幼儿园大班英语故事活动《 Pulling The Big Turnip》优质课
1、乐于参与英语活动,对故事内容感兴趣,有积极的参与态度。 2、在听听、看看、说说、玩玩的活动中,理解故事内容,初步学习对话。
Can you help us?Yes,I’m glad to help you . 活动准备:
背景图片一幅,萝卜、老爷爷、老奶奶、小姑娘、小狗、小猫、小老鼠图片 活动过程:
Today many friends come here , guess ,who are they? Now let’s have a look. An old man \\an old women \\a little girl\\ a dog\\a cat and a little mouse,Look, What’s this?(萝卜turnip a big turnip) 2、结合图片教师讲述故事
A:Today ,I will tell you a story about the big turnip and these friends.Now,please look at the picture and listen to me carefully. 《Pulling The Big Turnip》
B:Now,let me tell the story again. Please listen to me carefully. 《Pulling The Big Turnip》
3、师幼练习故事中的对话 A:Now, Let’s tell the story together.
B:OK.Do you understand?Now, Let’s tell the story again. 4、故事表演
A: Now,we will play the story. I am the old man Who want to be An old man \\an old women \\a little girl\\ a dog\\a cat and a little mouse ? You should do as they do.Are you ready?Now,let’s begin. B:Who want try?let’s play together. 5、结束、延伸
The big turnip is pulled out, are you happy?let’s dancing together!