our orders .
Yours faithfully ,
( Signature )
14. Letter of Claims (索赔信函)
Dear Sirs ,
Our Order No. V 123
When the s.s. Lancatia arrived at Famagusta on 10th September , it was noticed that one side of case No.23 containing the TV receivers was split . We therefore had the case opened and the contents examined by a local insurance surveyor in the presence of the shipping company’s agents . The case was invoiced as containing twelve TV receivers , eight of which were badly damaged . We enclose the surveyor’s report and the shipping agents’ statement . As you hold the insurance policy we should be grateful if you would take the matter up for ys with the insurers . Eight replacement recervers will be required . Please arrange to supply these and charge to our account . We hope no difficulty will arise in connection with the insurance claim and thank you in advance for your trouble on our behalf .
Yours faithfully ,
( Signature )
15. Remainder Letter (催收账款信函)
Dear Mr.Smith ,
Your payment of US $ 2000.00 for the above – referenced invoice is now more than thirty days past due .
Since we have not heard from you in response to our previous correspondence . we assume that the balance is correct and that your records agree with ours .
It is essential that this account be settled at once to avoid any problem with your credit standing . If there are circumstances beyond your control that are making it difficult for you to pay this amount all at once , we urge you to tell us about them immediately so we can discuss setting up an easy payment plan for you .
Please mail your payment or contact us right away . We must hear from you at once to avoid further action .
Yours faithfully ,
( Signature )