【期刊名称】《生物骨科材料与临床研究》 【年(卷),期】2012(009)001
【摘要】目的 探讨模塑形脊柱矫形器在后路腰椎椎间融合术后早期应用的疗效.方法 将纳入的66例后路腰椎椎间融合术后患者随机分为治疗组和对照组,各33例.治疗组术后48~72( 53.6±7.9)小时佩戴模塑形脊柱矫形器治疗;对照组术后4~5( 4.3±0.7)周佩戴腰围治疗.观察2组内固定的稳定性、并发症发生情况、术后卧床时间、住院时间及出院满意度.结果 治疗组术后佩戴模塑形脊柱矫形器时间3~5( 3.9±1.2价月,随访12~39( 20.8±5.7)个月;未见内固定松动、移位等并发症的发生;术后1~2( 1.4±0.5)周可正常平地行走;住院时间1~2( 1.3±0.4)周.对照组术后佩戴腰围时间3~5( 4.2±1.3)个月,随访12~38( 20.5±4.3价月;椎弓根钉断裂及融合器移位3例,肺部感染3例,泌尿系感染2例,深静脉血栓3例,褥疮2例;术后4~6(5.1±1.2)周可正常平地行走;住院时间2~3( 2.4±0.5)周.2组患者出院满意度分别为90~100( 95.7±8.9 )%、60~80( 71.8±9.7)%,治疗组满意度优于对照组(P<0.05).结论 后路腰椎椎间融合术后早期行模塑型脊柱矫形器治疗的患者,可72小时内下地行走,缩短卧床时间及住院时间,加强术后腰椎的稳定性,减少并发症的发生,明显提高了患者的满意度.%Objective To explore the therapeutic effect of early using moulded spinal orthosis after posterior lumbar inter-body fusion ( PLIF ) Method 66 cases after PLIF were randomly divided into treatment and control groups, 33 cases respectively. The treatment group wore
moulded spinal orthosis in 48~72h( average 53.6±7.9h fcfter PLIF; the control group wore Waist Support in 4~5w( average 4.3±0.7w ). We observed the internal fixation stability, complication,post-operative bed time,the duration of hospitalization and the patients' satisfaction when leaving hospital between the two groups. Results The treatment group wore moulded spinal orthsis for 3~5 months, followed 12-39 months, no looseness, breakage and migration of the internal fixation were found, and no pulmonary infection, urinary infection, deep venous thrombosis,bedsore occurred; the patients could stand in 48~72h and walk normally in l~2w after PLIF; the duration of hospitalization was l~2w. The control group wore Waist Support for 3-5 months, followed 12-38 months; there were 3 patients who had got their implants broken and migrated, after revision surgery they wore moulded spinal orthsis, and recovered very well; 3 cases encountered pulmonary infection, 2 cases occurred urinary infection, 3 cases had deep venous thrombosis and 2 cases complicated bedsore; the patients could stand in 4-5w and walk normally in 4~6w after PLIF; the duration of hospitalization was 2~3w. The patients' satisfaction of the 2 groups respectively was 90-100C 95.7±8.9 %, 60~8(X 71.8±9.7 )%, and the satisfaction of the treatment group was better than the control group' s(P < 0.05 ). Conclusion The patients early using moulded spinal orthosis can stand in 72h after PLIF; compared with Waist Support, it shortens rest time
and the duration of hospitalization of patients, strengthens lumbar spinal stability, avoids complications, and obviously improves the patients' satisfaction. 【总页数】4页(37-39,42)
【正文语种】中文 【中图分类】R687.1 【文献来源】
https://www.zhangqiaokeyan.com/academic-journal-cn_orthopaedic-biomechanics-materials-clinical-study_thesis/0201233616027.html 【相关文献】
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