Technical Proposal & Quotation
一、 机型MODEL: 12
NO. 1 2 3 4 5
项目(ITEM) 制管外径 Outer diameter. 制管壁厚 Pipe thickness. 方管尺寸 Square tube size 方管壁厚 Square tube thickness 制管速度 Produce speed 数值(WORKING RANGE) Φ6mm~Φ40mm δ0.2mm~2.0mm 4.5*4.5mm~40.5*40.5mm ≤0.6mm 20M/min~100M/min
REMARK备注 6 制管长度 Pipe length 4M~12M 三、 带钢规格:STEEL STRIPS SPECIFICATION
序号NO. 1 2 3 4 5 项目(ITEM) 钢带厚度 Thickness of strips 钢带宽度 Width of strips 钢卷外径 O.D. of steel coil 钢卷内径 I..D. of steel coil 最大卷重 Maxi. Load weight 数值(WORKING RANGE) δ0.2mm~2.0mm H18~50mm Φ800mm~Φ1200mm Φ300mm~Φ350mm(可定制) ≤800kgs 材质: MATERIAL 低碳钢 Low carbon steel REMARK备注 四、 生产线工艺流程:working flow
Raw material (steel coil) → uncoiling →material accumulating → non-power leveling →mill-forming → high-frequency welding → removing burrs outside of weld seam → cooling → sizing → roughly straightening → fixed length cutting → run-out table
五、 机组各单元设备配置简介:machine parts details 1. 手动双边开卷机:Manual uncoiler
Structure type: Double-side 180orotary manual expanding tightly, which insure steel coil feeding alternatively and make steel strip going into accumulator freely.
结构形式 Structure type 钢卷内径 I..D. of steel coil
双边交替上料,180°旋转,气动刹车 Manual expanding and 180°Rotating, and pneumatic braking Φ300mm~Φ350mm(可定制)
钢卷外径 O.D. of steel coil 钢卷宽度 Width of strips 钢卷重量 Maxi. Load weight Φ800mm~Φ1200mm H18mm~H80mm ≤800kgs Manual uncoiler 手动上料架 2.储料仓Accumulator
Structure: Cage-type plate-welded part with automatic feeding and delivery system. (2)调节方法:手动螺旋调节
Adjusting method: Manual spiral adjusting. (3)储存容积:150-300m
Accumulating volume:150-300m.
本部套的功能是利用成型模具轧辊将经过的带钢压制成所需的管坯。 Mainly roughly mill-forming steel strip and controlling weld seam. Description 参数/Technical parameters 八组 eight stands 精密铸、锻件 High-precision cast or forged steel 备注remark (1)组数 Quantity 平辊架 (2)龙门架材质 Horizontal-roll Material of horizontal stands stands
立辊座 Vertical-roll stand (3)水平辊轴直径 Diameter of horizontal shaft (4)、水平辊轴材质 Material of horizontal shaft (1)组数Quantity (2)立辊座材质 Material of vertical stands (3)立辊轴直径 Diameter of vertical shaft (4)立辊轴材质 Material of vertical shaft (1)组数Quantity (2)箱体材质 Material of gearbox Φ40mm 42CrMO 八组eight stands QT60 Φ25mm 45#精锻件 45# forged steel 八组 Eight gear boxes HT250 分动力齿轮箱 螺旋伞齿轮传动 (3)类型/type Driven Spiral bevel gear gearbox (4) 螺旋伞齿轮材质20CrMnTi Material of gearbox (5)齿轮轴材质Material of 40Cr shaft 动力传递形式 Power 万向轴传动至平辊架 transmission From universal transmission joint to horizontal roll stands method 4.导向、挤压、刨疤机构:Guiding and extrude and scraper
One set of guide roll stand for controlling direction of pipe seam to insure pipe seam straightly entering into extruding rollers. One set of extruding roll stand for controlling weld seam to realize successful welding. Two sets of scraper frame for scraping outside weld seam 导向型式 Guide type 焊接型式 Welding rolls 刨刀座调整型式 Scraper stands 参数/Technical parameters 土耳其头式,360°旋转 Turkish-heads type and 360°rotary 二辊挤压/ two welding rollers 丝杆调节,快速进退刀 Adjusting pole and quickly feeding and exit 备注/Remark
刨疤装置scraping device
挤压装置Extrude device 导向装置Guiding device 5. 冷却水槽:采用水槽喷淋式使焊接后的管坯得到充分冷却。 Cooling tank: Sink and shower installed in machine bed
6. 定径主机:Sizing machine 本部套的功能是将成型冷却后的管坯进行精整型,以达到图纸或用户要求的几何尺寸。
This unit is used to finishing tube blank after forming and cooling, so the pipe can reach the requirement of customer. Description 参数/Technical parameters 八组 eight stands 精密铸、锻件 High-precision cast or forged steel Φ40mm 40CrMO 八组eight stands QT60 备注remark (1)组数 Quantity (2)龙门架材质 Material of horizontal 平辊架 stands Horizontal-roll (3)水平辊轴直径 stands Diameter of horizontal shaft (4)、水平辊轴材质 Material of horizontal shaft (1)组数Quantity 立辊座 Vertical-roll (2)立辊座材质 stand Material of vertical stands