Photo interrupters(Encoders)KO D E N S H I
K E - 2 0 3DIMENSIONSKE°?203 is an encoder module of photointerruptertypecombining a high output IRED with photo IC.Arotating detection system of high quality and highreliability can be built easily with this module.Downsizing is possible.(Unit : mm)FEATURES?UDirectly connectable to CMOS?UBuilt in comparator circuit of push°?pull system?UBuilt in degital output and pull°?up resistor of 20k ???UResolution:0.5mm pitchAPPLICATIONS?UDisk drive?UC opier?UF acsimile?UP rinterMAXIMUM RATINGSI temI nputO utputPower dissipationForward currentReverse voltageSupply voltagePower dissipation* 1Operating temp.* 1Storage temp.* 2Soldering temp.( Ta=2°…)5S ymbolR atingPDFIVRVC CPT opr.T stg.T sol.1 006 0573 00 ~+70- 10~+802 40U nitm Wm AVVm W°…°…°…*1. No icebound or dew *2. For MAX.5 seconds at the position of 1mm from the packageELECTRO-OPTICAL CHARACTERISTICSI temI nputO utputForward voltageReverse currentOperating supply voltage rangeLow level output voltageHigh level output voltage( Ta=2°5…)S ymbolVRIC VCVO LVO HD AD B??1 ~ ??4f maxFC onditionsF= 60mAIVR= 5VL= 500VC C= 5V,O I??AVC E= 5V,FI= 24mAVC E= 5V,FI= 24mAVC E= 5V,FI= 24mAVC E= 5V,FI= 24mAVC C= 5V,FI= 24mAM in.T yp.1 .34 .542 52 54 55 .00 .15 05 09 0M ax.1 .61 05 .50 .47 57 51 352 0U nit.V??AVVV%%d eg.K HzDuty ratioT ransmissonPhase *3Frequency*3. No reverse in phase difference- 1-Photo interrupters(Encoders)KE-203
Output power dissipationVs.Ambient temperaturePhase difference Vs.FrequencyDuty ratio Vs.Air-gapPhase difference Vs.Forward currentDuty ratio Vs.Azimuth angleInput forward current Vs.Ambient temperatureDuty ratio Vs.Ambient temperaturePhase difference Vs.Air-gapDuty ratio Vs.Supply voltagePhase difference Vs.Azimuth angle- 2-Duty ratio Vs.FrequencyPhase difference Vs.Ambient temperatureDuty ratio Vs.Forward currentPhase difference Vs.Supply voltage