Class________ Name_____________ Score______________ I. Listen and circle the picture.10%(听音,圈图。)
1 2
3 4
II、Listen and match. 10%(听音,连线)
1. Ricky 2. Tin Tin 3. Beeno 4. Coco 5. Betty
III、listen and put a tick “√”or cross“×”10%(听音,判断对错)。
1.( ) 2 ( ) 3.( ) 4. ( ) 5.( ) IV、Listen and circle the correct word.10%(听音,选择你听到的单词)
1. A: sofa B: small C: shelf 2. A: under B: in C: near 3. A:fat B:cat C: hat 4. A:read B: swim C: write 5. A: table B: chair C: cupboard
V、Listen and choose the right answer。听音在括号里圈出你听到的单词。10%
1. What ( is are) this? 2. They are (near in) the chair. 3. The cat is (on under) the table.
4.The hamsters are ( near under ) the sofa. 5.Where are the ( turtles birds)?
VI.Listen and number the pictures.听音,排序。10%
1. 2. 3 4 5.
VII、 Listen and write the missing letter. 听音,写出单词中所缺的字母。10%
1 . __nake 2.__ion 3__ed 4 __able 5 .__ofa
I Read and choose .10%(读一读,圈出正确的单词)
1、A: i n the chair B: in the chair 2、A:cupboard B:box
3A: eleven B: twelve 4A: a sofa B: a chair 5A:panda B:lion III.(看图片,读句子,在方框里打√或者打X )5%
1. The ball is on the cupboard. 2, It is a monkey.
3.Beeno is under the table. 4、There is one shelf.
5. This is my pet, it is a cat. . II、Read and match.10%(看图,连线。)