was denounced by almost all, is spreading at a high rate, and this has puzzles not only teachers but also the whole society. Then why do students cheat on exams? In my understanding, there are mainly three reasons,(namely unscientific testing, competion for scholarship, and pressure from future job hunting).
Some students cheat on exams to protest against the improper testing format. The purpose of university education should be teaching students to use knowledge to solve problems, therefore, exams and tests should test students' ability to use certain knowledge to solve some problems. But most tests in China just test understanding instead of application, and some exams are even worse because they only test students' memory. Some students think it unnecessary to spend time and effort to prepare for such exams, so the just cheat in order to get a decent score, which in their mind, means nothing. Dr. Wang who specializes in education assessment supported this view in one paper, and he said that teachers should blame themselves because they forced students to cheat.
More students cheat on exams in order to struggle for scholarship. As universities are collecting tuition from students, they also increase the amount of scholarship. This money of course is very attractive to students, who have virtually no income. As scholarship is mostly decided by examination scores, students willing to get the money will try every means possible. In a recent survey, some good students admitted that they cheat on exams because \not to\important reason than conscientious protest against improper tests.
The most important reason, in my mind, should be the pressure from job hunting. In the past few years the situation in the job market is deteriorating, and this forces students to prepare as early as possible. Due to its importance, students naturally want to make their reports more attractive, and one way to realize it is cheating. As a student said in a news report, students are aware of the cost of being caught, but the profit of not being caught is too much, so many of them just \the society that makes students cheaters.
To sum up, the desires to get a good job and a high scholarship, or simply to signal a protest in current education, have forced us students to copy in exams. It is undeniable that some suffer from weak moral principles, but it is wrong to blame them only. Only when the society and the university find the real source of the problem and deal with it can we restore the traditional criticism against cheating.
Should students take part-time jobs?2008年09月04日 星期四 03:36 P.M.Should students take part-time jobs?
Although still much lower than in foreign countries, the percentage of university students taking part-time jobs in China is on the increase. Some
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people criticize these students on the ground that part-time jobs distract转移 students' attention and expose students too early to the issue of money. However, I firmly believe that working during university education can be very beneficial to students.
First of all, taking part-time jobs can help reduce the financial burden of the students' families. Generally speaking, the income of most parents is not very high. As many universities are increasing their tuition, the education of their children is becoming an increasingly heavy burden for many parents. Some parents in the cities find it hard to pay this cost, not to mention those parents in the countryside. But if students can take some part-time jobs, their income can cover part of the expenditure, thus lowering the burden of their parents. One of my classmates pay for daily expenses completely from his own earings, and both his parents and he are very proud of it.
Furthermore, taking part-time jobs can teach students much about hardship. Chinese students are mostly the only child at home, and their requests are usually met at any cost. This advantage actually deprives these children of the oppotunity to experience hardship, which can teach them a lot about the society. By taking some part-time jobs, students can not only learn that it is hard to earn even a little money, but also learn to cultivate a correct viewpoint about life.
Most importantly, doing part-time jobs can sharpen students' awareness of the society. If students spend all their time on study, they will not have sufficient understanding of the society, and this insufficient knowledge may be dangerous when these students leave university for the society. But through part-time work, students will not only get a good understanding of the society and prepare themselves psychologically for the future career and life, but gain much experience in dealing with realities and people of different kinds.
It is true that taking part-time jobs will take away some time that can be spent on study and that it is not good for students to focus their mind on money. But it is equally true that taking part-time jobs can bring students the benefits of less financial burden, more experience of hardship as well as more awareness of the society. They definitely surpass the harms of the work. What we should do is to teach students to arrange their time well and not to focus too much on money, and then encourage them to take part-time jobs.
IS HOME THE BEST ?2008年09月04日 星期四 03:13 P.M. IS HOME THE BEST ?
Whether university students, who are already adults, should be allowed to live in rented flats out of campus has been debated for some time. Recently the Ministry of Education has issued a formal document in which it expressed its approval. This naturally intensifies the debate. In my opinion,
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living on campus is much better than living away from universities because it helps students with their study, their life as well as their understanding of the society.
First of all, living on campus can help students study better. Those who prefer to live off campus usually say that living in a rented flat means that they can manage their own time without interruption from others, and this can help their study. These may be true; but by living on campus, students can stay closer to study facilities such as the library and language lab, thus getting more information and training. Besides, they can have more discussion and group activities, and this is very important to put knowledge to use.
Secondly, living on campus can help students live a richer life. Students who live off campus say that they can stay closer to shopping centers or cinemas, so they can enjoy a colorful life rather than the boring life at school. But this is wrong. Shopping or seeing movies is not the lifestyle suitable to students because they are distractive, time-consuming and expensive. On the other hand, there are a lot of facilities on campus which promise a colorful life. For example, on most campuses students can find cinemas, swimming pools, tennis courts, etc. These facilities are less expensive or even free. Besides, there are usually some clubs on campus where students can learn from each other, but students can seldom do so if they live off campus.
Lastly, living on campus can help create real friendship. Students who prefer to live away from school argue that they can stay closer to society, meeting different kinds of people, and become more mature. But this again is a misconception. On the one hand, they cannot spend enough time on these people, therefore cannot really know them well enough. On the other hand, as university students are young, they should first learn to stay with people of similar age. By living in the same place for four years, students can learn to observe, understand, and deal with different kinds of contemporaries, and build real friendship with some of them. This is more important than staying with various residents in the same building.
There is no denying that university students are adults, and their freedom and rights should be respected. The recent decision of the Ministry of Education is exactly a case to the point. But considering the benefits on students' study, life and understanding of the society, I strongly suggest those who plan to live off campus to think before they leap. Anyway, for university students, university is their home, and as the saying goes,\west, home is the best\
Interview---A chance to view the outer part, but not the core2008年08月12日 星期二 10:10 A.M.Interview---A chance to view the outer part, but not the core
As a senior student in university, I have gone through many
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interviews---interview to recruit new club members, interview for internship实习医师, 实习医师期 and so on. In my opinion, the procedure of recruitment is like choosing apples---viewing resumes is liking picking up apples, you can only decide the appearances, or in other words, whether there are obvious flaws. Interview is like the first bite, by which you know the real taste of an apple. But only by eating all the apple can you see the core. That is to say, only by working with a person for some time, can you judge a person. So to me, interview can help us to get a basic knowledge about a person and is indispensable in recruitment but it has its limitations. Interview is most helpful in the aspect that it provides interviewer a chance to observe something that resumes can not tell, for example, How the interviewee behaves? Is he/she nervous under pressure? Does he/she has excellent communication skills like eye contact? These things might be very important. Because some job might ask more than one's academic knowledge it might also require the ability of dealing with people and so on. Another important function of interview is that it can help interviewer to decide whether the interviewee lied in his/her resume. As we all know, under hot completion, in order to get more chances, some people tend to lie in their resumes about their experiences and so on. But in an interview, interviewer could ask questions related with interviewee's experiences. If the experiences are made-up, it's easy to detect. The last advantage of interview I want to list here is that it can be carried out in different forms for different purposes for example, pressure interview--- to see how a person react under harsh conditions, group interview--- to see how a person act in a team and so on. Thus, by arranging an interview in a particular form, a company can find out the person most suitable for the job.
But interviews have their limitations. You can not find out all about a person in only a few hours like that some apple might appear good and taste sweet but bad in the core.
In summary I want to point out that interview is an efficient way for companies to choose their employs but only by observing the long term performance, can you judge an employee.
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