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闽教版小学英语六年级英语三大时态(一般现在时、一般过去时、一般将来时) 时态 一 般 现 在 时 一 般 过 去 时 一 般 将 来 时 定义及用法 经常性或习惯性的动作 时间状语 ①always,usually,often, ②every hour /day / year / Friday/ June; 结构 ◆肯定句: 主+动词(原形/三单)+ ◆否定句: 主+don’t/doesn’t+动词原形+… ◆一般疑问句: .Do/Does+主+动词原形+… 举例 ①He often plays chess. ②He doesn’t play chess. ③Does he often play chess? ④What does Sally do in the summer vacation? 过去经① yesterday, 常发生② last+时间 的动作; last year/month ③just now; ④时间段+ago; two days ago ◆肯定句: ?He played chess yesterday. 主+动词的过去式+… ②He didn’t play chess yesterday. ◆否定句: ③Did he play chess yesterday? .主+didn’t+动词原形+… ④What did Sally do in the ◆一般疑问句: summer vacation? Did+主+动词原形+… 将要发① tomorrow+ 生的动Tomorrow 作; morning/afternoon ② next +时间 next week/year/Friday 1. will ◆肯定句: 主+will+动词原形+… ◆否定句: 主+will + not+动词原形+… ◆一般疑问句: Will + 主+动词原形+…? ?He will play chess tomorrow. ②He will not play chess tomorrow. ③Will he play chess tomorrow? ④What will Sally do in the summer vacation?


( ) 1.Ben usually at 6:40. A.got up B.get up C.gets up ( ) 2.In the past my mother my bed. A.make B.made C.makes ( ) 3.Where you in the summer vacation? A.are B.is C.were

( ) 4.Did you a good time in the USA? A.have; Yes,I did B.had; Yes,I did C.have; No,I don’t ( ) 5.Do you often do housework at home? A.Yes,I does. B.No,I don’t. C.Yes,I am. ( ) 6.Does he clean his room now? A.Yes,she does. B.Yes,he does. C.No,he don’t. ( ) 7.li Hong usually at 6:30 in the morning. But this morning she at 7:00. A. get;got B. gets;get C.gets;got ( ) 8. How Mike go to school every day? A.do B.is C.does D.are ( ) 9. The students the football match now. A.watch B.to watch C.are watching D.watching ( ) 10. Did you your room yesterday? A.clean B.cleans C. cleaned D.cleaning 二、填空题

1.Listen,there are many students (sing)in the classroom. 2.. Look! Sarah is (dance). 3. My mother often (wash)clothes on the weekends. 4. He (buy) a present for his mother yesterday. 5. John (visit)Qingdao next Sunday. 6.He usually____(go) to school on foot. 7.Does she_____(go) to school on foot? 8.Did she ____(go) to school on foot? 9.They_____(go) to school on foot yesterday. 10.____ she going to school on foot?

助动词do,does,did或者它们的否定形式的使用 1) you like this magazine? 2) The girl like bread for breakfast. 3) ---What she at the weekends? ---She usually plays games with her friends.

4) ---What you do last Sunday? ---I wrote to my friend. 5) -- He not visit a farm last National Day holiday. 6) They not like playing volleyball. 7) --- Jim have a picnic with his family every Saturday? ---Yes, he 8) Helen with Yang Ling go to school by bike every day? 9) [Do/Does]______ you go to school everyday? No, I don’t. 10) [Do/Does]______ Jack and Peter like apples? 11)[Do/Does]______ he watch TV at night? Yes he does. 三.连词成句(请注意大小写)

1. the summer you where were in vacation

2.did do yesterday what you

3.USA good did have time the you in a 4. Wang Tao his yesterday did make bed?

5. does often housework home Sally at do

6.will where you for the go holidays

7. to bookstore yesterday he went the.



