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四六级试卷采用多题多卷形式,大家核对答案时,找具体选项内容,忽略套数。 【有道考神版】



-Tonight, we have a very special guest, Mrs. Ana Sanchez is a three time Olympic champion and author of the new book To the Edge. Mrs. Sanchez, thank you for joining us. -Thank you for having me.

-Letfs start with your book. What does the title to the Edge mean? What are you referring to?

-The book is about how science and technology has helped push humans to the edge of their physical abilities. I argue that in the past 20 years we have had the best athletes the world has ever seen. But is this a fair comparison? How do you know how, say, a football player from 50 years ago would compare to one today? -Well, you are right

-That comparison would be perhaps impossible to make. But the point is more about our knowledge today of human biochemistry, nutrition and mechanics. I believe that while our bodies have not changed in thousands of years, what has changed is the scientific knowledge. This has allowed athletes to push the limits of what was previously thought possible.

-That's interesting. Please tell us more about these perceived limits. -The world has seen sports records being broken. That could only be broken with the aid of technology, whether this be the speed of a tennis serve or the fastest time in 100 meter dash or 200 meter swimming race.

-Is there any concern that technology is giving some athletes an unfair advantage over others?

-That is an interesting question and one that has to be considered very carefuUy. Skis ,for example, went from being made of wood to a metal alloy, which allows for better control and faster speed. There is no stopping technological progress. But as I said, each situation should be considered carefully on a case by case basis. Questions one to four are based on the conversation you have just heard.

1. 2. 3. 4.

What do we learn about Anna Sanchez? What is the woman's book mainly about? What has changed in the past thousands of years?

What is the man's concern about the use of technology in sports



-Pve worked in international trade all my life. My father did so to before me. So I guess you could say it runs in the family.

-What products have you worked with?

-All sorts, really. I've imported textiles, machinery, toys, solar panels, all kinds of things. Over the years, trends in demand come and go. So what needs to be very flexible to succeed in this industry? -I see. What goods are you trading now?

-I now import furniture from China into Italy and foods from Italy into China. I even use the same container. Ifs a very efficient way of conducting trade.

-The same container. You mean you own a 40 foot cargo container? -Yeah, thafs right. I have a warehouse in Genoa, Italy, and another in Shanghai. I source mid century modern furniture from different factories in China. Itfs a very good value for money. I collect it all in my warehouse and then dispatch it to my other warehouse in Italy over there. I do the same, but with Italian foods instead of furniture, things like pasta, cheese, wine, chocolate- And I send all that to my warehouse in China in the same freight container I use for thefu rniture. -So I presume you sell both lines of products wholesale in each respective country?

-Of course, I possess a network of clients and partners in both countries. That*s the main benefit of having done this for so long. I*ve made great business contacts over time. -How many times do you ship?

-I did 12 shipments last year, 18 this year, and I hope to grow to around 25 next year. Thafs both ways. There and back again. Demand for authentic Italian food in China is growing rapidly. And similarly, sales of affordable, yet stylish wooden furniture are also increasing in Italy. Furniture is marginally more profitable, mostly because it enjoys lower customs duties.

Questions five to eight are based on the conversation you have just heard.

5. What does the woman think is required to be successful in the international trade? 6. What does the woman say is special about her way of doing change? 7. What does the woman have in both Italy and China?

8. What does the woman say makes furniture marginally more profitable?



Qualities of a relationship such as openness, compassion and mental stimulation are of concern to most of us regardless of sex, but-judging from the questionnaire response-they are more important to women than to men. Asked to consider the ingredients of close friendship, women rated these qualities above all others. Men assigned a lov/er priority to them in favor of similarity in interests, selected by 77 percent of men, and responsiveness in a crisis, chosen by 61 percent of male respondents. Mental stimulation, ranked third in popularity by men as well as women, was the only area of overlap. Among men, only 28 percent named openness as an important quality; caring was picked by just 23 percent. It is evident by their selections that when women speak of close friendships, they are referring to emotional factors, while men emphasize the pleasure they find in a friend*s company. That is, when a man speaks of \-a teammate, a fellow hobbyist, a drinking buddy. These activities are the fabric of the friendship; it is a “doing” relationship in which similarity in interests is the key bond. This factor was a consideration of less than 11 percent of women. Women opt for a warm, emotional atmosphere where communication flows freely; activity is mere background. Lastly, men, as we have seen, have serious questions about each other*s loyalty. Perhaps this is why they placed such strong emphasis on responsiveness in a crisis.

Someone I can call on for help. Women, as their testimonies indicate, are generally more secure with each other and consequently are more likely to treat this issue lightly. In follow-up interviews this was confirmed numerous times as woman after woman indicated that ' being there when needed was taken for granted/ As for the hazards of friendship, more than a few relationships have been shattered because of cutthroat competition and feelings of betrayal. This applies to both men and women, but unequally. In comparison, nearly twice as many men complained about these issues as women. Further, while competition and betrayal are the main thorns to female friendship, men are plagued in almost equal amounts by two additional issues, lack of frankness and a fear of appearing unmanly. Obviously, for a man, a good friendship is hard to find. Question 16 to 18. Based on the recording you have just heard



