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Dear Sir or Madam
I am very pleased to inform you that (事件)on(时间)in(地点).
You are cordially invited to be our guest speaker in this important academit event/meeting/dinner party. You will be involved in a variety of activities,including (活动1) (活动2),and (活动3).
Since your presence is of vital importance to this occasion, I genuinely hope that you can make it. If you accept this invitation, please give me a call before this weekend,so that we can make necessary arrangements.
Yours truly,
Li Ming 二.感谢信
Dear Sir and Madam,
I am writing the letter to convey my heartfelt thanks to you for you kindness+during my stay in your country.
(1)指令:You generous help made it possible for me to here (2)It was so nice of you to +活动1,活动2,活动3
Again,please accept my heartfelt appreciation, and I do hope to have the opportunity of returning the service you offered me in the forthcoming future.
Dear Sir and Madam,
I am a +自我介绍 and I am writing the letter to express my greatest concern about +主题词(n).Moreover, I have some suggestions for your consideration.
It must be pointed out that the current situation is going from bad to worse. (1)Therefore, it is urgent for us to take even more drastic measures.
(2)To solve this problem, I would like to render severed practical recommendation as follows.
First and foremost, it is imperative for us to ____.Secondly, we must raise the public’s awareness of its’ gravity, which is of vital important to the solution. Last but not least, we should ____.
(1)Thanks a lot for your due attention to this letter
(2)I genuinely hope that you’ll take my advice into attention. I am looking forward to some new changes in 主题词(n)as soon as possible.
Dear Sir and Madam,
I take great pleasure in introducing (Xiao Ming), one of my classmates and best friends, to you.He is seeking an employment as a position of +职称(n)in your corporation /school.
As for as I know, he qualifications just amply meet your require. For a thing, for work there. For another, he is an enthusiastic and ambitions young man with great potential. Therefore, I do not hesitate to recommend him as an idea candidate for the post you advertised.
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Thanks a lot for your due attention to this letter .I am looking forward to your prompt reply at you earliest convenience.
Yours sincerely,
Li Ming 五.道歉信
Dear Sir and Madam,
I am writing the letter to extend my apology for _____.
Unfortunately, I have........ . I am sorry to say that I will therefore not be able to make (事件),and I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you. Now something must be done to solve the problem. Please let me know which solution you prefer at your earliest convenience.
Please accept my heartfelt apology. I genuinely hope that you would forgive me for my carelessness.
Dear Sir and Madam,
As a regular customer of your company. I was completely disappointed to find that the service you provided was for from satisfactory. Therefore, I am writing this letter to draw your attention to the matter in the hope that our extra loss/expenses will be compensated.
The problems I have found are as follows. First and foremost, ....;Secondly,.....;Last bu not least,..... .
Taking into consideration what has been discussed above. I strongly demand you should ..... .I would appreciate it a lot if you could take my complaint seriously and see to it promptly. Looking forward to your reply at your earliest convenience.
Dear Sir and Madam,
I am ____. I am writing the letter to apply for ___.
My qualifications are as follows. First and foremost, .....;Secondly,....;Last but not least,.....
Thanks a lot for your due attention to this .
Yours sincerely,
Li Ming 八.告示类
January 5, 2016
To broaden students’ horizon, promote their understanding of (主题词),and improve their sense of independence and conception of teamwork,(组织方) plants to host a (活动) on (时间) In (地点).
This ___ will involve a series of activities are highly beneficial. First, your active participation helps in strengthening the sense of responsibility and developing interpersonal relations. Second, various activities organized by us could ......
Those who are interested in taking part may sign up our university website to come.
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Students’ Union 九.祝贺信 Dear ____, (1)I’m writing the letter for the purpose of conveying my heartfelt congratulations to you on(事件) for ..... you have .....
(2) I know how hard you have worked to achievement. (3) It is an achievement you may well be pound of.
I have followed your process with pleasure and interest for many years. I’m sure, in light of your excellent track record, you will succeed in what-ever you undertake. It is also on encouragement to see your efforts rewarded in this way. In short, I take pride in your present success.
Please accept my heartfelt congratulations again. Wish you still further success in your future life and study.
十.辞职信 Dear ___,
I am writing the letter to tell you my decision to resign.
After two months of work, I find it inappropriate for me to stick to my position any longer. First and foremost, the salary has proved to be much lower than you originally promised, and I have a large family to support. In addition ,I intend to move to take good care of them. In a word, I have made up my mind to resign from the job after much deliberation.
Thanks for having offered me the splendid opportunity to work with the outstanding staff here. I am genuinely sorry for any inconvenience caused.
一.图表作文 1.第一段
What is illustrated in the table shows clearly that vast charges have taken place with (主题词). (eg: the employment satisfaction ) (2)细节描述
a. Based upon the data offered, we can find that the number of ___ has been increasing steadily/ decreasing steadily.
b. For ___ ,there was a noticeable jump of ___ from ___ to ___ between ___ and ___. By contrast, a remarkable declined occurred in the number of ___ by ___ from ___ to ___ during the same period. 2.第二段 (1)总述
What accounts for this scenario? At least, for my part, three factors contribute to it. (2)分述
a. At the top of the list is ___. According to an recent Internet Survey, approximately ___ % of ___.
Eg: approximately 85% of families in Chinese big cities are fond of cars made in china. b. Moreover, this fact cannot be ignored that the trend derives partly from ___.
c. Lastly, we may notice that ___ plays a positive rude as well as leading to this phenomenon. 3.第三段 (1)结论