》(The End of the Affair)。

4. What distinguishes Evelyn Waugh’s art is his ______, which produces a strong comic effect in his novel. A. satire

B. stream of consciousness C. symbolism D. naturalism 【答案】A


5. Since the mid-1930s, ______ has begun to study the relationship between language and thought, language and learning. He and C .K. Ogden worked together to implement “basic English”. A. Graham Greene B. William Gerald Golding C. Ivor Armstrong Richards

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www.100xuexi.com D. Wystan Hugh Auden 【答案】C

圣才电子书 十万种考研考证电子书、题库视频学习平台 【解析】从30年代起,他着重研究现代语义学在文学批评中的应用。从30年代中期起,I.A.理查兹开始着重研究语言与思想、语言与学习的关系,并与奥格登合作,努力推行“基础英语”。

III. Explain the following term 1. Doris Lessing(北航2008研)

Key: Doris Lessing (1919~) is a famous British woman writer who won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2007. Her great works include The Golden Notebook and

The Grass is Singing. The general themes of her novels are the divide between

whites and blacks, the battles of the two sexes and the individuals in search of wholeness.

2. the Angry Young Men(上交大2006研;上交大2007研)

Key: The Angry Young Men is a term referring to a group of English writers who found themselves to be social misfits and stateless and though they were university graduates, they were very sensitive to the undesirable things of the society. Angry Young Men is represented by John Osborne’s play Look Back in Anger and Amis’ novel Lucky Jim.

IV. Read the following quotations and answer the questions

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杨岂深《英国文学选读Book 3》考研真题及典型题详解(一~三)【圣才出品】


