课题:26字母教学 教法:师生对话 生生对话 学法: Practice Group work 知识与 教 学 目 标 技能 过程 与 方法 情感态与 价值观 教学重难点:快速记忆 口型正确 教具准备:书、磁带、录音机 第 1 课时 授课时间: 要求学生熟悉了解音标。 掌握辅音和元音的拼读方法。 体验荣誉感和成就感从而树立自信心,发展自主学习,形成初步用英语进行简单日常交际的能力。 教 学 过 程 Step1. Greeting: T:Good morning,class S:Good morning,. T: How are you,today S:I am fine ,thanks. Step2 New lerning 1,音标教学口诀 学英语真好玩,一百符号要记全; 字母共计五十二,大写、小写各一半; 音标共计四十八,元音二十,辅音二十八; 学英语,很容易,读写听说和翻译; 多模仿,多记忆,早读晚听别忘记。 2. Enjoy an English song (ABC歌) Step3 Teaching 26 letters 呈现26个大小写字母的书写规则(PPT) 大A箭头指上方,左右两边斜斜站;左边要比右边斜,第二线下一横连。 B 字母B真有趣,挺着两个大肚皮;上面小来下面大,碰在第二线上了。 C 字母倾斜是重点,弧度大小是关键:手腕灵活多画圈,写出大C顶好看。 …… Step4. Practice Give students 10 minutes to write the letters and give directions. Step5 Dictation Ask students to dictate the 26 letters on a paper Step6Summary We have learnt the 26 English letters in formal style including capital and small forms. Step7英语48个国际音标表 编一段话,里面含48个音标 Look at Kate’s picture. Some birds are in an orange tree. A young woman in a red dress is under the tree. I think she is a teacher. Oh, there is a poor girl over there. She looks like a boy. Perhaps she is five. What’s more, there is a cow near her. Step8 Homework 1. 熟练背诵和练习26个字母的名称音以及书写,在练习本上练习。 2. 预习音标,了解48个音标的基本知识。 Step9 Blackboard design 课后反思:
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