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What she told me is none of your business. 她和我说的什么用不着你管。 What she told me and what she told you are totally different things.


如:What I need buy now are four tea cups and a pair of sports shoes. 我需要买的是四只茶杯和一双运动鞋。

What were thought to be five dogs were actually five sheep. 被认为是五条狗的东西实际上是五只羊。

3.集体名词family,class,crew(全体船员或机组人员),crowd, group, committee, audience, government, public, team, staff, population等做主语时,若作为一个整体看待,后面谓语动词用单数; 如就其中每一个成员来考虑时,则用复数。

例如: My family is a big one.我家人多。

My family are all music lovers. 我全家人都爱好音乐。

Eighty percent of China\\' s population are peasants. 百分之八十的中国人口是农民。 China has a huge population. 中国有众多的人口。

The population of China is the largest in the world. 中国的人口是世界上最多的。

People, police, cattle,(牛),militia(民兵),poultry(家禽),vermin(害出)等作主语时,后面的动词要用复数。

4.不定代词either,neither,ever y,each,one,the other, another以及所有的复合不定代词作主语时,谓语动词只用单数,包括“every/each/no……and every/each/no……”作主语时。

如:Every/Each plane and every/each pilot is ready to take off. 每架飞机和每个飞行员都已准备好起飞。

No plane and no pilot is ready to take off. 没有一架飞机、没有一个飞行员已准备好起飞。

Here are two books. Either of them is worth reading. 这有两本书,都值得一读。

Neither of these two dictionaries contains this ward. 这两本词典都没收入这个字

Everyone is here. No one is absent. 大家都到了,没有人缺席。 Somebody is using the phone. 有人在用电话。

I have two sisters. One is here, and the other is not here. 我有两个姐妹,一个在这儿,一个不在这儿。

Each day is better than the one before. 一天比一天好。 Either day is OK. 两天中哪一天都行。

5. what,who,which,any,mare,some,half,mast,all,none.等代词可以是单数,也可以是复数,主要靠意思决定。但指不可数名词时作单数看待。


如:Twenty miles is a long way to walk. 走二十英里可是很长的一段路。 Ten years is a long time。十年很长。 Eight minutes is enough. 八分钟够了。

Twelve dollars is too dear. 十二美圆太贵了。

There are six silver dollars in each of the stacking. 每只袜子里有六个一美元的银币。

7. “the+形容词”表示一类人时,谓语动词用复数。表示抽象概念或指个别事物时谓语动词用单数。

如:The old are well taken care of. 老人得到很好的照顾。 The beautiful is laved by all. 人人都爱美。

8. 如果主语由\名词”组成,不管名词是单数还是复数,动词通常用单数。

如:This kind of man annoys me. =This kind of men annoys me. 这种人让我烦。

This kind of apple is very expensive. = This kind of apples is…这种苹果很贵。

类似的还有:a portion of(一部分),a series of(一系列),a pile of(一堆),a panel of (一个小组委员会), 如:A series of accidents has happened here. 这里发生过一系列事故。

9. Means作“方法、手段”讲时,单复数同形,其前面有each, every, neither, either,等单数a念的定语时,谓语动词用单数;若有all, both,these等复数概念的定语时谓语动词用复数。

“None of the means”作主语时,谓语动词通常用单数。

如:There is/are no means of learning what is happening. 没法知道正在发生什么事。 No means is /are left untried. 没有没试过的方法了。 Every means is to an end. 每一种手段都能达到一种目的。 A bicycle is a means of transport. 自行车是一种交通手段。

All possible means have/Every possible means has been tried.所有的方法都试过了。


1.当主语由either...... or. neither...... nor , not only ...... but(also) 或or连接时,谓语动词通常和最临近的那个主语一致。

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例如:Either you or he is to do the work. 不是你就是他来做这件事。

Not only you but also Tom often comes late to class. 不光是你,汤姆上课也迟到。 Neither the children nor the teacher knows anything about it. 孩子们和老师都不知道这件事。

2.当there be结构后面有并列主语时,谓语也和最临近的那个一致。

如:There is a dictionary and many books on the table. 桌子上有一本词典和许多本书。

There' re ten chairs and a table in the house. 屋子里有十把椅子和一张桌子。

Here is a pen, a few envelopes and same paper far you. 这儿有一支笔,几个信封和一些纸给你。

这种就近一致的情况在非正式文体中越来越普遍。但在下列情况不提倡模访。 如:Where is your mother and sisters? 你妈妈和你姐妹到哪儿去了?

Is your sister and her husband coming to see you? 你姐姐和姐夫要来看你吗?

One in ten are expected to take part in the contest. 预计每十个人就有一个要来参加这次比赛。

3.做主语的名词或代词后接with,together with,along with,as well as等短语时,谓语动词一般和前面名词或代词一致。这些短语前后可用可不用逗号。

如:A woman with a baby is coming to the hospital 一个妇女抱着个婴儿正向医院走来。

The girl, as well as the bays , has learned to drive a car. 这个姑娘和那些那孩子一样也学会了开汽车。



如:One must do one\\' s best to increase production. Everybody talked at the tap of his/their voice.

If anyone calls, tell him I\\' 11 be back in a moment. (him也可用him or her代替)

在写作中,如果表示不定的人,可以用you, we, one等,需要注意的是:同一篇文章中,只用同一个不定代词,而且所有格要与其一致。


下列形容词、副词、代词从肯定句变成否定句时,须作相应的变化: 肯定句 否定句 We\\'ve had some money. We haven\\'t had any money. I was talking to someone I wasn\\'t talking to anyone. They sometimes visit us. They rarely (never, seldom) visit us. He has arrived already. He hasn\\'t arrived yet. Li is coming too. Li isn\\'t coming either. Both of us are going. Neither of us are going. He likes both of them. He doesn\\'t like either of them. 注意:“so/neither+助动词/情态动词+名词/代词”结构中须用倒装语序, 如:My wife likes classical music very much and so do. She doesn\\' t like jazz and neither do.





定语从句所修饰的词叫“先行词”,因为它总是处在定语从句的前头,比定语从句先行一步。 引导定语从句的词叫关系词,包括关系代词和关系副词。



whom,which,that作从句的宾语(可省略) whose从句中作定语


i. 先行词为不定代词all, little, none,any,every,no,much, anything, nothing

ii. 先行词有最高级和序数词修饰时(包括: the only, the very, the same, the last, the next等) iii. 先行词既有人又有物的时候 以下情况只能用which,不能用that;

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① 引导非限制性定语从句(包括代表整个主句的意思时) ② 介词+关系代词的结构中 关系副词:

when指时间,在定语从句中作时间状语 where指地点,在定语从句中作地点状语


如果用定语从句把两个句子合二为一:首先找出两个句子当中相同的部分,定语从句修饰的就是这一部分。要把其中一个句子变成定语从句,就要把这句中相同的那个部分用一个关系词来代替;代替时,先看被代替的部分是指人还是指物、再看它作什么句成分。指人并作主语的,就用who。或that;指人并作宾语的,就用whom或that;指人并作定语的,就用whose。指物并作主语的,就用which或that认指物并作宾语的,还是用which或that认是物并作定语的,就用whose或of which。这样找好并替换以后,再把这个关系代词放到要变成定语从句的那个句子的最前面(被代替的部分不能再保留,其它的词语一律不变),这个句子就变成了定语从句。然后,再把这个定语从句整个放在被修饰的词后面,最后,如果还有其它句子成分,就把它们放到定语从句的后面,就行了。 例如:

Have you found the book? You were looking for the book yesterday.

在这两个句子中,the book是相同的,定语从句修饰的就是the book。把后面这一句变成定语从句,找个关系词来代替the book;在将要被变成定语从句的名子中,the book是物并作宾语,所以用which或that代替它。

然后把which或that放到本句的最前面,其它的词和语序一律不变。这时,就成了\you were looking for yesterday?”,再把这个定语从句整个放在被修饰的词后面,就成了“have you found the book that/which you were looking for yesterday?”定语从句就完成了,主句是问句,所以句末用问号。that/which代替的是原句中的宾语,原句变成了从句,它们仍然作从句的宾语。关系代词在从句中作宾语时可以省略,因此上句又可变成“have you found the book you were looking for yesterday?”. 关系副词与此同理。只是关系副词代替的是原句中的状语。在被代替 之前,这个状语中一定要含有一个与另一句相同的成分。

例如:This is the house甲I was barn and brought up in the house.在这两个句子中,in the house是句子里的地点状语,定语从句修饰的就是the house。把后面这一句变成定语从句。在将要被变成定语从句的句子中,in the house是地点状语,所以用where来代替它。然后再把where放到本句的最前面,其它的词和语序来代替它。然后再把where放到本句的最前面,其它的词和语序一律不变。这时,就成了\barn and brought up\。再把这个定语从句整个放在被修饰的词后面,就成了\is the house where I was barn and brought up.”,

定语从句就完成了,主句是陈述句,所以句末用句号。Where代替的是原句中的状语,原句变成了从句,它就作从句的状语。 (4) The hotel is an artistic building. We' ll stay in it. ……The hotel where we' 11 stay is an artistic building.

……The hotel (which/that) we' 11 stay in is an artistic building. ……The hotel in which we' 11 stay is an artistic building.

(5) Perhaps they' ve heard of the place. We went there for our holidays last time. ……Perhaps they' re heard of the place where we went for our holidays last time. 定语从句


(6)They’re redecorating the room. A conference will be held in the room. →They’re redecorating the room where a conference will be held.

→They’re redecorating the room (which /that) a conference will be held in. →They’re redecorating the room in which a conference will be held. 那么,“介词+关系代词”是怎么回事呢?原来上面这个例句,还有一种做法:This is the house. I was born and brought up in the house.在这两个句子中,the house是相同的,定语从句修饰的就是the house 。把后面这一句变成定语从句。在将要被变成定语从句的句子中,the house表示物而且是介词in的宾语,所以用关系代词which或that来代替。然后把which或that放到本句的最前面,其它的词和语序一律不变。这时,后面这一句就成了 “which/that I was born and brought up in”。再把这个定语从句整个放在被修饰的词后面,就成了“This is the house which/that I was born and brought up in”。定语从句就完成了,主句是陈述句,所以句末用句号。

which/that代替的是原句中的宾语,原句变成了从句,它们就作从句的宾语。关系代词在从句中作宾语时可以省略,因此上句又可变成“This is the house I was born and brought up in.”

但是,in可以提到关系代词的前面,不过这时不能用that,而且不能省略。所以上句又可变为“This is the house in which I was born and brought up.”这就是“介词+关系代词”的来历。


例如:The supermarket which was opened two months ago is now closed down. 两个月前开的那家超市现在已经倒闭了。(限定)

The supermarket, which was opened two months ago, is now closed down. 那家超市现在已经倒闭了,那家超市两个月前开的。(非限定) The book(which) you’re reading is mine . 你正在读的那本书是我的。(限定)

The book, which you’re reading, is mine. 那本书是我的,你正在读那本书。(非限定)

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I’ve been to London , which is a beautiful city。 我去过伦敦,那是个美丽的城市。

Your father, whom I respect very much, is a kind old man. 你父亲是个很和善的老头,我很尊重他。

Nanjing, where I lived for five years, is very hot in summer. 南京夏天非常热,我在那里生活过五年。


通过这几个例子我们可以看出,专用名词以及世界上独一无二的东西都不能有限定性定语从句。因为它们的意义本身已经非常清楚,不需要对其进行限定。另外,非限定性定语从句的先行词还可以是整个主句所表达的意义。 如:He did well in the physics exam, which surprised me. 他物理考得很好,这使我很吃惊。

(学地道的英语有两个重要的练习方法:parallel writing, and reverse translation,即平行写作和逆翻译。所谓平行写作,就是模仿英语的句子写类似的句子。而逆翻译就是先把英语译成汉语,或根据汉语的译文,再把汉语翻译成英语,再把英语译文同原文比较,分析差异。这两种方法能避免汉语式英语。)

He did well in the physics exam, which surprised me. 他物理考得很好,这使我很吃惊。

请把这句话逆翻译。有的同学会翻译为:He did well in the physics exam, this surprised me. 这句话错在什么地方呢?错在句法。这句话有两个主谓结构,是两个并列的分句,但没有连词(this 是代词),这就成了串句。 再如:He’s very particular about wording, which I am not. 他很咬文嚼字,而我不。

I said nothing, which made her angry. 我什么也没说,这使她很生气。

Tom didn’t go to the show, which was a pity. 没去看演出,这很遗憾。


1.指人的关系代词:who, whom, whose, that 的用法:

(1)作主语(who, that )

Those who are going to play in the match are to meet at the gate at 1:30 after lunch. 那些参加比赛的人午饭后1:30在大门口集合。

在本句中,先行词是those;关系代词who引导定语从句,同时代替先行词在从句中担任动词are going to play 的主语。 The man who/that is talking with Mr. Wang is a famous doctor. 正在和王先生说话的那个人是一个有名的医生。

在本句中,先行词是the man;关系代词who/that引导定语从句,同时代替先行词在从句中担任动词is talking的主语。 这个复合句可以还原成两个句子:The man is a famous doctor. He is talking with Mr. Wang. (2)作宾语包括作介词宾语(whom, that )。此种情况下的关系代词可以省略;

This is just the man(whom/that) I want for the job.这正是我要的做这份工作的人。

在本句中,先行词是the man;关系代词whom/that 引导定语从句,同时代替先行词在从句中担任动词want 的宾语。 Is he the manager (whom/that) you are looking for? 他是你在找的那位经理吗?


如:The book from which I got a lot of useful information was written by a famous scientist. 我从中得到许多有用信息的那本书是一位著名科学家写的。 Who is the boy with whom you were talking a moment ago. 你刚才和他说话的那个男孩是谁?

I know the young couple from whose house the music is coming.

但是当介词放在从句末尾时,作为介词宾语的关系代词可以用that 并且可以省略。 如上头两句可改为:

The book (that /which) I got a lot of information from was written by a famous scientist. Who is the boy (that/whom) you were talking with a moment ago?



This is the instruction manual which/that tells you how to operate the computer. 这是那本教你如何操作计算机的说明手册。


The chair (which /that) you broke yesterday is now being repaired. 你昨天弄坏的那把椅子现在正在修理。

The film (which/that) I saw last night was about a soldier who fought in WWII. 我昨天晚上看的那部电影是关于一个在二战中打过仗的士兵的。 (本句有两个定语从句。)

This is the bike for which I paid $ 100. 这就是我花了100美元买的那辆自行车。

The car(which/that)he went in was a black Cadillac. 他坐在里面走了的那辆汽车是一辆黑色的卡迪拉克。

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The accounts of the company, (which/that) I’ve been paying great attention to, are in balance. 我一直非常注意的公司账目,是保持平衡的。

3.whose 和of which 指代人或事物,作定语。of which 可用whose 代替;

The car whose lights (of which the lights/the lights of which) were all broken was my father’s. 那辆所有的灯都破了的汽车是我父亲的。

例:His house of which the windows (the windows of which /whose windows) were all broken was a depressing sight. 他那所有窗户都坏了的房子真是目不忍睹。

That is the book whose cover (of which the cover/the cover of which ) was broken. 这就是那本封皮破了的书。


如:Peter is the one who everybody believes will fail to bring off the contract. Peter 是那个人人都认为不能完成合同的人。(everybody believes 是插入语)

At the election I voted for the man whom I believed to be the most suitable. 在选举的时候我投了我认为最合适的那个人的票。


例:These are the operating instructions that/which are written in English 。 这就是用英文写成的使用说明。

Are you staying at the white house which/that is newly completed and which /that has 15 bedrooms, 3 kitchens and 4 toilets?


So far as I know, there are many VIPs who are going to attend the reception. 就我所知有很多达官贵人将出席这个招待会。

6.非限定性定语从句不用that,只用who(whose, whom)和which代表人和物;

例:Her brothers, both of whom work in America, ring her up every week。 她的兄弟们??两个人都在美国工作??每个星期都给她打电话。

The buses, most of which were already full, were surrounded by an angry crowd, 那些公共汽车??大多已经坐满了人??被一群愤怒的人围着。

That tower block, which cost five million dollars to build, has been empty for five years. 那个塔楼空着已经5年了。建它花了500万美元。

Cricket, which I know very little about, is a very popular sport in England。 板球是英格兰非常流行的体育活动,我对它知之甚少。

The accounts of the company ,which I’ve been paying great attention to, are in balance. 公司的账目是保持平衡的。我一直非常注意这些账目。

7.关系副词(=介词+关系代词): 关系副词 先行词 在从句中的作用 说明 when(=at / on / in / during which) 时间名词 时间状语 非正式文体中,有时用that代替where(=in / at which) 地点名词 地点状语 关系副词 why=(for which) 只有reason 原因状语 例:I shall never forget the day when (=on which) we first met. 我永远也不会忘记我们第一次见面的那一天。

The rain came at a time when (=at which) it was not needed. 雨下得不是时候。

This is the computer where (=by/on which) he has stolen top-secret documents. 这就是他用来盗窃绝密文件的计算机。

Here is the place where (=at which) the murder took place. 这就是谋杀发生的地方。

He didn’t give any reason why (=for which) I had been fired. 他没给任何解雇我的理由

This is the house in which (=where) my parents used to live. 这就是我父母以前住过的房子。 注意事项:

(1)在非正式场合, that有时可用来代替关系副词或相当于关系副词的“介词+which”,而且经常全部省略, 如:In all the years that (=when/during which) I was at collage 在我读大学的那些年里

the reason that(=why/for which)he is not happy 他不高兴的理由

The direction(that)(=in which )the heavenly bodies move can’t be changed. 天体运行的方向是不可改变的。

He is unpopular because people don’t like the offensive way (that)(=in which) he talks. 他不受欢迎的原因是他说话的方式让人讨厌。 (2)是用关系代词还是用关系副词:


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