【期刊名称】《计算机工程与设计》 【年(卷),期】2014(000)008
【摘要】为有效提高远程身份认证协议的性能,将椭圆曲线、双线性对及杂凑函数与生物特征、智能卡技术相结合,提出一种安全高效的双向认证密钥交换协议。协议的安全性建立在双线性对各种难题的基础上;通过设计认证双方仅需两次握手来实现双向认证,协议通信代价低;通过数学公式推导和已知攻击的形式化推演方法验证协议能有效抵御各种攻击;通过引入随机数和时间戳完成一次性安全会话密钥的协商。该协议避免使用公钥加解密运算,计算复杂度较小。%To improve the proformance of remote identity authentication protocol effcetively ,a secure and effiective two-party au-thenticated key exchange protocol was proposed ,which combined with multiple security technologies including elliptic curve ,bi-linear pairings ,hash function ,biologic character and smart card .The safety of this protocol was established based on difficult problems of bilinear pairings .The communication cost of the protocol was low because the two parties of authentication only nee-ded online message transmissions for twice .The safety of new protocol was demonstrated by using mathematical derivation and the formal deduction of known attacks .A one-time security key was generated by using random number and timestamp .Com-pared to other public-key cryptosystems ,the protocol