Origin of Gymnocypris przewalskii and phylogenetic history of Gymnocypris eckloni (Teleost
Origin of Gymnocypris przewalskii and phylogenetic history of Gymnocypris eckloni
(Teleostei: Cyprinidae)
Zhao Kai;Duan Ziyuan;Yang Gongshe;Peng Zuogang;He Shunping;Chen Yiyu
【期刊名称】《自然科学进展(英文版)》 【年(卷),期】2007(017)005
【摘要】The origins and phylogenetic patterns were assessed for G. przewalskii and G. eckloni by analyzing the complete mtDNA cytochrome b gene sequence (1140bp). Phylogenetic analyses further supported that there were three mtDNA lineages (A-C) identified in G. przewalskii and G. eckloni, demonstrating that outer rakers of the first gill have little significance in the phylogeny of the Gymnocypris fishes. The network established showed that G. eckloni of the Yellow River specific haplotype A1 was a founder and it radiated all haplotypes of G. przewalskii which suggested G. przewalskii might only originate from one of two maternals of G. eckloni from the Yellow River. Fs test and mismatch analysis showed at least two expansion events in the population of G. przewalskii about 0. 2734 Ma and 0. 0658 Ma, while G. eckloni from Qaidam Basin could have experienced severe bottleneck effect about 0. 0693 Ma. The population expansion was detected in subclades A1 and A21 with the most recent common ancestor (TMRCA) about 0. 2308 ± 0.01 Ma and 0.1319 ± 0. 015 Ma, respectively, which
Origin of Gymnocypris przewalskii and phylogenetic history of Gymnocypris eckloni (Teleost