单位代码 : 毕业设计说明书(论文) 第四代移动通信(4G)的发展和前景 学生姓名 级
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XXXXXXXXX系 二○**年XX月 摘 要 随着3G标准格局的基本形成,
ABSTRACT Along with the basic formation of 3G standard structure and form,the ITU (international electricity union) begins to study and view the fourth generation mobile communication (4G) for providing more effectively various business. 4G wireless technology can offer higher data transmission rates,various high-quality and cheaper services. While the third generation mobile communication system is applied,the study of the fourth generation mobile communication has begun. At present,the developed country in the world throw themselves into the research and establishment of the standard for 4G mobile communication technology.
Starting with the background of the fourth generation mobile communication system and its characteristic, this paper briefly analyzed some shortages exist in the third generation mobile communication system,brought forward the concept of the fourth generation mobile
communication and introduced the definition. The
origin,characteristics,and development of the fourth generation mobile communication in some countries are introduced in this paper. The related key techniques such as OFDM,Software Defined Radio,Smart Antenna. Simultaneously introduces the development status of mobile communication and the characteristic of the fourth generation mobile communication, then analyzes the problem of the future fourth mobile communication system. Key words: 4G mobile communication system network frame key techniques
software radio wireless access
目 录 1绪论 1 1.1移动通信系统的发展历程 1 1.2国内外第四代移动通信(4G)研究的背景
2 0>.移动通信系统产生的背景 2 .注移动通信 2 2第四代
5 2.1第四代通信系统与第三代通信系统的
移动通信系统的目标和主要特征 区别
5 .通信系统的概述 5 . 4G与第三代通信系统相比的优点 5 2.2第四
代移动通信系统的目标 6 2.3第四代移动通信系统的具体特点 6 3第四代通信技术的关键技术
8 3.1 调制技术与信号传输 8 3.2 软件无线电 8 3.3 智能
天线(SA) 9 3.4 网络结构与协议 10 4.第四代移动通信系统的发展前景 11 4.1第四代移动通信系统面临的问题
11 4.2第四代移动通信系统的展望 11
5.结束语 13 致 谢 14 参考文献