运用专门的阅读技能理解文章 通过略读了解文章大意 通过查阅寻找某一信息
I. 命题特点
a. What’s the main idea of the passage? b. The passage deals mainly with______.
c. What’ the topic/theme/subject the passage mainly concerned? d. The best summary/title of the passage is ________. e. What’ the author’s purpose in writing the passage? 2.
a. It can be inferred /concluded /learned from the passage(the first paragraph, the
b. It is implied from the passage that________.
c. Which of the following is true according to the passage? d. The passage is most likely a part of _________. e. Where would the passage most probably appear? f. What is the author’s attitude towards….? g. What does the author feel about/think of…?
h. Which of the following can best describe the tone of the passage? 3.
a. According to the passage, what/where/when/why…? b. In the passage, how many/how much/how long…? c. Some people do something because_______. 4.
1) 词义辨别题
The word “…” in the line… most probably means/refers to /stands for_________. By “…” the author means ________.
The word “…” in line … can best be replaced by________. 2) 语义指代题
这类题型主要考查考生对相关成分复指关系的辨别能力。替代词一般为代词 it, such, that 等。提问方式一般为:
The word “it(that, they, them…)” refers to _________. What does the word “…” stand for? 3) 语句释义题
Which one can best explain the sentence “…”? The sentence “…” can be paraphrased as________. The sentence “…” means that __________.
II. 应试技巧
1. 阅读方法
阅读方法因人而异。这里向大家推荐两种,仅供参考。 1) 先看问题,后读文章
We find that bright children are rarely (很少,难得)held back by mixed-ability teaching. On the contrary, both their knowledge and experience (经验,体验)are enriched.(使丰富) We feel that there are many disadvantages(不利,不利地位) in streaming(把……按能力分班)pupils. It does not take into account (报道,叙述)the fact that children develop(发展,开发) at different rates(等级). It can have a bad effect(结果) on both the bright and the not-so-bright children. After all, it can be quite discouraging(使泄气) to be at the bottom of the top grade.
Besides, it is rather(宁可) unreal to grade people just according to their intellectual(智力的)ability(能力). This is only one aspect (方面)of their total personality.(个性) We also value personal qualities(品质) and social (社交的)skills, and we find that mixed-ability teaching contributes(捐献,捐助) to all these aspects(方面) of learning.
In our classroom, we work in various(各种各样的,不同的) ways. The pupils often work in groups; this gives them the opportunity to learn to cooperate,(合作,协作,配合) to share, and to develop(发展,开发) leadership(领导) skills. They also learn how to cope with(对付)personal(个人的) problems as well as learning how to think, to make decisions(决定,决心), to analyze(分析) and evaluate(评价), and to communicate effectively.(有效地) The pupils learn from each other as well as from the teacher.
Sometimes the pupils work in pairs; sometimes they work on individual (个别的,独特
的)tasks and assignments(任务,指定的作业), and they can do at their own speed. They also have some formal(正式的) class teaching when this is appropriate(适当的,恰当的). We encourage(鼓励) our pupils to use the library, and we teach them the skills they need in order to do this efficiently. An advanced(先进的,高级的) pupil can do advanced work; it does not matter what age the child is. We expect our pupils to do their best, not their least, and we give them every encouragement(鼓励,奖励) to attain(达到,完成) this goal(目标). 16. In the passage the author’s attitude(态度,看法) towards “mixed-ability teaching” is____.
A) critical(紧要的,关键性的)
D) objective(客观的,无偏见的)
B) questioning(质问)
C) approving(赞成,称许)
17. By “head back” (line 1) the author means _______. A) made to remain in the same classes B) forced to study in the lower classes C) drawn to their studies D) prevented from advancing
18. The author argues(辩论,争论) that a teacher’s chief concern(关心) should be the
development of the student’s ________. A) personal qualities and social skills B) total personality(个性)
C) learning ability and communicative (通讯的)skills D) intellectual(智力的)l ability(能力)
19. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the third paragraph? A) Group work gives pupils the opportunity to learn to work together with others. B) Pupils also learn to develop their reasoning abilities. C) Group work provides pupils with the opportunity to learn to be capable organizers.
D) Pupils also learn how to participate(参与,分享) in teaching activities.(活动)
20. The author’s purpose(目的) of writing this passage is to ________.
A) ague for teaching bright and not-so-bright pupils in the same class B) recommend(推荐,介绍) pair work and group work for classroom activities C) offer advice on the proper(适当的,本来的) use of library
D) emphasize(强调,着重) the importance of appropriate formal (正式的)classroom teaching
通过快速浏览文章后面的5个问题,很容易看出本文 主要内容是关于学生的能力发展问题,
而且涉及到“mixed-ability teaching”这样一种教学方式。读完文章之后会发现第16、第17两个问题所问到的内容都包括在第1句话(We find that bright children are rarely held back by mixed-ability teaching.)中。但如果接着看第2句子“on the contrary, both their knowledge and experience are enriched”,到些,作者对“mixed-ability teaching”的态度便很明显了。他既然认为这种方法可丰富学生的知识和经验,那么他对此所抱的态度是赞成的,所16题答案应选C)approving。上述前两句话表达的是一个意思,只不过一个是从下面说的,一个是从反面说,那么第1句话中的 “rarely held back” 与第2句话中的 “enriched”应是同义或近义,也就是说 “held back” 与 “enriched” 的意思是相反的,所以第17题的答案应为D)prevented from advancing.
第19题问到下列四个选择项中有哪一项是没有被提及的,答案应是D)Pupils also learn how to participate in teaching activities.
第20题问的是本文的写作目的或主旨。像这种问题只有把全文吃透才能作答。略读原文后可知本文的主旨在于论述混合编班教学的长处及按能力分班的缺陷。另据Question 16中作者对mixed-ability teaching的态度和文章开头的第一句话,我们不难推断作者在辩论应该实行混合编班教学。所以,正确答案为A)。而B),C),D)均为细节,都不全面,并非作者的根本目的,应排除。
先通览全文(akimming),然后看问题,再用查阅法(scanning)找答案。在浏览全篇时要注意了解文章的中心思想、作者的观点和态度,记住重要细节,把主题句(topic sentence)、主旨句(theme sentence)、关键词和信号词(key words and signal words)用铅笔标出,以待做题参考。需要标出的关键词大致有以下几点:询问原因是细节题最常见的方式,因此段落中表因果关系的信号词要特别注意。常见词有:because, since, as, so, hence, therefore, consequently, derive from, as a result, in that 及with结构、冒号、破折号、分号等标点符号;很多作者喜欢先肯定某一说法,然后以转折的方式强调自己的真实观点,所以表转折关系、对立关系的信号词也十分重要。如but,