Minutes of Weekly Meeting 监理例会纪要 Topic 会议主题: No. 编号: Host 主 持 人: Recorded by记录: Date 日 期: Time时 间: Address地 点: Participants 出 席: (If any objection, please submit written statement within 7 days after receiving the minutes of meeting. 如对本纪要存有异议,请于收到纪要七日内提出书面陈述。) Content of meeting: weekly meeting 会议内容: 周例会 Consultant Office of N6 Road Rehabilitation and Upgrading Project from Beira to Machipanda Shenyang Construction Supervising & Consultation Co., Ltd 沈阳市工程监理咨询有限公司 N6公路修复改建工程 监理办 Signed by (Consultant Director)签发人(监理主任): Receiver (signature)签收人
ANE建设单位 Contractor 承包人
中英文模板 国外公路 监理例会纪要 Minutes of Weekly Meeting
