工商银行数据中心(北京) IBM TS3500带库磁带机扩容方案
Version 2.2
第一部分:文档说明 ....................................................................................................................... 3 第二部分:微码要求 ....................................................................................................................... 3 第三部分:磁带机安装位置 ........................................................................................................... 4 第四部分:升级前准备及影响 ....................................................................................................... 5
一.将需要拆除的槽位上的磁带退出带库,待升级完成后再重新加入带库 ................... 5 二.其它准备工作 ................................................................................................................... 7 第五部分:升级步骤 ....................................................................................................................... 7
一.查看带库的配置方式,用于新安装带机识别。 ........................................................... 7 二.移除磁带槽位,以便安装磁带机 ................................................................................... 8 三.安装LTO Fibre Drive Mounting Kit ................................................................................ 9 四.安装LTO Fibre Drive ..................................................................................................... 10 五.连接相关的光纤线 ......................................................................................................... 11 六.配置.识别新安装的磁带机 ............................................................................................ 12 七.带库Verify Test .............................................................................................................. 13 八.记录新加磁带机的信息 ................................................................................................. 13 九.进行带库校准和盘库 ..................................................................................................... 13 资料参考来源: ............................................................................................................................... 14
序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7. 8 9 10 TOTLE 工作 1).查看带库的配置方式,用于新安装带机识别 2)确认计划移除storage cell 上的磁带已经移除 移除磁带槽位,以便安装磁带机 安装LTO Fibre Drive Mounting Kit 物理安装磁带机 物理连接相关的光纤线 带库配置.识别新安装的磁带机,带库Verify, 磁带机Verify 磁带库检测 磁带库校准 磁带库盘库 操作方式 计划时间 在线 停机 停机 停机 停机 停机 停机 停机 停机 停机 0.5H 0.5H 1.0H 0.5H 1.5H 0.2H 0.8H 1.0H 1.0H 7H 实施人员:
ICBC开放备份技术人员 IBM工程师 紫金工程师
陪同实施人员: 工行设备部门工程师
本文对于中国工商银行数据中心(北京)一台IBM TS3500带库(位于31C机房)添加16个磁带机的扩容安装说明,参考随机的扩容文档及以往的相应的操作过程,本次带机扩容变更需要停使用此带库的NBU备份作业。
升级扩容磁带机对于带库微码的最低要求为:3588 Ultrium-4 (F4A) - 8900 (with ALMS and enhanced node cards FC 1700 / 1701),现在数据中心 3584带库微码版本为B170高于最低版本。
目前TS3500磁带库(S/N: 7825138)基本配置图
柜号 Type Model Media Type Row 1 Row 2 Row 3 Row 4 Row 5 Row 6 Row 7 Row 8 Row 9 Row 10 Row 11 Row 12 On Demond I/O station slot count 0 HA1 78F0925 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1 L53 7825138 LTO LTO4 LTO4 LTO4 LTO4 LTO4 LTO4 LTO4 LTO4 NA NA NA NA Full 16(LTO) 261 2 S54 78T0755 LTO NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1320 3 D53 7845823 LTO LTO4 LTO4 LTO4 LTO4 LTO4 LTO4 LTO4 LTO4 NA NA NA NA Full( 4*16(LTO) 396 4 S54 78T0758 LTO NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1320 5 D53 7846722 LTO LTO4 LTO4 LTO4 LTO4 LTO4 LTO4 LTO4 LTO4 NA NA NA NA Full( 396 6 S54 78T0733 LTO NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1320 7 D53 7846723 LTO LTO4 LTO4 LTO4 LTO4 LTO4 LTO4 LTO4 LTO4 NA NA NA NA Full 220 8 S54 78T0748 LTO NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1320 9 D53 7846683 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
此次带机扩容我们将16个带机添加到Frame 1,Frame 3,Frame 5,Frame 7 的Row 9 – Row 12位置(如下图红色位置)。 柜号 Type Model Media Type Row 1 Row 2 Row 3 Row 4 Row 5 Row 6 Row 7 Row 8 Row 9 Row 10 Row 11 0 HA1 78F0925 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1 L53 7825138 LTO LTO4 LTO4 LTO4 LTO4 LTO4 LTO4 LTO4 LTO4 2 S54 78T0755 LTO NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 3 D53 7845823 LTO LTO4 LTO4 LTO4 LTO4 LTO4 LTO4 LTO4 LTO4 4 S54 78T0758 LTO NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 5 D53 7846722 LTO LTO4 LTO4 LTO4 LTO4 LTO4 LTO4 LTO4 LTO4 NA NA NA 6 S54 78T0733 LTO NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 7 D53 7846723 LTO LTO4 LTO4 LTO4 LTO4 LTO4 LTO4 LTO4 LTO4 NA NA NA 8 S54 78T0748 LTO NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 9 D53 7846683 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Row 12 On Demond I/O station slot count NA Full 16(LTO) 261 NA 1320 Full 4*16(LTO) 396 NA 1320 NA Full 396 NA 1320 NA Full 220 NA 1320 NA
在安装 LTO 4 磁带机的时候需要拆除相对应位置的磁带槽位,如果槽位中有磁带,需要NBU备份软件事先将磁带退出,待扩容完成后,将磁带加入到IBM 3584 带库中。 Frame 1,Frame 3,Frame 5 , Frame7所要拆除的槽位如下:
1. Frame 1 需要拆除的磁带槽位为: Column 7 Row 33 ---- Column 7 Row 44 一共12个槽
位 (如下图所示)
2. Frame 3 需要拆除的磁带槽位为: Column 7 Row 33 ---- Column 7 Row 44 一共12个槽
位 (如下图所示)
3. Frame 5 需要拆除的磁带槽位为: Column 7 Row 33 ---- Column 7 Row 44 一共12个槽
位 (如下图所示)
4. Frame 7 需要拆除的磁带槽位为: Column 7 Row 33 ---- Column 7 Row 44 一共12个槽
位 (如下图所示)
L53 (Frame 1)槽位图示
D53(Frame 3, Frame 5, Frame 7) 槽位图示
为保证变更顺利进行,我们将预定2个带机到现场standby。 需要停止备份作业。
(一)通过确认当前带库的配置,特别是已安装磁带机的的配置信息. (二)确认需要移动storage cell 位置的磁带已经移出磁带库。 (三) 再次查看带库的配置方式。
1. At the operator panel, press MENU.
2. At the Main Menu screen, use the DOWN button to select Settings, then press ENTER. 3. At the Settings screen, select Configuration, then press ENTER.
4. At the Configuration screen, select Display Configuration, then press ENTER. 5. Locate the Mode: line at the bottom of the screen. Determine whether the library is configured using Advanced Configure, Configure Library or Advanced Library Management System. Record the mode for use later in this procedure ---> Advanced Library Management System Mode
Frame 1 需要拆除的磁带槽位为: Column 7 Row 33 ---- Column 7 Row 44 一共12个槽位 (如下图所示)
Frame 3 需要拆除的磁带槽位为: Column 7 Row 33 ---- Column 7 Row 44 一共12个槽位 (如下图所示)
Frame 5 需要拆除的磁带槽位为: Column 7 Row 33 ---- Column 7 Row 44 一共12个槽位 (如下图所示)
Frame 7 需要拆除的磁带槽位为: Column 7 Row 33 ---- Column 7 Row 44 一共12个槽位 (如下图所示)
ALMS is installed,continue at the next step.
1. At the operator panel, select MENU, Settings, Configuration, Discover Hardware
Changes, and press Enter.
2. \displayed, first open the front door of the Lxx frame, then open the door of the frame where cells will be removed.
3. Refer to the Storage Slot Section topic in the CARR section of the MI to locate the cartridge cells, cartridge cell cap, and the spring that retains the cartridge cell cap. Do not remove any parts until you are instructed to do so in the following steps. Notes:
a. For a picture that shows the information listed below, go to the Introduction section of
the MI and find the topic, \b. The cartridge cells that cover drive locations are in three sections:
The top section covers drives 1 - 4. The middle section covers drives 5 - 8. The bottom section covers drives 9 - 12.
c. If removing cells in position 5 - 8, you must first disconnect the RS-422 from the drive in position 4 and pull the drive back approximately 6 inches to allow room to remove the cell tray metal retaining clips.
d. If removing cells in position 9 - 12, you must first disconnect the RS-422 from the drive in position 8 and pull the drive back approximately 6 inches to allow room to remove the cell tray metal retaining clips.
e. When removing cartridge cells to add a drive, you must remove all the cartridge cells in a section.
6. Refering to the removal procedure, remove the spring and foam above the top cell tray
and set it aside. You will reinstall it later in this procedure.
7. Remove the top cell cap and set it aside. You will reinstall it later in this procedure. 8. Remove the cartridge cells, one at a time, working from the top to the bottom, until you
have removed all the cartridge cells for one section.
9. Remove the two thumbscrews holding the cartridge cell mounting plate to the frame, and remove the cartridge cell mounting plate.
10. If you have removed the bottom cartridge cell mounting plate (which covers drives 9 -
12), go to step 13.
11. Reinstall the top cell cap. The top cell cap has the calibration window moulded into it. It
must be in the highest available position on the cartridge cell mounting plate. 12. Reinstall the spring to secure the top cell cap.
Note: You may need to look at the spring from the rear of the machine to align it with
the slot so it will lock into place.
13. Determine whether you want to save the parts that were removed. In some cases you
may want to rearrange drives at a later date. As an example, you might want to move drives from one frame to another and reinstall the cartridge cells. If so you will need the cartridge cell mounting plate, screws, cells, and spring. If you do not want to save the parts, dispose of them.
三.安装LTO Fibre Drive Mounting Kit
1. See Figure 1.
2. Slide in the fixed tray assembly onto the shelf, ensuring the back of the fixed tray slides underneath the rear tab _1_ as shown in Figure 2. 3. Install and tighten thumbscrew _4_ PN 24R0059.
4. Locate the RS-422 and the two power cables (all pre-installed in the frame). Connect these three cables to the fixed tray as follows:
a. _1_ RS-422 (DRVx - J6) where x = drive position
b. _2_ Power cable 12V dc (BPC-1) (DRVx - J2) where x = drive position c. _3_ Power cable 12V dc (BPC-2) (DRVx - J3) where x = drive position
5. Secure the cables to the side of the frame using existing cable ties.
1 四.安装LTO Fibre Drive
__ 1.See Figure 1 on page 9. Hold the locking lever _2_ up on the drive canister to ensure the tabs onboth sides of the lever will clear the frame.
Note: To release the locking lever, reach under the drive canister handle _3_ and push up on the
bottom of the locking lever.
__ 2. Carefully slide the drive canister into the left side of the fixed tray assembly.
__ 3. Grasp the drive canister handle _3_ and carefully but firmly push the drive into position. __ 4. Lower the locking lever _2_ until it snaps in place.
__ 5. Repeat each step in this section for each drive being installed
Figure 1. Drive Canister
1. See Figure 4 on page 15. Unless cable ties have already been installed in the frame, install Velcro? cable ties PN 00N9311 on the inside of the frame (in the tabs shown in the drawing near 4 ) and fasten them loosely. (The fibre cable from the drive mounting kit to the bulkhead will be routed through these ties).
2. There are 12 rectangular holes in the bulkhead. Install a rubber spacer 1 at the bottom of
the bulkhead rectangular hole in the position corresponding to the drive mounting kit being installed. (Position #1 is the left-hand hole).
3. Install an LC/LC fibre optic cable adapter _2_ from the back of the bulkhead and install retainer clip _3 over the adapter as shown. Keys _5_ and _6_ are only used for drives with two fibre ports (ie, 3592).
4. Remove the dust caps at the back of the adapter, if present.
5. Route the drive-to-bulkhead fibre cable _4_ inside the Velcro? cable ties as shown in the figure, and fasten them to hold the cable.
Note: Leave enough slack at the top of the cable to reach the fibre drive that will be installed
6. Coil the excess cable in a loop on the bulkhead, and secure with one of the cable ties
installed in step 4 on page 13.
7. Ensure the cable plug is aligned correctly with the adapter, then plug it into the back of the bulkhead LC/LC adapter.
8. If this is the first shipment of this feature code on this frame, locate the two sheets of
labels PN 24R0980 shipped with this kit. If this feature code was previously ordered for this frame, locate the sheet of labels shipped with that MES. Remove two labels corresponding to the drive position just installed. Wrap one label around the end of the fibre cable at the drive end, and wrap the second label around the cable end that was just plugged into the bulkhead. Do this for each new fibre cable installed. 9. Repeat each step in this section for each fibre drive mounting kit being installed.
Configure Library:
1. At the Activity screen, press MENU.
2. At the Main Menu screen, use the DOWN button to select Settings, then press ENTER. 3. At the Settings screen, select Configuration, then press ENTER.
4. At the Configuration screen, select Configure Library, then press ENTER. 5. Follow the instructions on the screen until configuration has been completed. Note: When asked if you want to commit changes, press YES.
Note: The new configuration should show the new drive. If you removed cells before installing the
drive then it should also show that the total number of cells has been reduced. 6. When the configuration is complete, press BACK until the Main Menu screen is
Advanced Configuration:
1. Refer to the configuration information you noted earlier in Table 2 on page 6 and fill in the table with new configuration information as required. When the new configuration has been noted, continue with the following steps to enter the new configuration. 2. At the Activity screen, press MENU.
3. At the Main Menu screen, use the DOWN button to select Settings, then press ENTER. 4. At the Settings screen, select Configuration, then press ENTER.
5. At the Configuration screen, select Advanced Configuration and press ENTER. 6. Follow the instructions on the screen and enter the new configuration information. Note: When asked if you want to commit changes, press YES.
Note: The new configuration should show the new drive. If you removed cells before installing
the drive then it should also show that the total number of cells has been reduced. 7. When the configuration is complete, press BACK until the Main Menu screen is displayed.
ALMS Configuration:
1. If any library doors were opened during this procedure, close the front door of each frame where changes were made. Close the Lxx frame door last. If NO doors were opened, go to step 4.
2. After a short time, the operator panel will display \followed by \Hardware.\
3. When the changes have been detected, the operator panel will display \and \ Closed.\
4. When the library comes Ready, select Menu, Settings, Configuration , Display
Configuration, then press ENTER.
5. Select Detail, and verify that the changes are correct. 6. Press BACK until the main menu screen is displayed.
7. Ask the customer to verify the new cell configuration and make any changes using ALMS.
七.带库Verify Test
1. Select SERVICE and run the Library Verify Test (see Library Verify Test in the
Procedures chapter of the MI). Select NO DRIVES when asked whether you want to test NO DRIVES, ONE DRIVE, or ALL DRIVES.
If problems are found, repair them before continuing with this installation.
2. When the Library Verify Test is complete, press BACK until the Service screen is displayed
1. 在OP Panel上选择在操作面板依次点击[MENU]-> Service –> Calibration 进入校准
操作界面, 开始全库的校准操作。
2.在OP Panel上选择在操作面板依次点击MENU —> Manual Operations —> Inventory进入
FC1514 LTO drive mounting kit & FC1462 fibre cable bulkhead 23R7476 Installation Instructions FC 1678/9679-3588 Driver Field Install in a 3584 Library