【期刊名称】《电子技术应用》 【年(卷),期】2011(037)002
【摘要】LTE系统有传输分集和空间复用两种传输模式.在传输分集模式下,传统的最大比合并算法在进行信号检测时,误比特率较高.为此设计了应用于传输分集模式下的QR接收机,并对信号检测模块进行详细描述.由于在信号检测时以软信息的方式进行处理,避免了信息的损失.仿真结果表明,该QR接收机能够较大地降低误比特率,提升性能.%LTE system adopts transmit diversity and spatial multiplexing two modes. In transmit diversity mode,the traditional MRC algorithm which is uesd for signal detection,has a high error rate. This paper proposes the QR receiver in LTE system and gives a detailed description in signal detection part. Because the soft information is carried out in signal detection, the loss information has been avoided. Simulated result shows that the QR receiver can reduce the bit error rate and improve the performance tremendously. 【总页数】4页(102-105)
【关键词】长期演进;传输分集;QR接收机;软信息 【作者】李小文;郭歌;陈发堂